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I am a full time student at the University of Connecticut (Uconn) for Network Administration. We focus our Admin mainly dealing with Linux, but this smemester I am taking my Cisco classes and my Ctech classes as well. Not to mention Dreamweaver and MS…

Full Time Student for Network Administration at University Of Connecticut... Volunteer Firefighter with…
PC Specs
Intel Ci7 940 (2.93GHz) Asus Rampage 2 Extreme Mobo 6 Gigs Tri Channel DDR 3 (2) 1.5 TB HDD's Nvidia…

23 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for humble40

The first thing you need to do is STOP writing things to your hard disk. Once a file or picture is deleted, although it is not available, it is still on your computer. But it is in a position to be overwritten. So that means no more downloading music, putting …

Member Avatar for Jessikaa
Member Avatar for firekid1239

Well first and foremost my problem is that [B]I'm an idiot[/B] and I love to download pirated software, been doing it for years and never caught anything. I always check what I'm downloading very carefully and read comments about the specific torrent to make sure that it has good reviews …

Member Avatar for nwilliams
Member Avatar for losh177

Ok so let's get this straight before I or anyone else attempts to provide you with a possible solution. You have a single wireless router, and you are trying to set up a wireless network, and share a printer on this wireless network between two (2) windows XP computers. Do …

Member Avatar for losh177
Member Avatar for chand.

The first thing you should do is go to start menu>run>regedit and follow the path that you stated above. Only it's going to be HKLM Current Machine. Sometimes there are entries there that are not in Msconifg and vice versa. Also run Hijackthis so you can see a true list …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for nagar.gaurav

Well I can give you advice on bypassing a proxy server but I cannot give you advice on downloading pirated software or anything seeing as I just got spanked by a moderator for doing so (you've got me paranoid jbennet LOL). First of all, are you using firefox or IE?

Member Avatar for endisbegun
Member Avatar for smrgolfer

Too easy... All you need to do is reset your CMOS. You wont lose any data and there is no risk whatsoever. I'm about 95% sure this will work for as I have encountered many similar problems and this was the fix. Open your case and look on your motherboard …

Member Avatar for Tidgeypudd
Member Avatar for bablu00

Service Pack one is a great update and it fixes ALOT of the bugs that windows vista has. The problem with microsoft is that they release an operating system too early before they work out all the problems. It seems with vista SP1 they did a better job of cleaning …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for chard0919

I would go to manufacturers website and download the latest update for your system. Including the BIOS flash and any other updates the manufacturer reccomends. I went to Sharps website and they did not seem to have ever made a computer with the model number you listed. Recheck the model …

Member Avatar for chard0919
Member Avatar for ninja_gs

Why not just buy a USB KB and Mouse? They are relatively inexpensive and would solve your problem. Count on me to point out the

Member Avatar for ninja_gs
Member Avatar for torbonator

An upgrade is only if you have a previous version of windows on your computer. You need to buy a "full version". Just look for the one that's more expensive... that's it. Also... are you using 64 bit hardware? Such as an Athlon 64 or a Intel Core 2 series? …

Member Avatar for torbonator
Member Avatar for loulindsay

I'm not sure if this is above your skill level or not, but give it a shot. 1. Open the Registry Editor. 2. Navigate to the following string: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel If you get to the Microsoft key folder and don't see keys for Internet Explorer\Control Panel, you'll need to …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for thecleric

Yea reinstall WMP, QT, Divx (If you have allready), and any other media player on your system.

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for qt 3.14159

I would recommend uninstalling Internet explorer (control panel>Add Remove Programs>Windows Components) and installing a browser such as Mozilla Firefox. Since firefox is not hijacked it should help SOME of your problems. Update Spybot to the latest definitions and run a complete scan. Install another adware removal program such as Malwarebytes, …

Member Avatar for qt 3.14159
Member Avatar for zachman1094

Alcohol 120%. In my opinion the best program... you can get a free trial version or if you're feelin' lucky you can download a pirated version. It's all over the torrent site as well as the Gnutella Network.

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for janda5

First of all you need to make sure that you have a CD-RW drive. Because your PC is old... it may not have one. You can pick one up at walmart or any other computer store for about 40 bucks or so. Make sure you buy one that is ATA …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Spybot is definitely one of the best programs out there to detect and remove spyware, malware, adware and generally shitware. AVG Anti-virus, free edition is also a very good program. Avast is right up there with it as well. I would definitely change your browser to Firefox if you haven't …

Member Avatar for cohen
Member Avatar for edsverse

Hijackthis should solve your problem... you may also want to try Spybot which you can get for free from Spybot has a built in feature for IE and many of its problems. The last and final thing you should do. DITCH IE!!! Go with firefox, safari, or Netscape. Firefox …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for wetwilly2000

LOL! Chill dude, it isn't a virus or anything. It's just the way windows is. I know... it's a pain in the balls, and I hate to tell you... but You shoulda bought a MAC! Anywho... there is one other possibility, which is highly unlikely.. but still slightly possible. It …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for romeyng

Sounds almost like someone could have spilled something on the keyboard which could cause a host of problems... also could be a virus. You said the problems were happening and then you changed the motherboard? Did you reinstall windows before you replaced the mobo? If it was a virus geared …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sDJh

Your best bet is something called Hirens Boot CD. You can download it for free and what it offers is about 300 hundred different tools to do pretty much anything you could imagine both software and hardware wise. I forgot the site that hiren has set up to download it …

Member Avatar for firekid1239
Member Avatar for firekid1239

Ok, A buddy of mine recently asked me o fix his pc that some idiot custom built for him. I have worked on hundreds of computers starting when I was only 9 years old. Never found a computer that I couldn't fix. I have my A+, MCP and I'm also …

Member Avatar for saykomatrixx
Member Avatar for Nick10

Yea try replacing the CMOS battery. That would be the most common reason. A bad flash is another reason as well, but if you haven't flashed your BIOS recently then we can eliminate that. Once you replace you CMOS battery, if the same problem arises there is something that you …

Member Avatar for saykomatrixx
Member Avatar for 011121

Try checking the power switch connections where it plugs into the motherboard. They often can come loose when a computer is moved around seeing as they do not clip in or anything. Make sure it is securely on the pins and give it a try. If your not sure where …

Member Avatar for comlor

The End.