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Helloi want to put a play/pause button on a html5 video tag. Any suggestions? | |
hello everyone iam kinda new with pygame. I wanted to create a one mans game which is similar to shoot and killl. i was able to move around my play but the issue is that whenever i press the K_space nothing is coming out and also i would like when … | |
Hi, I am wonder if Flutter is the right choice for Mobile begginer. I have a lot of web experience but I would like to create simple mobile app on API that already exist. I try with Ionic 3 but it was not working corecly with GraphQL API. Thank you … | |
Hi all I Have a CalendarvProject with a 3rd party Calendar control. the application was working fine untill I upgraded the Calendar Control . When I opened the solution two references were no longer availabe, so I had errors. One of the references was ExtremeCalenderControl the other AxXtremeCalendarControl. I was … | |
which code can i use to make enemy shoot at the player non stop and when the bullet catches the player the health decreases any kind of help i appreciate - pygame | |
Hi, This is my first time using vectors. I'm trying to print some data that is stored in a structure vector but whenever the code gets to printing the data which is in double loop it crashes. I have located the error but i am ensure how to resolve it. … | |
I'm using the following code to verify that an email address has a valid DNS (otherwise, we consider the email invalid). $domain = substr($email, strrpos($email, '@') + 1); $isValid = checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($domain, 'A'); However, today it just flagged nearly all @gmail.com and @yahoo.com emails as invalid. Obviously the … | |
I want to be able to update my database in order to change some dynamic content on my site which contains movie reviews. First Step I need to be able to select which movie review I want to update by selecting it from a dropdown menu which is dynamically populated … | |
I found this great article on [User Interfaces](https://datagubbe.se/decusab/) that I wanted to share. Two points I wanted to add 1. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. 1. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better. And can we please all decide that light grey text on a white … Programming user-interface | |
I am doing a project that must convert each string in X to an integer and save it in the corresponding location in Y. A dollar sign is used to mark the end of a string. I have 90% of the code, but it only works for the first string … | |
Hello, Sorry,This may be a silly question : How to assign ajax return value to javascript array? for example what I want is, I have declared an array in javascript as `all_skills = new Array();` and after that called ajax call in which I want to save the return value … | |
this is code snippet of sentiment analysis using sentiwordnet in (python using Pandas). i am trying to extract sentiment score of each review using sentiwordnet. here are few steps i did upto now, 1.stopwords removal. 2.tokenisation. 3.pos tagging. can anyone help me to correct this code. results of this code … Programming python | |
Hi, guys i am trying to create a String in the Windows Registry to imput some nice Proxy Adress. But i failed to input the correct datatype. I do not have any problems with Type (DWORD)... But (REG_SZ) has not work. Can someone tell me how can i input in … | |
Dear sir, Please help me about below query. here is two table sale and purchase. i want product wise result in output table like below picture. please help me  | |
I have 5 items listed within a 200x200 box, and would like for the details of the clicked item to appear as either an overlay that spans only that box or as a div that completely replaces the original 5 options. Kinda like an accordion menu, but with the nav … | |
I have a table in and MSSQL DB that list period and week start dates for any date in a financial year but the page is only display the week numbers and period number none of the dates does any body have any ideas please. <?php $serverName = 'DESKTOP-R7RU80H\SQLEXPRESS'; $connectionInfo=array('Database'=>'WebPortal', … | |
I have downloaded visual studio 19 and need advise on tutorial for beginers. I tried one tutorial and I think it was made for an older version of the program since it said things woul look a certain way but they did not. | |
![]() | Hello Everyone , I have a Project at university to create term and polynomial class then calculate 2 derivatives I really need help for neccessery I have already started but I couldnt countinue , Hope to help ! Thanks .. Note:The following attatchment contains project Details |
I need with with a section of my assignment where it asks to take four first attempt module results (i.e. all module average, ISM module average, number of compensentable failed credits and number of outright failed modules) as parameters and returns the degree classification (e.g. “distinction”, “merit”, “pass” or “fail”). … | |
Notice: Undefined index: ID in C:\xampp\htdocs\tugas\phpdb\ubahsimpan.php on line 10 im tired ,,, how i can fix that? My ubahdata.php <html> <body> <?php $koneksi=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("Koneksi Gagal".mysqli_error()); if($koneksi){ mysqli_select_db($koneksi,"buku") or die ("Database gagal dibuka".mysqli_error()); $ID=$_GET['ID']; //Mejalankan Querry $sql="select * from anggota where id_anggota='$ID'"; $qry=mysqli_query($koneksi, $sql) or die ("Querry gagal".mysqli_error()); $data=mysqli_fetch_array($qry); … | |
Hi I'm new here and have a small problem using VB.NET. I have a small hand held device that reads data from a sensor when it is held close to the sensor. The data is saved in the device but there is only a limited amount of space available. The … Programming vb.net | |
I have an applications developed with PHP. I have a big text file where I want to match for a word but this can be change in the feature. How can I match a word in PHP? | |
I'm new to Android Studio and Java and I'm trying to display a dynamic battery percentage on multiple activities, but it is only showing on the main screen. I am also trying to do the same thing with displaying time. I am trying to get it work with my second … | |
I have a website with a header, three columns and footer that looks good on desktop. When viewed on my phone, the columns remain horizontal instead of going vertical. I have tried several different @media combinations but cannot get it to work. Can some smart person tell me what the … | |
Hi please can anyone help me to fix this error. and the error highlights the .commands Programming vb.net visual-basic | |
I want to order a website for my online shop, but I have a question: who is better to hire, a freelancer or a company? I can't make the site I want alone because I don't have much experience in creating sites. I think hiring companies is expensive. I don't … | |
How can I use jQuery's [.stop()](https://api.jquery.com/stop/) to stop *all* animations and not just for one specific selector. In my use case, I don't know the element being animated. Does this function bubble? Can I do something like `$(document).stop(true, false);` ?? | |
Is python used for web development? | |
I made a 3x3 connect 4 board game now I want to expand it so Its an actual connect 4 game and not tic tac toe. I want to make the board 5x7 please help from random import randint def initialiseBoard(): print('Following is the board and the respective positions.\nEnter the … Programming python | |
Hi guys, I was trying to test a method which takes a user input, does something and then returns that input but I'm having some issues with it. I've attempted a few solutions, mostly described in SE, I will leaave them out of this post and discuss instead the one … |
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