I can't figure out why this won't work. Any help would be appreciated!

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
    Dim Notes As String
    Dim Choice As String
    Dim barcode As String
    Dim barcodeinput As String
    Dim No As Integer
    Dim Notes1 As String
    Dim Notes2 As String
    Dim Notes3 As String
    Dim ITEM As String
    Dim purchasenumber As Integer
    Dim Done As String
    Dim list As Array
    Dim Cost As Array
    Dim NumberBrought As Array
    Dim itemname As Array
    Dim b As Integer

    Sub main()
        Console.WriteLine("Please chose an option")
        Console.WriteLine("1:Create/overwrite and update file")
        Console.WriteLine("2:Read file")
        Console.WriteLine("3:Order from file")
        Console.WriteLine("Input choice number")
        Choice = Console.ReadLine()
        If Choice = "1" Then
        ElseIf Choice = "2" Then
        ElseIf Choice = "3" Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub Create_File()
        Dim fileLoc As String = "\\lisa\12VincentC$\My Documents\New testy thing of doom\Barcode Shopping System.txt"

        'Create or overwrite the file.
        Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(fileLoc)


        Dim i As Integer
        Dim aryText(5) As String

        aryText(0) = "23147120 , Basic Unit Pack , 9999999 , 0.20"
        aryText(1) = "77321550 , Advanced Unit Pack , 9999999 , 0.50"
        aryText(2) = "95678230 , Legendary Unit Pack , 9999999 , 1"
        aryText(3) = "21559380 , Sacred Unit Pack , 999999 , 5"
        aryText(4) = "24568970 , Event Pack , 1234 , 1"
        aryText(5) = "09765430 , Sinlge doom unit , 1000 , 10"

        Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(fileLoc, True)

        For i = 0 To 5


    End Sub
    Sub Read_File()

        Dim fileLoc As String = "\\lisa\12VincentC$\My Documents\New testy thing of doom\Barcode Shopping System.txt"

        Dim fileContents As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileLoc)

        Dim x As Integer = fileContents.Count
        Dim Barcode(x) As String
        Dim Name(x) As String
        Dim Quantity(x) As String
        Dim Price(x) As String

        Dim line As String()

        For a = 0 To fileContents.Count - 1

            line = fileContents(a).Split(New Char() {","c})

            Barcode(a) = line(0)
            Name(a) = line(1)
            Quantity(a) = line(2)
            Price(a) = line(3)


        For j = 0 To x - 1

            Console.Write(Barcode(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Name(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Quantity(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Price(j) & ", ")

    End Sub
    Sub Order()
        Dim fileLoc As String = "\\lisa\12VincentC$\My Documents\New testy thing of doom\Barcode Shopping System.txt"
        Dim fileContents As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileLoc)
        Dim x As Integer = fileContents.Count
        Dim Barcode(x) As String
        Dim Name(x) As String
        Dim Quantity(x) As String
        Dim Price(x) As String
        Dim line As String()
        For a = 0 To fileContents.Count - 1
            line = fileContents(a).Split(New Char() {","c})
            Barcode(a) = line(0)
            Name(a) = line(1)
            Quantity(a) = line(2)
            Price(a) = line(3)
        For j = 0 To x - 1
            Console.Write(Barcode(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Name(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Quantity(j) & ", ")
            Console.Write(Price(j) & ", ")
        Console.WriteLine("Input the product Barcode.")
        barcodeinput = Console.ReadLine()
        Dim found As Boolean
        Dim barcodeplacement As Integer
        Done = False
        found = False
        While Done = False
            For L = 1 To 5
                For b = 0 To 6
                    Console.WriteLine(" checking current barcode " & Barcode(b))
                    If barcodeinput = Barcode(b) Then
                        found = True
                    End If
                    If found = True Then
                        barcodeplacement = b
                        Console.WriteLine("You have ordered" & Barcode(b))
                        list(L) = Name(barcodeplacement)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input how many you wish to buy")
                        purchasenumber = Console.Read()
                        itemname(L) = Barcode(barcodeplacement)
                        NumberBrought(L) = purchasenumber
                        Cost(L) = Price(barcodeplacement) * NumberBrought(L)
                        barcodeinput = Console.ReadLine
                        Console.WriteLine("Is that all? (Y/N)")
                        Choice = Console.ReadLine
                        If Choice = "N" Then
                        ElseIf Choice = "Y" Then
                            Console.WriteLine("Your reciept")
                            Done = True
                        End If
                    End If
            If found = False Then
                Console.WriteLine("Input not found")
            End If
            For L = 0 To 5
        End While
    End Sub
End Module

Your barcode array has a trailing blank included with every barcode and the one you are comparing it with (user input) does not include the blank so you will never get a match. You could fix that by doing a Trim() before copying the string into the array.

That's the most obvious problem based on my running your code locally. There are a thousand ways that code can "not" work. It would help if you could be specific as to the difference between "the way it works" and "the way you expect it to work" ^_^

commented: I added a Trim() to handle that. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.trim(v=vs.90).aspx +12

At the moment I'm trying to get it to compre the barcode in the order function and find a match but, I can't seem to get it to work. Do you think it's possible to explain Trim() for me so I can make use of it?

Instead of Barcode(a) = line(0) you should use Barcode(a) = Trim(line(0)). This will strip off leading and trailing blanks.

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