Having trouble getting the QuickSort to work in this code. I turned off the counter for now, just trying to get the sorted array to display correctly. This is the results I get from the code:
This program keeps track of the number of comparisons required to
to sort a randomly generated array array.
How large do you want the array to be? 4
Array to be sorted is:
677 419 981 377
The sorted array is:
-858993460 -858993460 -858993460 -858993460 Press any key to continue . . .

Here is the code I'm using

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib> // For random
using namespace std;

class AbstractSort
	void QuickSort(int arr[], int s, int e);
	int getComparisonCount()
		return comparisonCount;
	void resetComparisonCount()
		comparisonCount= 0;
	void swap(int *x, int *y);
	int comparisonCount;
// AbstractSort::compare
// This also keeps track of the number of comparisons performed
void AbstractSort:: swap(int *x, int *y)
	//return x - y;
   int temp;
   temp = *x;
   *x = *y;
   *y = temp;


class MaxSort : public AbstractSort
	void QuickSort(int arr[], int s, int e);

//MaxSort::sort sort the given array with the given number of elements
void MaxSort::QuickSort (int list[], int m, int n)
    int key,i,j,k;
   if( m < n)
      //k = choose_pivot(m,n);
	   k = ((m+n)/2);
      key = list[m];
      i = m+1;
      j = n;
      while(i <= j)
         while((i <= n) && (list[i] <= key))
         while((j >= m) && (list[j] > key))
         if( i < j)
	  // swap two elements
	  // recursively sort the lesser list


int main()
    const int MAX_SIZE = 100;
    int arr[MAX_SIZE];
    int size;
    // Explain the program
    cout << "This program keeps track of the number of comparisons required to\n"; 
    cout << "to sort a randomly generated array array.\n";
    cout << "How large do you want the array to be? ";
    // Get the size of the array
    cin >> size;    
    if (size > MAX_SIZE) 
        cout << "The size of the array must be no greater than 100.";
    // Initialize random number generator
	srand((unsigned int)time(0));
    // Fill the array with random numbers
    for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
        arr[k] = rand() % 1000;
    // Output array to be sorted
    cout << "Array to be sorted is: \n";
    for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
        cout << arr[k] << "  ";
    // Sort and output results
    MaxSort maxSort;
    //maxSort.sort(arr, size);
	maxSort.QuickSort(arr,0,MAX_SIZE - 1);
    cout << "\nThe sorted array is: \n";
    for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
        cout << arr[k] << "  ";
    //cout << "\nNumber of comparisons performed is: " << maxSort.getComparisonCount() << endl;
    return 0;    


You entered 4 elements. How many elements are you actually sorting?

You entered 4 elements. How many elements are you actually sorting?

I not sure where you see 4 elements, I entered 4 for the size of the array.

Size of array is MAX_SIZE. Look at line 118.

Size of array is MAX_SIZE. Look at line 118.

Thanks for you help nezachem, been overlooking that! Thanks again!

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