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Member Avatar for madDOGim

I solved a problem some day ago. In that problem you had to format an integer. I found it hard to solve. So here I am sharing my problem with you. Problem: Read an integer variable and print it in which the digits are separated into groups of three by …

Member Avatar for Koos_1
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I have a Chromecast that I use to stream video from my laptop to our TV. It works great, however, until VLC (Videolan) releases their promised upgrade with Chromecase support, I am limited to streaming files in the mp4 format. Fortunately, ffmpeg allows me to convert other formats to mp4. …

Member Avatar for gladisfogson
Member Avatar for Shalini_7

Hi. here is my code, actually what i meant is , i have created a button called button into my exe, and linked it to text file. so when user click on the update button, it will copy all the text file data into the exe. i tried it works, …

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for ZZMike

This is Python 3.4.2 The documentation says that s2 = s1.strip('a') will strip out all the 'a' in s1. When I run it, only the leftmost character - and only if it is 'a' - is stripped. The default s2 = s1.strip() takes out all whitespace. PS: I understand that …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for brettw02

Love the idea of the program. Im quite interested in seeing how to get something like this to work. Is there any chance someone could add a working version to the code snippets section or possibly send me a working snippet in PM? Im trying to educate my self and …

Member Avatar for Jaynish
Member Avatar for Fiascor

Hi there folks, kinda new too C# and want too show or hide a button using a checkbox and after trying i just gave up haha so here is the quastion! how do you do that because i am really lost here.. would show you the code. but i kinda …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Vegito1991

I was doing GUI based application, when i run the MyChatPage particularly, it able to send the text to the server and send to the client textarea, which is my objective, but if i run from MyChatIP class and create new object to open the MyCHatpage frame, it will hang, …

Member Avatar for Muhamad_5
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

![COLUMNS.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/73af64c627a06e04033693d5085d9915.jpg) I want to make a grid with different column sizes ('ITEM = V' covers all width 'ITEM A' or 'P' or 'T' cover each 50 percent of the grid width), as shown in the image. Any help? CSS .newspaper1 { columns: 100% 1; border-style:solid } .newspaper1 { columns: 2; …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for John_165

In my main activity, I have two tab, named tab1 and tab 2. Tab 2 page consists of a listView and I use StreamSubscription to listen upload progress result. On tab2 action bar, it has one icon. When icon is pressed, it will navigate to pageC,which consists of listView, and …

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for sujoy98

import java.util.Scanner; class bank{ public void termDeposit(){ int principle; double rate,years; Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter Principle Amount : "); principle = sc.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter rate od interest : "); rate = sc.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter time period in years : "); years = sc.nextDouble(); double maturityAmount = (principle*(Math.pow(1+(rate/100),years))); System.out.println("Maturity Amount after " +years+ …

Member Avatar for sujoy98
Member Avatar for Rolland_1

Hi, could you please let me know what should I learn first about programing? I mean, may be I need to learn HTML, C++, Java, read a specific book, I don't know where to start and hope you can show me the way, please!! I would really appreciate it

Member Avatar for sonalid1701
Member Avatar for Muhammad_240

A.Employee and ProductionWorker Classes Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in • Employee name • Employee number • Hire date Write one or more constructors and the appropriate set and get functions for the class. Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is derived …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ami_2

Hi, can someone help me solve this please I have tried so hard but can't figure it out? In past years, approximately 20% of all U.S. families purchased potato chips at least once a month. You are interested in determining the fraction of all U.S. families that currently purchase potato …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Nirmen

How can I solve this ? implement java program, green land zoo park has four types of animals, elephants that drink water, monkeys that eat bananas, flamingo that fly, and lions that eat meat, using your understanding of inheritance

Programming java
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for loveboat

I would like to develop an attendence regiater for my company. i would like to use,Mongodatabase,node.js and javasscript am i the register should the availble on an link. am i in the right track

Member Avatar for loveboat
Member Avatar for ibz95

Hi guys, I have written the following javascript code that validates the credit card information entered by a user. I now want to rewrite the same validation code in PHP. But since I am still very much new to PHP, can anyone give me pointers or help me rewrite it? …

Member Avatar for sunbury2003
Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

I have a class which is sort of like a repository, and every time I write to the zip archive using this command, the prior activity is overwritten. /// <summary> /// Insert file into existing archive file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fullPath"></param> /// <param name="stream"></param> public void InsertIntoFile(String fullPath, Stream …

Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90
Member Avatar for Dani

Do you still use reCAPTCHA or something homemade? For us, we use jQuery to inject a hidden form field upon form submission that sends a little time sensitive and cookie sensitive string that we validate on the server side. I’m always curious to know what everyone else is doing.

