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31 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for desert564

30=1+2+3+5+6+10+15 and is semiperfect /pseudoperfect number but insted to searching differece between sum of proper dividers(42) and number(30), try to lower number to 0 starting with biggest number 30-15=15 > 0 OK (use it) 15-10=5 > 0 OK (use it) 5-6=-1 < 0 Not OK Skip 5-5=0 =0 OK (use …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tracydo

from first look... kwhUsed is defined AFTER it was checked?? line 57 should be in-front of IF where you define change rate (line 43)

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Swoop_GB

There is no LostFocus event on cell. There is Worksheet_SelectionChange but you could not use it as when you try to edit cell, Excel enters Edit mode and no macros can run while edit mode is in effect.

Member Avatar for Swoop_GB
Member Avatar for Qpido

Assuming that you already have Excel on target PC... You can start with this declaration [code]Dim xl As New Excel.Application Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim xlwbook As Excel.Workbook [/code] And you can add reference to "Microsoft Excel XX Object Library" Also here is some short commands... as example from where …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for karthiyayiniyp

In command1_click do a FOR loop until rs.EOF() or open recordset in command1_click event and in SQL syntax check for password and username but beware of SQL Injection

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jaai

Can you please share some more of your code, as db and rs definition? Type of database.. Did you clearly define recordset as ADODB.recordset or DAO.recordset...? If in preferences is DAO in priority of ADO db type then you could receive this type of error.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for inni2626

Hi, inni2662 I remove you comments from your first post and added mine. I do not understand.. your 1st post and your 2nd post are not same code... i start to change 1st post... However there is something that i could not understand... there is point in your code where …

Member Avatar for inni2626
Member Avatar for Mitchell VB 6
Re: VB 6

I can see in my crystal ball that error is in line 7 in 2nd sub right after you declare variables... :D.. come on, put some code here so we can see where is problem

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

G-mail needs authentication, import javax.mail.Authenticator; import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication; [code] private class GMailAuthenticator extends javax.mail.Authenticator { public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { String user = ""; String pwd = "password"; return new PasswordAuthentication(user, pwd); } [/code] And you need to change session to [code] Session mailSession = Session.getInstance(props, new GMailAuthenticator()); [/code] and add this …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Caseous

you almost done it... your function replaceAll should return String... as i can see you send string to function and than in function you replace all chars and than?... nothing... So if you decide to use function for returning result than remake function like [CODE] public static String replaceAll(String text) …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for otomatis

Runtime 91 in search pattern in Excel VBA (and in your code) is error if nothing is found. Use [CODE] On error resume next 'Enable error handler Selection.Find ... 'Your find command with corrected parenthesis On Error goto 0 'Disable Error handler [/CODE] You have no problem. Except this errors …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for kay19

You stated all number between num1 and num2... why do you increment num1+=2? Its easier to go through all values between num1 and num2 and check which one are odds/even and make calculation depends of number type. It will reduce your code by half. Also increasing by two gives you …

Member Avatar for kay19
Member Avatar for pmark019
Member Avatar for FanionGolfer

Here is another idea... instead of using timer for tracking time, why not use system. time on start and when something occurred (like class is not working) to recalculate time difference between start and current time? Even if you like to check time difference continually you can add timer and …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jonhunter89

I could write it but @jon.kiparsky would kill me...:twisted: just kidding... Please, start codeing... put some effort and we are all here to help if you had problems.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for MrHardRock

Here is my view of your code... I added some comments so you can use it. and some BIG suggestion... If you planning to continue to use JAVA learn how to indent your code... putting that much {{{}}} in same starting point (column1) is too much confusing and not readable. …

Member Avatar for MrHardRock
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I just copied your code in my eclipse and it works without any change. did you by any chance get this error (package naming problem) [CODE] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: at convDev.main([/CODE]

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for desert564

Let hope that someone will not rep me - again for dropping solution Anyway it was pleasure doing this one :) [CODE]public class parenthesis { public static void main(String[] args) { //Next ones are several strings just for testing. Only one should be active in a time String s="{([]{()})}"; //should …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for fraijyia

This is simple sales... now show us that you are willing to participate in development of your homework so we can help you further For codedown you need only a Form and CommandButton (named Command button 1) [CODE] Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim qty As Double Dim partno As String Dim …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gingerfish

You basically try to find if any of error list are equal or not equal to 0 Then put some sumerr integer and get sum of all errorLists... [CODE] int errsum=0; for (int j=0;j<errorList.length;j++) errsum+=errorList[J]; // i'll make sum of all errorList.If some of ErrLists are != 0 then sum …

Member Avatar for gingerfish
Member Avatar for Dee1004

Ugh... do not have time to rewrite your code but a wrote a loop that you need for all files in folder [CODE] import*; // class File belongs here ... ... ... File folder=new File("C:\\"); //Open folder String [] flist=folder.list(); //Declare array and fill it with list of files …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for desert564

First build an array of numbers... [CODE] String [] numbers=new String[13]; numbers[0]="zero"; numbers[1]="one"; .... .... .... [/CODE] After array read input line from whatever device you need... and declare one more string to handle new text like this... [CODE] String text=keyb.readLine(); String newtext=text; [/CODE] now make a loop thought all …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

Hi again :) Mulitple select is possible with this 2 rows [code] list1.list(list1.listindex) is selected line from list1 list2.list(list1.listindex) is line in list2 but in position where is list1. [/code] also this can be implemented in above routine in this place (rows 23-26) [code] If DateDiff("d", CDate(Left(LineA, 10)), Now()) > …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for TheDocterd

What you need to be displayed in MessageBox? Is date same for every row in file? Is the location of all files in same folder? Format of the date? dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy or dd,MMMM YYYY or similar? example maybe? When you check ID's, you will get dates of every ID …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for P.manidas

I need some clarification... Pop up menu show when you push up/down arrow in listbox? What is the point of using Popup when you already see item in list? Also Popup menu is kind-of modal form, out of focus turns visible to off

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for yeldar13

Let me try from some different angle... Employee names are in cells B14 to B23 In sheet Holidays, Employees names are in column L (12 column) mentioned in Autofilter in row 18th. So you need to count how many times Employee name is listed in columns 12 of sheet Holidays? …

Member Avatar for monarchmk
Member Avatar for prajana

Primary keys does not solve problem, you need Unique Column in database. Add column with autonumber feature and your problem is solved. And remember that in almost every database you need [b]Unique[/b] column. That a way that SQL distinct rows with same values

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for otomatis

If i understand correctly... This is loop with DIR function thru all files in folder names MyFile2*.txt (eg20001, 20002, 202 etc.) [CODE]MyFile = Dir("e:\MyFile2*.txt") While MyFile <> "" Debug.Print MyFile 'Or do whatever you like with file... MyFile variable contain file full name MyFile = Dir() 'read new file if …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for campy

select top 1 * from rt_time order by ID DESC You can change ID in whatever column which is criteria for last record (eg. date, ordernumber...), and DESC means order from last to first, and top 1 means return only first record (which is last record in database with desc …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for avirooge

maybe in header cell you can put... =IF(COUNTIF(B2:B8;"<35")>=2;"FAIL";"PASS") where B2:B8 is range "<35" is criteria for Fail... CountIF(range,crit) gives number of cells in range which meets criteria

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.