Hello everyone,
I'm trying to get a python script to run base on the os release and if its physical or virtual machine. If its virtual the script will NOT run, but if its Physical the script will run base on the os release level. I'm a little bit confusing putting the second check for virtual.
Can someone help me on this. Thank you.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import platform
import sys
import os.path
os_release = platform.dist()[2]
platform = os.system("dmidecode -s system-manufacturer")
if os_release == "Santiago":
if platform == "IBM":
os.system("cat /etc/redhat-release")
print platform
elif os_release == "Tikanga":
os.system("cat /etc/redhat-release")
elif os_release == "Maipo":
os.system("cat /etc/redhat-release")