Hey guy's. I've never really cared for game dev befor, but it sounds kinda fun. I'm expecting a spair class next year and need to have something to do in my spair time. I'm thinking of making a clone of rogue (the 80's unix rpg). I'm wondering what the best approach to starting something like this is (after gameplay is planned). Here's what I came up with:
1) Make data structures:
map (including staircase, doorways (which would tell how the rooms are lit),
passages, and rooms)
monster list
trap list
item list
-Make sure that the data structures have enough variable's to handle all
2) Make output functions:
Figure out how to print everthing in the structures.
Hard code structure values to test.
3) Make input functions:
4) Make turn functions:
basic monster ai's for testing
combat system
user input handling (moving, picking things up, ...)
5) Make proper ai's.
6) Make randomization functions:
items (location, name, charges, power, ...)
Is their anything I forgot? Is their a better way of doing this? Any suggestion's on how to make this game?
Thanks. :)