the error is at the curly brace under void main() line 28 can some one help me...pleasee
#include <iomanip>
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
//nonvoid function
int main()
float Final_pt(float GP_work,float GP_exam,int Eval)
float Grade_n, Grade;
Grade_n = GP_work*0.3 + GP_exam*0.7;
Grade_n = GP_work*0.4 + GP_exam*0.6;
Grade = Grade_n;
return Grade;
void main ()
int matric_no, courses_no, units,evaluation, sum= 0 , fail=0;
float gradept_coursework, gradept_exam,final_pt, average=0.0, gradeptfnl;
char response='y';
char* grade;
cout << setw(47) << "UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA" << endl;
cout << setw(60) << "STUDENTS' RESULTS SEMESTER 2 ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020" << endl << endl;
while (response =='y')
int i=1;
cout << "Matric Number: ";
cin >> matric_no ;
cout << "\nEnter the number of courses taken: ";
cin >> courses_no;
cout << "Enter the units, grade points for coursework and exam, and evaluation code (1 for 30/70, or 2 for 40/60): " << endl << endl;
do {
cin >> units >> gradept_coursework >> gradept_exam >> evaluation;
final_pt = Final_pt(gradept_coursework, gradept_exam, evaluation);
if (final_pt >= 3.84)
grade = "A";
else if (final_pt >= 3.5)
grade = "A-";
else if (final_pt >= 3.17)
grade = "B+";
else if (final_pt >= 2.84)
grade = "B";
else if (final_pt >= 2.50)
grade = "B-";
else if (final_pt >= 2.17)
grade = "C+";
else if (final_pt >= 1.84)
grade = "C";
else if (final_pt >= 1.50)
grade = "C-";
else if (final_pt >= 1.17)
grade = "D+";
else if (final_pt >= 0.84)
grade = "D";
else if (final_pt >= 0.34)
grade = "D-";
grade = "F";
cout << "Final grade of the course " << i << " : " << grade << endl << endl;
if (grade == "A")
gradeptfnl = 4.00;
else if (grade == "A-")
gradeptfnl = 3.67;
else if (grade == "B+")
gradeptfnl = 3.33;
else if (grade == "B")
gradeptfnl = 3.00;
else if (grade == "B-")
gradeptfnl = 2.67;
else if (grade == "C+")
gradeptfnl = 2.33;
else if (grade == "C")
gradeptfnl = 2.00;
else if (grade == "C-")
gradeptfnl = 1.67;
else if (grade == "D+")
gradeptfnl = 1.33;
else if (grade == "D")
gradeptfnl = 1.00;
else if (grade == "D-")
gradeptfnl = 0.67;
else if (grade == "F")
gradeptfnl = 0.00;
sum = sum + units;
average= average + gradeptfnl*units;
if (final_pt < 2.0)
fail = fail+1 ;
} while (i <= courses_no);
average = average/sum ;
cout << "Number of units is: " << sum << endl << endl;
cout << "Grade point average = " << average << endl;
if (average >= 2.00)
cout << "Status : Active" << endl ;
cout << "Status: Not Active" << endl ;
if (fail == 0)
cout << "Do not need to repeat any course" << endl ;
else if ( fail != 0)
cout << "Need to repeat " << fail << " course" << endl ;
if ( average >= 3.50 && sum >= 12)
cout << "Eligible for Dean's list." << endl ;
cout << "Not eligible for Dean's list. " << endl ;
cout << "\nDo you want to process for another student? Type 'y' is yes, 'n' if no : ";
cin >> response;
return 0;
int main()
int studentcount, students, score;
float totalscores, average, leastscore=100, highscore=0;
string studentname;
cout<<"How many students have taken the exam"<<endl;
cin>> students;
cout<<"what is the student name: "<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter scores: ";
cin>> score;
cout<<studentname<< " got a score of "<<score<<endl;
if (score<leastscore)
else if(score>highscore)
if(score<100 && score>89)
cout<<studentname<<"'s letter grade is an A."<<endl;;
else if(score<90 && score>79)
cout<<studentname<<"'s letter grade is a B."<<endl;
else if(score<80 && score>69)
cout<<studentname<< "'s letter grade is a C."<<endl;
cout<<studentname<<" failed."<<endl;
cout<<"The class average was :"<<average<<endl;
cout<<"The highscore was :"<<highscore<<endl;
cout<<"The low score was: "<<leastscore<<endl;
return 0;