5,676 Posted Topics
Re: If you use a FOR loop from 1 to N, this loop would control each line. Then inside that FOR loop you have more loops that control the pattern of each line. Your job is to figure out how to create the line pattern. What is the same in each … | |
Re: Then you need to find some fonts compatible with Borland's graphics library. | |
Re: It really helps to [format your code](http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-38.html) so others can follow it. Formatting also helps *you* when you get an error like "end of file during compile" of "else without if"... Also, **conio.h** is non-standard and should be avoided. You certainly don't *need* it in these programs. | |
Re: [QUOTE=aianne;1118779]try this code. [/QUOTE] But he wants it for the computer, not the iPhone... :D | |
Re: [CODE]Start at the end of each array (ones digit). Add the two values. If < 10, store in the last entry of the answer array If >=10, store (val MOD 10) instead save (val / 10) to add to the next digits Move to the 10's digit and repeat [/CODE] | |
Re: [QUOTE=kumarmpk4u;1546852]is it possible to copy a zip file and exe file from one directory to another using c program?[/QUOTE] Yes. | |
Re: [QUOTE=~s.o.s~;278814]You cant as such check for such conditions in case of a simple sort like bubble sort. Take for eg. this array. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 During the first seven passes no swap is performed since the next number is always greater than the current but … | |
Re: > It's using the below but you need to include <string.h>, on dev c++ just <string> doesn't seem to work. That's because `string` is the header for the C++ string class. `string.h` (or more correctly in C++ `cstring`) is for c-strings. | |
Re: When you post a request for help, you need to tell us what's wrong. Don't just tell us there's an error and expect us to look for the error. | |
Re: 1) Store the offset of the current line (for fseek) into an array 2) Read the line of the file 3) Increment COUNTER that counts the line 4) Continue at 1 until EOF 5) Get a random number based on COUNTER 6) [iCODE]fseek()[/iCODE] to the line 7) Read the line. … | |
Re: Possible, of course. Doable with your current knowledge of C, the compiler, graphics, etc, only you can decide. | |
Re: [QUOTE=ibthevivin;]@Narue: I've never written a change making program. I didn't find any reference of that in my textbook. What should I look under?[/QUOTE] It doesn't matter. If you've written a change program, you can use the concepts you learned. Since you haven't, you have to do this program without that … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Aia;535722]Pursuit of such skills are as irrelevant to a programmer as it would be for an aspirant mountaineer to learn how to make ropes out of camel's hair.[/QUOTE] You wouldn't say that if you were lost in the Sahara Mountains! :icon_mrgreen: | |
Re: A somewhat minor nit-pick: [QUOTE=ravenous;]In ASCII the letters 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z' are converted a continuous set of numbers when you convert them from [icode]char[/icode] to [icode]int[/icode]. [/QUOTE] Letters are not [I]converted[/I] to numbers, they [B]are[/B] numbers. 66 is a number, and if output as a character … | |
Re: Well, don't know how to load the pic, and can't delete the message... Oh well. | |
Re: I'm sure Ahmed and Vicky had been sitting in front of their computers for two years just [I]waiting[/I] for your response. Good Job. | |
Re: That's because you didn't learn C++. You learned C. And if your instructor was really teaching C++ then you unfortunately received a very bad education. It's like taking a car repair class and all you worked on were motorcycles. After all, they have engines, too, don't they? | |
Re: To put this in perspective, the habanero pepper (previously the hottest pepper) is a measley 100,000–350,000 Scoville units. | |
Re: what is da speciality in dat? Does u no Uncle Remus 2? Hez so fun! | |
Re: And why would you want to bother doing anything like this? | |
Re: C'mon people. C++ is C++ whether TurboC Ver 1 or MSVC.NET (for the most part). There are a few things you have to keep in mind at [I]high level programming[/I] but at basic learning it doesn't matter what compiler you use as long as it's solid. Yes the older compilers … | |
Re: The language cannot define an array of indeterminate size. You must give it a size. One option is to make [B]j[/B] a pointer instead and dynamically create the array with [iCODE]new[/iCODE]. | |
Re: Output the numbers to the printer Cut the numbers from the paper Sort them on the table Tape them together when sorted. :icon_twisted: | |
Re: [QUOTE=zandiago;457235] When a customer orders, the cashier presses a key for each item ordered (WITHOUT PRESSING <ENTER>). If more than one of the same item is ordered, the key is pressed an appropriate number of times. As each key is pressed, the name of the item and its price are … | |
Re: [QUOTE=mtatadotcom;][B]i am a junior programmer[/B] so dont be surprised by the simplicity of the code i am using i have managed to write the code for the atm machine but i dont know why one case switch (case3 abd case 4),the complier has showed no error please help <[B]as i … | |
Re: [QUOTE=veronicak5678;479052]I just couldn't believe there wasn't one already.[/QUOTE] I'm curious. Why would you think there's a function to remove spaces from a string? Of what use would such a function be in [I]the real world[/I]? :?: | |
Re: Skip all even numbers. That will cut your loop in half: [iCODE]for(i=3;i<=root;i+=2)[/iCODE] | |
Re: Look at line 275 and 278 as your errors mention. What's the [I]definition[/I] of [iCODE]coeff[/iCODE] from your parameter list, and how are you using it? Are they the same, or even similar? |
The End.