Make A C Program That Performs The Following Algorithm:
(a)Use Scan F To Input The Following Data:
-assign Value 26 To Age.
-assign Value 80 To Weight In Kg.
-assign The Value 183.219 To Height Cm.
(b)Calculate The Weight-to-height Ratio.
(c)Display A Heading For The Results (d)Display The Results In A Suitable Format?

Make A C Program That Performs The Following Algorithm:
(a)Use Scan F To Input The Following Data:
-assign Value 26 To Age.
-assign Value 80 To Weight In Kg.
-assign The Value 183.219 To Height Cm.
(b)Calculate The Weight-to-height Ratio.
(c)Display A Heading For The Results (d)Display The Results In A Suitable Format?

I think you better show some effort by attempting to do this yourself - otherwise you will not get any assistance. At least post some code and highlight the areas you're having difficulties with.


Make A C Program That Performs The Following Algorithm:
(a)Use Scan F To Input The Following Data:
-assign Value 26 To Age.
-assign Value 80 To Weight In Kg.
-assign The Value 183.219 To Height Cm.
(b)Calculate The Weight-to-height Ratio.
(c)Display A Heading For The Results (d)Display The Results In A Suitable Format?

Well, you just posted your assignment.
Is there any solution (which you wrote) to follow?
We're here to help you with things, not to make your homework, so please come back when you've written some code.
Don't be lazy, you've already got a good description about the program's goal, the only thing left for you is: write a simple program which does these things.
So to resume my advice: Just give it a shot and when you run into problems, you just post your code (that's the most important: that we see the code you wrote), and we'll be glad to help you out.

EDIT:: yellowSnow was quicker (in replying) than me :)
EDIT:: He's right, if you don't believe him, then check out this:
Daniweb's homework policy (we only give help to those who show effort first)
EDIT:: Another link which might be of particular interest for the OP:
How to ask questions the smart way?

i think these posts ought to be instantly deleted by moderators, along with a copy of a standard explanation auto-delivered to the poster's email.

I can see why Narue has all but left daniweb ... because it's this kind of non-stop crap just makes me want to flame the hell out of people who post it. I don't even want to waste my time trying to explain why they won't get help.


i think these posts ought to be instantly deleted by moderators, along with a copy of a standard explanation auto-delivered to the poster's email.

I can see why Narue has all but left daniweb ... because it's this kind of non-stop crap just makes me want to flame the hell out of people who post it. I don't even want to waste my time trying to explain why they won't get help.


Its just a matter of time jephtah .Once we stay here for as long as Narue or you then we too would feel the same.
The only exception is Ancient Dragon who still deals with these things with patience ;) .Hats off to his patience and experience.

:icon_idea: Maybe we can all learn from the Ancient one... :icon_wink:

Once we stay here for as long as Narue or you then we too would feel the same.

um, i appreciate the gesture, but i must decline to be compared as somehow equal to Narue in any measure: i'm still a noob here.

Its just a matter of time jephtah .Once we stay here for as long as Narue or you then we too would feel the same.
The only exception is Ancient Dragon who still deals with these things with patience ;) .Hats off to his patience and experience.

Absolutely right, nearly every moderated post I see has the following text at the bottom:

Last edited by Ancient Dragon
Reason: Added/corrected code tags

but there are also posts which look like:

Last edited by Ancient Dragon
Reason: Snip email

And then I think <snipped> :)

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