i download a compiler from borland site
could you please help me with my problem
when i run or compile basic programs that i have made
it says a error message the stdio.h is not found so that the program
has no output
any good compilers that can you recommend or tips on how can i fix this

thanks in advanced! :cry:

when i run or compile basic programs that i have made
it says a error message the stdio.h is not found so that the program
has no output

It sounds like you haven't told the compiler where to find the headers.

any good compilers that can you recommend or tips on how can i fix this

Post your attempt to compile, for starters.

Did the installation expect you to update your PATH (or equivalent) environment setting? Are you using a makefile? Do you explicitly include the path on the command line?

yes, he clearly didn't follow the installation instructions.

As where to find a good compiler: you have one, you just have to use it properly which your failure to read the installation instructions shows you're not doing.

I think u have to specify the proper path..... u will find it options menu under directories section

no, the installation instructions tell you to create 2 files in the bin directory of the compiler installation.
These files are configuration files for the compiler and linker which tell the compiler and linker where to find header and lib files.
Very handy as otherwise you'd have to constantly type those as compiler options...
It also tells to add the bin directory of the compiler installation directory to the system PATH environment variable so the compiler can be called from any location on the system's filesystem.

Had the OP read the installation instructions and created these files as instructed he'd have had a working environment by now.

If you're using the installation instructions that Borland supplies you might have been led astray by the statement that tells you to put into the config file the line. -I"c:\Borland...
That first letter, upper case I, looks very much like lower case l in the font Borland uses. That error would explain your problem. Also, do you know about writing <stdio.h>, complete with pointed brackets?

There's another set of instructions for using BCC32 avilable for download from

I just recently started using that compiler myself and I think it's great. I haven't had any success with the debugger yet.

Murray Schechter

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