Ja-ja I'm new to this c++, BUT egger to learn. I want to write a program that will cout all the odd numbers between 6 and a positive integer.It must also be bigger than 53. This is what I came up so far but it doesn't give any output :
cout<<"Please enter a number not less than 53\n";
int a, i; // Declare the number input
while (i <= 53)
{ cout << "No, bigger than 53! Try again : ";
cin >> i;
for (a>6;a<=i;a++); //Execution of the series
if (a%2!=0); // calculating the odd numbers
cout << a <<endl;
cout <<"This is the odd numbers between 6 and "<<i<<"\n";
Can anybody help? I'm sure there must be an easier way of doing this.
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