Hey again. Trying to add elements to a DList, this happens when I try to add the second car (500, Porsche). The whole insert algorithm sucks and am strongly considering trying to figure out a better one.

This is what shows up in the console:

Enter name of file with test date:
Expecting 8 vehicles to process.
Reading data from file and inserting...
New vehicle to process: BMW M
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at DList.addAfter(DList.java:79)
at OrderedList.insert(OrderedList.java:43)
at TestOrderedList.main(TestOrderedList.java:36)

Here is all of my source code.

 * @author Harry Luthi
 * @work Assignment 1

public class Vehicle
	private int vin;
	private String d;
	  // static String d, else main will return "null"
	  // for vehicle's description when tested.
	public Vehicle(int x, String d) 
		vin = x;
		this.d = d;
	// toString
	public String toString()
		return "VIN: " + vin + ". " + "Description: " + d + "\n";
	// Accessors and modifiers
	public int getVin()
		return vin;
	public String getDescription() 
		return d;

public class OrderedList
	private int vin;
	int pos;
	private int count;
	private DList dlist;
	private DNode dnode;
	private Vehicle newElem;
	private DNode next;
	private DNode prevID;
	public int getCount()
		return count;
	public OrderedList()
		count = 0;
	public void insert(DNode v)		// Insert vehicle to list
		DList list = new DList();
		dnode = v;
		Vehicle vehic = v.getElement();
		if(count == 0)
			DNode w = v.getNext();	
			list.addAfter(v, v);

	public void display()
		String s = "";
		for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
			s = s+dlist;
//	boolean find(DNode v)		// Find Vehicle in list
//	{
//	}
//	public void remove(int vin)
//	{
//	}
//	public Vehicle retrieve(int vin)
//	{
//	}

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

class TestOrderedList
	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		System.out.println("Running test driver...");
		System.out.println("Enter name of file with test date: ");
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		String fileName = scan.nextLine();
		File inputFile = new File(fileName);
		Scanner inFile = new Scanner(inputFile);
		int count = 8;
		System.out.println("Expecting " + count + " vehicles to process.");
		OrderedList ol = new OrderedList();
		System.out.println("Reading data from file and inserting...");
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
			int vin = inFile.nextInt();
			String d = inFile.nextLine();
			Vehicle v1 = new Vehicle(386, "BMW");
			DNode t1 = new DNode (v1, null, null);
			Vehicle v2 = new Vehicle(500, "Porsche");
			DNode t2 = new DNode(v2, t1, null);
			OrderedList list = new OrderedList();
			System.out.println("New vehicle to process: " + d);

//			for (int j=0; j<count; j++)
//			{
//				list.addFirst(t1);
//				list.addAfter(t1, t2);
//			}

			System.out.println("Verify it was added to list.");
			System.out.print("-- end of display -- \n\n");

/** Doubly linked list with nodes of type DNode storing strings. 
 *  Code by Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structurs and Algorithms, 5th edition
 * */

public class DList 
	protected int size;			// number of elements
	protected DNode header, trailer;	// sentinels

	/** Constructor that creates an empty list */
	public DList()
		size = 0;
		header = new DNode(null, null, null);	// create header
		trailer = new DNode(null, header, null);	// create trailer
		header.setNext(trailer);	// make header and trailer point to each other
	/** Returns the number of elements in the list */
	public int size() { return size; }
	/** Returns whether the list is empty */
	public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); }

	/** Returns the first node of the list */
	public DNode getFirst() throws IllegalStateException 
	    if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
	    return header.getNext();
	/** Returns the last node of the list */
	public DNode getLast() throws IllegalStateException 
		if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
		return trailer.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node before the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the header 
	public DNode getPrev(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == header) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move back past the header of the list");
		return v.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node after the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the trailer 
	public DNode getNext(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == trailer) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move forward past the trailer of the list");
		return v.getNext();
	/** Inserts the given node z before the given node v. An error
	* occurs if v is the header 
	public void addBefore(DNode v, DNode z) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node z after the given node v. An error occurs
	 * if v is the trailer 
	public void addAfter(DNode v, DNode z) 
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node at the head of the list */
	public void addFirst(DNode v) 
		addAfter(header, v);
	/** Inserts the given node at the tail of the list */
	public void addLast(DNode v) 
		addBefore(trailer, v);
	/** Removes the given node v from the list. An error occurs if v is
	 * the header or trailer 
	public void remove(DNode v) 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		// unlink the node from the list 

public class DNode 
	protected Vehicle element; 
	protected DNode next, prev;
	 * Constructor that creates node with given fields
	public DNode (Vehicle v, DNode p, DNode n){
		element = v;
		prev = p;
		next = n;
	 * Returns the element of this node
	public Vehicle getElement() { return element; }
	 * Returns the previous nosde of this node
	public DNode getPrev() { return prev; }
	 * Returns the next node 
	public DNode getNext() { return next; }
	 * sets the element of this node
	public void setElement(Vehicle newElem) { element = newElem; }
	 * sets the previous node of this node
	public void setPrev (DNode newPrev) { prev = newPrev; }
	 * sets the next node of this node
	public void setNext (DNode newNext) { next = newNext; }


