I have a class function - which I am trying to pass array values - however the function returns the values even when I don't use the reference &. WHY? COULD SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS?
Block example; // create an instance of the class 'Block'
int Array1[3] = {0,0,0}; // start value
int Array2[3] = {1,0,0};
int Array3[3] = {1,5,0};
// Program should add the three values together
// (0,0,0) + (1,0,0) + (1,5,0) = (2,5,0)
// and reference the value to Array3
cout << Array3[0]; // = 1
cout << Array3[0]; // = 2 ???
Here is the addLink function
int addLink(int addSpace[3]){ /* [B]I don't need &addSpace[3][/B] */
// allocate memory for a (temporary) new node
node *newLink = new node;
if(newLink == NULL){ return 0; /*error*/}
// Set new Link to null
newLink -> nextLink = NULL;
// sets the first node
if(firstLink == NULL){
firstLink = newLink;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
firstLink -> space[i] = addSpace[i];
// sets a pointer to the previous node
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
// Calculate and store the linked list coordinates
newLink -> space[i] = prevLink -> space[i] + addSpace[i];
// Return the newLink data to the caller
addSpace[i] = newLink -> space[i];
prevLink -> nextLink = newLink;
// Set the last and previous link to the new link
lastLink = prevLink = newLink;
return 1; // return true: the link has been added