
I've problem here. I create 3 check boxlist using vb.net 2.0. One of my check boxlist is uncheck when i try to save in database. when i want to save this using Microsoft access database the error come System.NullReferenceException – “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Please help me to encounter this problem.

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Please help me to encounter this problem.

Try running your program again :) I'm sure you'll get the same error.

Try running your program again :) I'm sure you'll get the same error.

Here i 'give my sample coding to help me.

Protected Sub btnaccept_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnaccept.Click
Dim strSQl As String
Dim strluaran, strPersekitaran, strperibadi As String
Dim mycommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand

conn = New OleDbConnection(connString)
mycommand.Connection = conn

lbldate.Text = Format(Date.Now, "dd-MMM-yyyy")

If IsDBNull(chkluaran.SelectedItem.Text) Then
chkluaran.SelectedItem.Text = ""
End If
If IsDBNull(chkPersekitaran.SelectedItem.Text) Then
chkPersekitaran.SelectedItem.Text = ""
End If
If IsDBNull(chkperibadi.SelectedItem.Text) Then
chkperibadi.SelectedItem.Text = ""
End If
strSQl = " INSERT INTO scan_Cust_result(cust_name,cust_mothername, cust_result_email, cust_result, result_luaran, result_persekitaran, " _
& " result_peribadi, cust_desc, date_created) VALUES " _
& " ('" & lblname.Text & "', '" & lblmothername.Text & "','" & lblemail.Text & "', '" & chkmasalah.SelectedItem.Text & "', " _
& " '" & chkluaran.SelectedItem.Text & "', '" & chkPersekitaran.SelectedItem.Text & "', '" & chkperibadi.SelectedItem.Text & "', " _
& " '" & txtdesc.Text & "', '" & lbldate.Text & "')"
Response.Write("Your Results are Successfully Saved.")
Catch SQLexc As OleDbException
Response.Write("Insert Failed. Error Details are: " & SQLexc.ToString())
End Try

End Sub

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