This is contents of the file called "list" that I am putting in after the prompt

1000 BMW M
300 Mercedes CLS
600 Ferarri Italia
100 Porsche Cayman RS
200 Lamborghini Gallardo TT
2500 Mazda Miata
50 Chevrolet Camaro SS
150 Ford Mustang GT

Hey again. Trying to add elements to a DList, this happens when I try to add the second car (500, Porsche). The whole insert algorithm sucks and am strongly considering trying to figure out a better one.

This is what shows up in the console:

Enter name of file with test date:
Expecting 8 vehicles to process.
Reading data from file and inserting...
New vehicle to process: BMW M
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at DList.addAfter(DList.java:79)
at OrderedList.insert(OrderedList.java:43)
at TestOrderedList.main(TestOrderedList.java:36)

Here is all of my source code.

 * @author Harry Luthi
 * @work Assignment 1

public class Vehicle
	private int vin;
	private String d;
	  // static String d, else main will return "null"
	  // for vehicle's description when tested.
	public Vehicle(int x, String d) 
		vin = x;
		this.d = d;
	// toString
	public String toString()
		return "VIN: " + vin + ". " + "Description: " + d + "\n";
	// Accessors and modifiers
	public int getVin()
		return vin;
	public String getDescription() 
		return d;

public class OrderedList
	private int vin;
	int pos;
	private int count;
	private DList dlist;
	private DNode dnode;
	private Vehicle newElem;
	private DNode next;
	private DNode prevID;
	public int getCount()
		return count;
	public OrderedList()
		count = 0;
	public void insert(DNode v)		// Insert vehicle to list
		DList list = new DList();
		dnode = v;
		Vehicle vehic = v.getElement();
		if(count == 0)
			DNode w = v.getNext();	
			list.addAfter(v, v);

	public void display()
		String s = "";
		for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
			s = s+dlist;
//	boolean find(DNode v)		// Find Vehicle in list
//	{
//	}
//	public void remove(int vin)
//	{
//	}
//	public Vehicle retrieve(int vin)
//	{
//	}

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

class TestOrderedList
	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		System.out.println("Running test driver...");
		System.out.println("Enter name of file with test date: ");
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		String fileName = scan.nextLine();
		File inputFile = new File(fileName);
		Scanner inFile = new Scanner(inputFile);
		int count = 8;
		System.out.println("Expecting " + count + " vehicles to process.");
		OrderedList ol = new OrderedList();
		System.out.println("Reading data from file and inserting...");
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
			int vin = inFile.nextInt();
			String d = inFile.nextLine();
			Vehicle v1 = new Vehicle(386, "BMW");
			DNode t1 = new DNode (v1, null, null);
			Vehicle v2 = new Vehicle(500, "Porsche");
			DNode t2 = new DNode(v2, t1, null);
			OrderedList list = new OrderedList();
			System.out.println("New vehicle to process: " + d);

//			for (int j=0; j<count; j++)
//			{
//				list.addFirst(t1);
//				list.addAfter(t1, t2);
//			}

			System.out.println("Verify it was added to list.");
			System.out.print("-- end of display -- \n\n");

/** Doubly linked list with nodes of type DNode storing strings. 
 *  Code by Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structurs and Algorithms, 5th edition
 * */

public class DList 
	protected int size;			// number of elements
	protected DNode header, trailer;	// sentinels

	/** Constructor that creates an empty list */
	public DList()
		size = 0;
		header = new DNode(null, null, null);	// create header
		trailer = new DNode(null, header, null);	// create trailer
		header.setNext(trailer);	// make header and trailer point to each other
	/** Returns the number of elements in the list */
	public int size() { return size; }
	/** Returns whether the list is empty */
	public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); }

