Create a class Computer that stores information about different types of Computers available with the dealer. The information to be stored about a single computer is,
- Company Name
- RAM size.
- Hard Disk Capacity.
- Processor Speed.
- Processor Make.
- Price .
- Quantity of the Computers.
This class contains following methods,
- Constructor method that assigns user input values to above
mentioned variables.
- main ( ) method that creates array of 4 objects of Computer
class and that takes input for all above details from the user and
calls method to check validity of Quantity and Price values.
If all values are valid then create the objects and display the details
for all 4 toys.
- Method that checks validity of quantity and price.
If the quantity is 0 or negative then method should throw user defined
exception with appropriate message and come out of program.
Similarly if the price is 0 or negative then it should throw user defined
exception with appropriate message and come out of program.
- Method that displays all details about a single instance of Computer in the following
Computer Name : IBM
RAM Size : 512 MB
Processor Make : Intel
Processor speed : 300
Quantity : 50
Total Price of Computers : 150,0000/-

I need code for this project Please help me....

@mKorbel I think you been looking for this link

thanks for notice me

well ... it sure is nice to see there are still some students willing to put some effort towards their degree ...

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