i take here,

Total = textbox1 + textbox2 + textbox3 + textbox4 + textbox5

            textbox4 = textbox2+textbox3;
            textbox5 = textbox3 + textbox4 ;

        in C#
        pls reply friend's ;

I don't know what you're trying to do with the IF statement but the total line should be like this: (if you want to add integers at least)

int total = int.Parse(textbox1.text) + int.Parse(textbox2.text) + int.Parse(textbox3.text) + int.Parse(textbox4.text) + int.Parse(textbox5.text);

ok Thank's,
but i do this type,I am inserting textbox1 value and give textbox2 value with autopostback.
1. textbox2 = textbox1 + 1; ok
here textbox 2 auto count.
and after textbox3 also auto count but this depend on textbox 2.
means i only insert textbox1 data and after display textbox2, textbox3,....data

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