i found this off some site and when i build it in vis c++, the errors are with the two random functions. will someone tell me why and how i can fix this. the random on line 15 and randomize on line 36. undeclared identifiers.
/* Jason Cordes */
/* 8/95 */
#include <stdlib.h> // random, randomize
#include <fstream.h> // file i/o
#include <string.h> // string commands (copy, concatenate, etc...)
#include <ctype.h> // toupper (100 bytes)
#include <conio.h> // clearscr(), getch()
int roll(int die=6, int throws=1, int modifier=0)
int total=0, index;
{ total += random(die); total++; }
total += modifier;
void main()
int hp,mhp,THAC,mTHAC,AC,mAC,hitroll;
int damage,mdamage,ALIVE,temp;
hp = 32;
mhp = 64;
THAC = 12;
AC = 5;
mTHAC = 15;
mAC = 4;
damage = 10;
mdamage = 8;
ALIVE = 1;
cout << "\n\nStarting combat...";
cout << "\n\nYour hp: " << hp;
cout << "\nIt's hp: " << mhp << endl << endl;
cout << endl << " Attacking...";
hitroll = roll(20);
cout << "\nYou rolled a " << hitroll;
if(hitroll >= (THAC-mAC))
{ cout << "\nHIT!";
temp = roll(damage);
mhp -= temp;
cout << " You did " << temp << " point(s) of damage.";
if(mhp <= 0)
{ ALIVE = 0;
cout << "\nThe Skeleton is dead. You gain 10 xp.";} }
{ cout << "\nYou missed."; }
if(ALIVE != 0)
hitroll = roll(20);
cout << "\nIt rolled a " << hitroll;
if(hitroll >= (mTHAC-AC))
{ cout << "\n\nThe skeleton swings wildly at you...";
cout << "\nHIT!";
temp = roll(damage);
hp -= temp;
cout << " IT did " << temp << " point(s) of damage.";
if(hp <= 0)
{ ALIVE = 0;
cout << "\nYou are dead. Maybe someone will ressurect you.";} }
cout << "\nIT missed."; }
}while(hp > 0 && mhp > 0);
cout << "\nHim: " << mhp << " You: " << hp << endl;