We examine the steps involved in developing an iPhone app and their efficiencies. With the help of our blog, you may identify important developer requirements, pick the best programming language, and acquire reliable resources. Existing business owners and startup ventures eagerly anticipate realizing the benefits brought forth by iOS mobile app development. Due to iOS's popularity among users, picking an iOS app would be the best course of action.

Strange you would mention iOS. It's been over a decade since we evaluated using iPhone or Android for an app to configure our product which is a niche to say the least. Before Android phones we use Palm Pilots and the serial communication over Bluetooth which made the future possible for other devices because we used a Bluetooth standard.

So with Palm Pilots on the way out we took time to look at the Apple phone and Android.

To our surprise Apple changed their serial comm support over Bluetooth and was non-standard. We were never going to change close to a million controllers to include Apple's Bluetooth chip. We went with Android and never looked back.

To this day it has remained a mystery why Apple did that.

Sadly, I don't have any knowledge of how to program or code which is the reason why I can't develop any app whether it's for iPhone or Android products. I'm sure there are videos of how to do it on YouTube if you are interested and finding out.

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