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Ninja_1

How can I show a div when menu item is clicked in angular? The Div show fine when I click list item, but dsn't disappear when I navigate to other menu items. <li><a class="nav-link slots" (click)="showme = true" >Slots</a> <div ng-hide="showme"> <div class="ribbon" *ngIf="game.categories[0]"> <span>TOP</span> </div> <div class="ribbon" *ngIf="game.categories[2]"><span>NEW</span></div> </div> …

Member Avatar for Akash_26
Member Avatar for Donna_9

Are you a developer looking to improve your WordPress skill set by including WordPress and Bootstrap development together? Well, you’re in the right place. The following is a guide that helps you integrate Bootstrap, a powerful front-end development framework with the world’s most popular CMS, WordPress. For this article, we …

Member Avatar for R_4

Hi all, I have assigned a column called "friendshipstatus" as a default value =0 in addfriends table that user can add other users to it to be friends as the code bellow which will give any users added as friend in addfriendss table the "friendshipstatus" value of 1 <?php include …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nevin6969

In python how to write a program which takes a number of days from now - 100 days, and find in which month that future day is.

Programming assembly python
Member Avatar for amazingadmin
Member Avatar for Ján_6

I need to improve my English communication skill, but I am very boring to use language learning tools/methods, but instead of this I would like remote working on some real PHP/JavaScript/Node.js/DevOps project (where I feel strong) and as a side effect would be practicing English communication. I have max 10 …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for Atharva_2

I have a list of tuples where each tuple within the list contains 3 elements. 1. Is the year in 4 digits i.e 2014 2. Month in integer i.e from 1-12 3. And another integer value which is the number of months needed to be subtracted. So if the date …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Katara1

,can anyone help me to find what's the problem with this programming code! it's work so well !but there two methoods didn't work ((the max salary method and sum salary )) at (main)... Especially the output results . there's no errors \\ i have no idea how to solve it …

Member Avatar for bdux
Member Avatar for Katara1

hey , if i wanna write this code by " while" loop , what the steps to do that ?? #include<iostream.h> char *TESTmarks(char *t){ char marks [] = {'.',';',':','!',',','?'}; char *newm=new char [strlen(t)]; for( int i = 0;i<strlen(t);i++) { for(int k = 0;k<=7 ;k++) { if(t[i] == marks[k]) t[i] = …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jin En

double Node::ConvertChar(char key[]) { double value; value=atof(key); return value; } void Node::ConvertFormula(string formula,int resistor,vector <Resistor> &Res,vector <double> &OpArray){ int Operator=resistor-2; resistor=resistor-1; int length=formula.length(); int j=length-4; double resistance; while(length>0) { char temp[3]; int x=1; for(int i=2;i>=0;i--) { temp[i]=formula[length-x]; x++; } resistance=ConvertChar(temp); Res[resistor].SetResistance(resistance); resistor--; while(j>0) { if(formula[j]=='+') { OpArray[Operator]=-1.0; }else { OpArray[Operator]=-2.0; …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello Web Developers, Using CSS what is the best way to expand a div to fit it's content? I currently use `overflow: auto` but sometimes the div turns into a scrollable element which disrupts the design. Can this be done in another way like `height: max-content`? Are there any other …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for shawinke

Hi all pls help me with the soln to this probelm, the catch is the interface (menu) needs to be Built in C++ as well. any suggestions would be of great help as well. thanks It is a system written using a structured programming language (e.g. C, Turbo C) that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm trying to create a trigger that does two things, first take an ip that's in dot notation and run inet_aton on it and put the result in another field. Second, checks a lookup table to identify an ip range that the result of the first action falls into and …

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The End.