	/** Returns the first node of the list */
	public DNode getFirst() throws IllegalStateException 
	    if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
	    return header.getNext();
	/** Returns the last node of the list */
	public DNode getLast() throws IllegalStateException 
		if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
		return trailer.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node before the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the header 
	public DNode getPrev(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == header) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move back past the header of the list");
		return v.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node after the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the trailer 
	public DNode getNext(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == trailer) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move forward past the trailer of the list");
		return v.getNext();
	/** Inserts the given node z before the given node v. An error
	* occurs if v is the header 
	public void addBefore(DNode v, DNode z) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node z after the given node v. An error occurs
	 * if v is the trailer 
	public void addAfter(DNode v, DNode z) 
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node at the head of the list */
	public void addFirst(DNode v) 
		addAfter(header, v);
	/** Inserts the given node at the tail of the list */
	public void addLast(DNode v) 
		addBefore(trailer, v);
	/** Removes the given node v from the list. An error occurs if v is
	 * the header or trailer 
	public void remove(DNode v) 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		// unlink the node from the list 

public class DNode 
	protected Vehicle element; 
	protected DNode next, prev;
	 * Constructor that creates node with given fields
	public DNode (Vehicle v, DNode p, DNode n){
		element = v;
		prev = p;
		next = n;
	 * Returns the element of this node
	public Vehicle getElement() { return element; }
	 * Returns the previous nosde of this node
	public DNode getPrev() { return prev; }
	 * Returns the next node 
	public DNode getNext() { return next; }
	 * sets the element of this node
	public void setElement(Vehicle newElem) { element = newElem; }
	 * sets the previous node of this node
	public void setPrev (DNode newPrev) { prev = newPrev; }
	 * sets the next node of this node
	public void setNext (DNode newNext) { next = newNext; }


This is contents of the file called "list" that I am putting in after the prompt

1000 BMW M
300 Mercedes CLS
600 Ferarri Italia
100 Porsche Cayman RS
200 Lamborghini Gallardo TT
2500 Mazda Miata
50 Chevrolet Camaro SS
150 Ford Mustang GT

this might help :

public void addAfter(DNode v, DNode z) 
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
//		w.setPrev(z); //comment this here

my guess as to why that corrects the error is most likely due to code here in your insert(DNode v) method:

DNode w = v.getNext();
			list.addAfter(v, v);

Thanks for the speedy reply. We must not make any changes to anything but OrderedList and TestOrderedList, unfortunately. So commenting that out would not be acceptable and would lead to a deduction on my points. Here is my updated error code:

Running test driver...
Enter name of file with test date:
Expecting 8 vehicles to process.
Reading data from file and inserting...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at DList.addAfter(DList.java:79)
at OrderedList.insert(OrderedList.java:41)
at TestOrderedList.main(TestOrderedList.java:28)
New vehicle to process: BMW M
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Mercedes CLS

Here is updated source code.

 * @author Harry Luthi
 * @work Assignment 1

public class Vehicle
	private int vin;
	private String d;
	  // static String d, else main will return "null"
	  // for vehicle's description when tested.
	public Vehicle(int x, String d) 
		vin = x;
		this.d = d;
	// toString
	public String toString()
		return "VIN: " + vin + ". " + "Description: " + d + "\n";
	// Accessors and modifiers
	public int getVin()
		return vin;
	public String getDescription() 
		return d;

public class OrderedList
{	int pos;
	private int vin;
	private int count;
	private DList dlist;
	private DNode dnode;
	private DNode next;
	private DNode prevID;
	public int getCount()
		return count;
	public OrderedList()
		count = 0;
	public void insert(DNode v)		// Insert vehicle to list
		dlist = new DList();
		Vehicle vehic = v.getElement();
		dnode = v;
		if(count == 0)
			DNode z = v;
			DNode w = v.getNext();	// Not same ID  mcauleyr's "ID" variable corresponding to VIN of vehicle
			dlist.addAfter(v, z);

	public void display()
		String s = "";
		for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
			s = s+dlist;
//	boolean find(DNode v)		// Find Vehicle in list
//	{
//	}
//	public void remove(int vin)
//	{
//	}
//	public Vehicle retrieve(int vin)
//	{
//	}

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;

class TestOrderedList
	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		System.out.println("Running test driver...");
		System.out.println("Enter name of file with test date: ");
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		String fileName = scan.nextLine();
		File inputFile = new File(fileName);
		Scanner inFile = new Scanner(inputFile);
		int count = 8;
		System.out.println("Expecting " + count + " vehicles to process.");
		OrderedList ol = new OrderedList();
		System.out.println("Reading data from file and inserting...");
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
			int vin = inFile.nextInt();
			String d = inFile.nextLine();
			Vehicle v = new Vehicle(vin, d);
			DNode t = new DNode (v, null, null);
			System.out.println("New vehicle to process: " + d);
			System.out.println("Verify it was added to list.");
			System.out.print("-- end of display -- \n\n");

