Hey guy's. I've never really cared for game dev befor, but it sounds kinda fun. I'm expecting a spair class next year and need to have something to do in my spair time. I'm thinking of making a clone of rogue (the 80's unix rpg). I'm wondering what the best approach to starting something like this is (after gameplay is planned). Here's what I came up with:

1) Make data structures:
map (including staircase, doorways (which would tell how the rooms are lit),
passages, and rooms)
monster list
trap list
item list
-Make sure that the data structures have enough variable's to handle all
2) Make output functions:
Figure out how to print everthing in the structures.
Hard code structure values to test.
3) Make input functions:
4) Make turn functions:
basic monster ai's for testing
combat system
user input handling (moving, picking things up, ...)
5) Make proper ai's.
6) Make randomization functions:
items (location, name, charges, power, ...)

Is their anything I forgot? Is their a better way of doing this? Any suggestion's on how to make this game?
Thanks. :)

Where's the particle bonanza, eyecandy overload, and cute to till you puke stuff?

Disregard everything you wrote, and focus on what I wrote. For it is the secret to suckering in a cult following, which means a guaranteed audience for all following releases. At least eight dozen!

Where's the particle bonanza, eyecandy overload, and cute to till you puke stuff?

In the time capsule in my back yard. I may or may not open it up in the future. :P

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