I've been working on this program and can't seem to understand how to print an output file of the calendar of July. Is there any help I can get?

This is the code:

// This lab exercise is to practice rand(), srand() and 
// output formating with help of <iomanip>. It also practices 
// file input and output.
// Add a text data file to your project called "lab_4_data.txt".  Put the following
// numbers in it: "23   456    3000    578   9876".
// You do not need to create an output file, because the file open call
// will do this for you. 
// Compile and run your program. When everything is fine,
// print your .cpp file and turn it to me or the TA.
// **********************************************************************

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath> 
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std; 

void showMenu(); 

int main( )
	//file declaration
	ifstream inputSeedsFile;	        //input file with random seeds
	ofstream outTableFile,	                //output file to store square root and logarithm table
	outCalendarFile;                        //output file to store the calendar

	//variable declarations
	unsigned seed;				//random seed
	int x, totalNumber;			//x holds int values, totalNumbers holds the number of int values
	double  sqrtResult,			//store square roots
			logResult;			//store base-10 logrithmic values
	int choice;				//store choice value (1, 2, 0r 3)
	char option; 				//store option value (y/n)
	int dice1, dice2,			//dice numbers
		sum, guess;				//the sum of two dices and the guessed sum
	//open the input file

	//open the output files 

	while ( true )
		showMenu();				//show menu
		cin>>choice;			        //get the user's choice
		//build a log and base-10 logrithmic table
		if (choice == 1) 
			cout<<"How many numbers do you want to play?  "<<endl;

			//totalNumber shall be >= 1
			if (totalNumber < 1)
				cout<<"The total number must be greater or equal to 1. "<<endl;
			//build the table when totalNumber >= 1
				//prepare the outfile format
				//set decimal format with 4 decimal digits

				//output the table to the output file
				//print table head with three column of width 10 each
				outTableFile<<setw(10)<<right<<"input"<<setw(20)<<right<<"square root"
					        <<setw(20)<<right<<"base-10 logarithm"<<endl;

			//use a for-loop to build a table, one row at a time/iteration
			for (int i=1; i<= totalNumber; i++)
				//output one row to the output file
				outTableFile<< setw(10)<<right<<i						//print column 1
							<<setw(20)<<right<<sqrt(static_cast<double>(i))	        //print column 2
							<<setw(20)<<right<<log10(static_cast<double>(i))<<endl;	//print column 3
		cout<<"The table is finished ..................."<<endl<<endl; 
		outTableFile<<"The table is finished .................."<<endl<<endl;

		//The program rolls two dices, yielding two integers between 1 and 6. 
		//Ask the user to guess the sum of the two dices.
		if (choice == 2) 
			//ask for a random seed
			cout<<"Get me a random seed from the input file ....."<<endl; 
			//set the random seed

			//roll the first dice
			dice1 = 1 + rand()%6; 
			cout<<"Rolled dice one ........................"<<endl;
			//roll the second dice
			dice2 = 1 + rand()%6; 
			cout<<"Rolled dice two ........................"<<endl;

			//calculate the sum of two dices
			sum = dice1 + dice2; 

			//Ask the user to guess the sum
			cout<<"Guess the sum of the two dice ==> "<<endl;
			if (guess == sum)
				cout<<"You are a winner!" <<endl
				    <<"Dice one  "<<dice1 <<" + dice two  " <<dice2 <<"  is " 
				    << "you guessed " <<guess<<endl; 
				cout<<"You are a loser!"<<endl
				    <<"Dice one  "<<dice1 <<" + dice two  " <<dice2 <<"  is not " 
				    << "you guessed " <<guess<<endl;

		You need to print into the output file "outCalendar.txt" 
		a calendar of June, July and August 2008.	
		You shall format the result for month well so that it looks like a real calendar table.
		You must use <iomanip>
		if (choice == 3 ) 
		cout<<" This part is for you to complete. "
			<<"You need to print into the output file (outCalendar.txt) a calendar of June," 
			<<"July and August 2008."<<endl;	

		cout<<"Do you want to play again (y/n)? "; 
		if (option !='y')
			cout<<"Bye bye!"<<endl<<endl; 		
	//close files
	inputSeedsFile.close( );				//close randomSeeds.txt 
	outTableFile.close( );					//close outTable.txt
	outCalendarFile.close( );				//close outputCalendat.txt 

	//complete the work
	return 0;

void showMenu()
		<<"Enter 1 to build a square root, log10 table     \n"
		<<"Enter 2 to play rolling two dices               \n"
		<<"Enter 3 to print a calendar for 2008            \n"
		<<"What is your choice  ==>	"; 


The code you posted has nothing to do with the problem. Try posting again but this time make sure you post the correct program.

<<"Enter 1 to build a square root, log10 table \n"
<<"Enter 2 to play rolling two dices \n"
<<"Enter 3 to print a calendar for 2008 \n"

In addition to having a function to display the menu, you should have a further 3 functions, one for each specific choice.

Then your main() would be nice and neat, and you would be able to concentrate on each sub-task separately.

The code you posted has nothing to do with the problem. Try posting again but this time make sure you post the correct program.

What do you mean? That's the program I was given. The program wants me to print out a calendar of July and use <iomanip> but I have no idea how to start. Do I use setprecision(n) or setw(n)?

This is the code:

// This lab exercise is to practice rand(), srand() and 
// output formating with help of <iomanip>. It also practices 
// file input and output.
// Add a text data file to your project called "lab_4_data.txt".  Put the following
// numbers in it: "23   456    3000    578   9876".
// You do not need to create an output file, because the file open call
// will do this for you. 
// Compile and run your program. When everything is fine,
// print your .cpp file and turn it to me or the TA.
// **********************************************************************

void showMenu()
		<<"Enter 1 to build a square root, log10 table     \n"
		<<"Enter 2 to play rolling two dices               \n"
		<<"Enter 3 to print a calendar for 2008            \n"
		<<"What is your choice  ==>	"; 


Looks like Sir Dragon was right...

Although I saw something about July embedded somewhere in the middle of the program as I was gutting it. Maybe you should just post the relevant code?

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