I have an C++ games project due in about 2 weeks i have no former knowledge of C++ and feel like ive leapt in at the deep end our lecturer just kinda put it on us and told us to do it as an self research task and gave us about 10 weeks to do it in unfortunately i did not do much work for almost a month of this due to an personal problems now it is close to the deadline and I am not really anywere and do not really understand anything all he has done is given us a few demos i have tried to play around with the demo but i am not having much success and i dont know what to do i cant afford to fail my course. I feel like A. hes not really helped us and B. ive missed out on alot of time because of a matter beyond my own control and ive just been so stressed ive not been able to do it.

This is what he is expecting from me.

Pseudo 2.5D game in DirectX making use of point sprites/billboarding. A basic shooting
gallery type of game, that is set in a semi-3D environment (full-screen resolution). It can be like duck hunt, police training or carnival fair (bottles, barrels etc). It should have single and rapid fire, different weapons etc. The game will have a mouse cursor target, moving opponents, audio both in the background and for events fired, collision detection within rectangle bounding boxes and a difficulty setting based
on a timer clock counting down (easy = 90 seconds, hard = 40 seconds etc). A score will be recorded on file with a high scores table. It will need to render opponents along the Z-Axis hence the pseudo 2.5D nature (think of Afterburner).

Will it be possible for me to achieve this in the time remaining ?

Learning C++ and fairly advanced use of DirectX in 2 weeks? Sorry, it's just not possible. Surely you could speak to your tutor about this "personal problem" and come up with something that would suit both of you?

Ok well im not exactly sure what i can do i have an demo he has given us with some code Theres no chance of me getting any more time for this or getting it changed ive only basically got feedback telling me its impossible to do it but i need to come up with something.

please i need a good three final year project for computer science.

any chance of getting some help ?


Sorry Man You Should know C++ Before You can start DirectX and Stuff
Now what you are trying to do is to ride a bike before you know how to ride a bicycle.


Sorry Man You Should know C++ Before You can start DirectX and Stuff
Now what you are trying to do is to ride a bike before you know how to ride a bicycle.

well im going to have to try to come up with something. Ive already got some of it done no way I can fail this ...

Design and write a program that prompt the user to input a number
and then send it to a function, the function will find if this number is
a prime number or not by using while loop structure. and the final result
if number is prime or not will be printed on the main function
(in another word the function returend data that indecates if the number
is prime or not)


Sorry Man You Should know C++ Before You can start DirectX and Stuff
Now what you are trying to do is to ride a bike before you know how to ride a bicycle.


Don't you mean ride a bike before you know how to ride a tricycle?

Don't you mean ride a bike before you know how to ride a tricycle?

I think he may mean learning to ride a motorcycle before you ride a bicycle.

@OP find out if you can take an incomplete for the course (you may have to talk to your dean, or other admin)

To all those here asking for us to give them free code --

That's not how these forums work.

You do the coding. You post what you have that doesn't work. We help you fix that code. Do not post code that simply has a comment that says "// this is where I need help"

commented: Make this post a sticky! +5

@OP find out if you can take an incomplete for the course (you may have to talk to your dean, or other admin)

What do you mean find out if i can take an incomplete for the course ? Is this some kinda american thing Im english and as far as I know if i fail the unit I fail the course .....

Back to the initial thing ive got something but its so bugged up i dont even know what to do to get it to work.

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