1,073 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

My brother received a call that was from the IRS about the middle of December and they wanted him to go to Kroger and buy Prepaid credit cards and give them the card numbers, pins and CVS or the treasury agents were coming by his house to pick him up …

Member Avatar for fallout4player
Member Avatar for spud91

I may be wrong but I believe the issue you are having is in line 6 which reads: `header("location:accountSummary.php");` You should have some sort of path to the accountSummary.php file from document root. It may be that you were in a specific sub-directory when you were executing the script before …

Member Avatar for spud91
Member Avatar for jason.okoka

Really need to see what your tables look like. If Category is a seperate table with ID and Name and the doctors table only has Cat_ID not Cat_Name then your query is not joining to the category table to get the category name. Just a guess....

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for tig2810

Hello, In mysql you can use LIMIT to limit the number of rows of output: SELECT OrderLine.LineNo, Order.OrderNumber, Order.Description, WarehouseOrder.WhsRef, WhsPick.PickRequired, WhsPick.PickAvailable, WhsPick.EstimatedDispatch, Carton.CartonNumber FROM WhsPick INNER JOIN WarehouseOrder ON WhsPick.ID = WarehouseOrder.PickID INNER JOIN OrderLine INNER JOIN Order ON OrderLine.OrderID = Order.ID ON WarehouseOrder.ID = Order.WarehouseOrderID INNER JOIN Carton …

Member Avatar for dinesh.isuranga
Member Avatar for divinity02

Hello, I can see what is causing your problem but just telling you will not help you solve this in the future. What I do when a piece of code is not giving me what I expect is to print the variables before and after any calculation or changes to …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Michael_50

I would check to make sure that your video card is properly seated. I have knocked mine loose a few times when connecting cables. Does the computer power on and are you getting any lights or beep codes when it does. Normally there is a led of some sort on …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for James_43

I would take a look at what processes are being kicked off in MySQL. You can run the following command to see what is running in MySQL ` mysqladmin processlist -u root -p` and it will prompt your for the root MySQL password then give you a list of what …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for cambalinho

Hello, How to geek as a good discussion of how to do this in WIndows Vista and later. [http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-any-application-to-the-desktop-right-click-menu-in-vista/](http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-any-application-to-the-desktop-right-click-menu-in-vista/)

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Peter_26

You could do this quite easily with SQL by creating the new tables in your current database and then exporting the tables to be imported to the new database. To dreate the NEW CITY you could use: drop TABLE IF EXISTS `NEW CITY TABLE`; CREATE TABLE `NEW CITY TABLE` ( …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for SkateX

My guess would be a IRQ conflict which Windows has always had issues allocating properly. Click "Start," then click "Control Panel" to open the Control Panel window. Double-click the "System" icon to open the "System Properties" window. Click the "Hardware" tab, then click the "Device Manager" button. This opens the …

Member Avatar for saxon747
Member Avatar for ikel

My suggestion is to set up a server with a database you are familiar with and then regularly export the data from the various databases and import it to your master system. I have done something like this and I normally use PERL to generate the export files (normally a …

Member Avatar for ikel
Member Avatar for Hamis_2

We would need to see the code in question in order to be able to help. What database are you using? Do you have any indexes created on the tables?

Member Avatar for Hamis_2
Member Avatar for roycpo

Hello, The MAC OS is based on Linux and normally loads web pages as fast or faster than a comparable Windows system. In an system it will depend on the browser, processors, available memory and the stability of your network connection to access the internet. If you don't feel the …

Member Avatar for fallout4player
Member Avatar for RudyM

Hello, I noticed your other posts about this recently and thought this might be a little late but will really help. The best way I have found to allow me to develop a word press site and be able to transfer it to production without having to edit the database …

Member Avatar for RudyM
Member Avatar for Teja_1

Hello, When are you getting the error about firstname not in field list? Is it when you are running the create table query or at another point in the process? Is there already a table called customer in the customerdb database? If so is there a firstname field already defined? …

Member Avatar for Teja_1
Member Avatar for Sphinx'LostNose

Service is the command that calls the scripts from /etc/init.d which control the daemon processes. Many people use the terms service and daemon to refer to the same thing however the true name is daemon. A daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

This may be over simplfying it but I used the following to give me the load average depending on the OS . For Linux <?php $output = shell_exec('w | head -1 '); echo "<pre>$output</pre>"; ?> For Windows <?php echo system('typeperf "\Processor(*)\% Processor Time"'); ?> I noticed you were checking a …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Mick Jager
Member Avatar for Bile

Hello, The first question is are you doing a quick format or not. If the USB filesystem becomes corrupted a quick format, which basically just deletes the entries in the Master File Table, will not fix it. Uncheck the quick format option and try it again and if it works …

Member Avatar for andybe
Member Avatar for basketmen

Hello, Here is a shell script for what you are requesting but I home you are not really going to do a wget 20 times. If you do you will probably trigger DDOS attack filters that will block your IP address. The "while true " loop will continue to execute …

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for desmondo

Hello, I have seen this before and it took me a minute to find the reference I used to fix it. The error is due to Windows Update running out of available memory during the update process. Here is a link to the Microsoft page on how to fix it: …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for cazlin

Hello, I would start with what processes are running on the server and what is calling the offending scripts. If you run `ps auxf` you will see all of the processes in a tree format showing what called what so you can stop the scripts. CPanel has some built in …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Saboor880

To tell you more I would have to see a copy of the definition of the students table (i.e. field list) but basically the system is telling you it does not see a field by that name under students. Your not getting a database not found or table not found …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

You can also take a look at the web server access logs and based on the Ip they connected with find the pages they went to.

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for ZombieKnight93

Hello, Ok first thing is stop using `"SELECT * " ` when you don't need every field from the table and second what you can do is simply multiply the price times 1 plus the sales tax (i.e 1.06 in your code) because the equation can be simplified algebretically to: …

Member Avatar for daniellemacey
Member Avatar for Borzoi

There are ways to use the Linux server to tunnel the port request through to the Windows server but they would have to connect and authenticate to the Linux system first. There is document I put together a few years ago that covers the subject from the what the users …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for knggee

Virtual machines is a good idea as Rubberman said but you can also look at GNS3 which is a network simulator. It allows you to setup virtual routers and switches.

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for janicemurby

The problem you face is that you are trying to use the PHP header function, header(), but there can be absolutely no HTML output before this function is declared. I suggest putting the header entry right after the <?php

Member Avatar for janicemurby
Member Avatar for christine06

Hello, What you really need it to also have all of the paths and other variables that would be set if you were root. If you add a dash (-) to the su command then it loads the environment of the user you are switching to (i.e. su - bob …

Member Avatar for eroux
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

Hello, I am guessing that you left the semicolons in place when you ran the union.... This should work: (SELECT DISTINCT a.[rank], b.Description FROM CONTAINSTABLE(myTable, *, '"ra*'") AS a INNER JOIN myTable AS b ON a[key] = b.ID ORDER BY a.rank desc ) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT a.[rank], b.Description FROM FREETEXTTABLE(myTable, …

Member Avatar for rch1231

The End.