/** Doubly linked list with nodes of type DNode storing strings. 
 *  Code by Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structurs and Algorithms, 5th edition
 * */

public class DList 
	protected int size;			// number of elements
	protected DNode header, trailer;	// sentinels

	/** Constructor that creates an empty list */
	public DList()
		size = 0;
		header = new DNode(null, null, null);	// create header
		trailer = new DNode(null, header, null);	// create trailer
		header.setNext(trailer);	// make header and trailer point to each other
	/** Returns the number of elements in the list */
	public int size() { return size; }
	/** Returns whether the list is empty */
	public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); }

	/** Returns the first node of the list */
	public DNode getFirst() throws IllegalStateException 
	    if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
	    return header.getNext();
	/** Returns the last node of the list */
	public DNode getLast() throws IllegalStateException 
		if (isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("List is empty");
		return trailer.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node before the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the header 
	public DNode getPrev(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == header) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move back past the header of the list");
		return v.getPrev();
	/** Returns the node after the given node v. An error occurs if v
	* is the trailer 
	public DNode getNext(DNode v) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		if (v == trailer) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move forward past the trailer of the list");
		return v.getNext();
	/** Inserts the given node z before the given node v. An error
	* occurs if v is the header 
	public void addBefore(DNode v, DNode z) throws IllegalArgumentException 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node z after the given node v. An error occurs
	 * if v is the trailer 
	public void addAfter(DNode v, DNode z) 
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
	/** Inserts the given node at the head of the list */
	public void addFirst(DNode v) 
		addAfter(header, v);
	/** Inserts the given node at the tail of the list */
	public void addLast(DNode v) 
		addBefore(trailer, v);
	/** Removes the given node v from the list. An error occurs if v is
	 * the header or trailer 
	public void remove(DNode v) 
		DNode u = getPrev(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException
		// unlink the node from the list 

public class DNode 
	protected Vehicle element; 
	protected DNode next, prev;
	 * Constructor that creates node with given fields
	public DNode (Vehicle v, DNode p, DNode n){
		element = v;
		prev = p;
		next = n;
	 * Returns the element of this node
	public Vehicle getElement() { return element; }
	 * Returns the previous nosde of this node
	public DNode getPrev() { return prev; }
	 * Returns the next node 
	public DNode getNext() { return next; }
	 * sets the element of this node
	public void setElement(Vehicle newElem) { element = newElem; }
	 * sets the previous node of this node
	public void setPrev (DNode newPrev) { prev = newPrev; }
	 * sets the next node of this node
	public void setNext (DNode newNext) { next = newNext; }


This is contents of the file called "list" that I am putting in after the prompt

1000 BMW M
300 Mercedes CLS
600 Ferarri Italia
100 Porsche Cayman RS
200 Lamborghini Gallardo TT
2500 Mazda Miata
50 Chevrolet Camaro SS
150 Ford Mustang GT

Also, I can't get my display() method to work correctly and it needs a re-code. What information would help get me going on that?

try this in the dlist class:

public void addAfter(DNode v, DNode z) 
		DNode w = getNext(v);	// may throw an IllegalArgumentException

Check out my post above ;)

Can't modify DList or DNode classes. I'll try it just to see what happens though.

This may help, let w be the node following v

Here is the result in the console. How do I get them to display strings and not memory locations? Do I need a toString() method? I tried to make some in various places but to no avail.

Running test driver...
Enter name of file with test date:
Expecting 8 vehicles to process.
Reading data from file and inserting...
New vehicle to process: BMW M
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Mercedes CLS
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Ferarri Italia
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Porsche Cayman RS
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Lamborghini Gallardo TT
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Mazda Miata
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Chevrolet Camaro SS
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --

New vehicle to process: Ford Mustang GT
Verify it was added to list.
-- end of display --


Check out my post above ;)

Can't modify DList or DNode classes. I'll try it just to see what happens though.

oops sorry read like an idiot :)

well you could try this:

public void display()
		if(count==1) {
                      System.out.println(dlist.getFirst().element);//this count ==1 checks if its the first time if we dont do this null will be shown for the first input from file which is the BMW
                 } else {

Check out what I did as you must have been posting that above.

public void display()

And in DList, I added the toString() method:

public String toString()
		String s = "";
		DNode v = header.getNext();
		while (v != trailer)
			s += v.getElement();
			v = v.getNext();
			if (v != trailer)
				s += ",";
		s += "";
		return s;
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