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Hii are someone know the best ways to regenerate csrf token on ajax form submit Web Development codeigniter javascript php | |
Stupidly, I clicked on an email attachment with an htlm extension to see what the scam was. I think I was expecting it to open in a text editor, but it ran. (Dumb, dumb, dumb!) Anyway, I've paid my dues by restoring over a terabyte of backup onto two disks. … Web Development javascript | |
**I have attached all of the coding needed** I'm using PHP to design a website. The problem that I am facing is that, the button on the add products page isn't taking the inputs and putting them on the products list page. I'm wondering what I can do to get … Web Development php | |
can someone suggest me how to build referral system with code referral and bonus table mysql Web Development codeigniter php | |
Hello, One of the following code got htmlspecialchars. Which code is correct out of the two ? Both codes build pagination section. Need to add security so users cannot sql inject. Not using http_build_query function here as I want to build a pagination section without it and already built one … | |
Hello, Was reading this tutorial on the INTVAL(): https://www.w3schools.com/php/phptryit.asp?filename=tryphp_func_var_intval How is this an INT ? $e = array("red", "green", "blue"); echo intval($e) . "<br>"; And, when to use int() function and when to use INTVAL() function and when not to use them ? I am confused! Web Development php | |
Sometimes we have a need to take a simple PHP array and represent it as an encoded string. One use case that we have for this at DaniWeb is when a new user signs up, and we ask them to click on a link that was sent to them via … Web Development php | |
The child selector simply refers to the NEW word in the word in the center-text class. The h2 must be singled out as child. Here's task - Add a CSS rule for all span elements that are children of h2 elements that sets the text color to #FA9F42 and its … Web Development html-css | |
It uses a span tag in the html. The idea is to style the word NEW in the style sheet as a child. I havre code to post but how do I do it correctly? Web Development html-css | |
## Introduction: ## An IDE (*Integrated Development Environments*) is used to make a developers life easier. You are most likely already familiar with the IDE, **VSCode**; but are you familiar **VSCode Extensions**? Extensions take your IDE past the out-of-the-box experience; I wish I had known about this particular extension [**Simple … Web Development javascript | |
## Introduction ## While creating Selenium tests, you might have found that inspecting elements manually using the web browserβs inspector could be tedious. Even after you have found the element, you still have to go through the pain of looking up the correct **xpath** syntax for this specific element. To … Web Development spring-framework | |
| Hi. Please could someone help me understand what's happening here. I have a MySQL database which has a table with some data in the following format: 2022-03-15 06:55:39:<br/>LineOfSight:<br/>java.lang.Exception:<br/> UNAVAILABLE TELEMETRY BR$0 The field collation is utf8 and the data is stored as text. This data is provided via a 3rd … |
## Introduction ## Selenium is one of the most popular web browser automation tools out there. There is no restriction on what you can use Selenium for. You can use it to build a GPU scalping bot (*please donβt*) or build e2e tests for your website. In this tutorial, we … Web Development spring-framework | |
Sometimes we want to know if the webpage was fetched over an SSL connection (e.g. the URL begins with https:// instead of http://). This way, if an end-user is accessing an insecure version of our site, we can redirect them to the secure version. The following PHP function called `no_ssl()` … Web Development php | |
For some reason, PHP class constants don't play nicely with inheritance. For example, suppose you have the following code: class Foo { const VAR = 'foo'; public function __construct() { echo self::VAR; } } class Bar extends Foo { const VAR = 'bar'; } // This will actually print out … Web Development php | |
## Introduction ## The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (`HTTP`) is one of the most common communication protocol on the internet. There are three major versions of HTTP that you should be aware of: **1.1**, **2.0**, **3.0**. Versions 1.1 and 2.0 are widely used today, so this tutorial mainly focuses on … Web Development http-protocol | |
Hello, I get this error message: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' When running this code: ` Rp. <div id="total"></div> ``` <script> $("#total").html({<?php number_format($("#subtot").val(), 0, '', '.'); ?>}); </script> ``` ` Any idea why? Web Development javascript | |
Hello everyone! I am wondering how I can access the ending of my url address. For exampel: www.castingvault.eu/willy And I wand the name "willy" only and then process and use it in my php code. Usually you write the url like this: www.castingvault.eu/members.php?mem=willy and the following is how to access … Web Development php | |
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1061 'SignupScreen' does not contain a definition for 'BtnSubmit_Click' and no accessible extension method 'BtnSubmit_Click' accepting a first argument of type 'SignupScreen' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) WpfSignupscreen D:\Visual Studio Work\WpfSignupscreen\WpfSignupscreen\SignupScreen.xaml 23 Active | |
A little while ago, I wrote a [tutorial](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/tutorials/537376/sanitize-php-user-input-strings) about how important it is to sanitize PHP user input strings. Not only is it important to sanitize user input being fed into a database query, but it's also important to sanitize user input being displayed to the end-user to generate valid … Web Development codeigniter html-css php | |
A PHP array is essentially a stack of elements that can be used to denote a list, represent a collection of variables, etc. You can easily use loops to iterate over each element of an array. As PHP is a loosely typed language, all of the elements of an array … Web Development php | |
I want to set a max width for all pages on a web site but have no idea where to set it in the CSS file. I tried setting it in both the body section and the html section without success. I'd appreciate some help on this. Thanks in advance. Web Development html-css | |
By default, PHP's clone keyword just creates a shallow copy of an object, and doesn't work as desired if the object contains properties that are also objects, because it doesn't create real copies of those objects but rather just pointers to the initial version of them. This function creates a … Web Development php | |
I want to make a pdf file in php. I write code like this: <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; include('conn.php'); $res = mysqli_query($conn, "select * from smash"); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) { $html = '<table>'; $html = '<tr><td>ID</td><td>Name</td><td>FatherName</td><td>Address</td><td>Phone</td><td>Class</td><td>Qualification</td><td>Branch</td><td>rollno</td></tr>'; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $html .= '<tr><td>' . $row['id'] . '</td><td>' … | |
I am working for a client that uses a tag for the different manufacturers of their products. Each product will only have one manufacturer tag. On their collections page, they have a sidebar that shows all the Manufacturer names with a {{ tag | link_to_add_tag: tag }} URL. Now the … Web Development javascript | |
| Hi. Hoping someone can explain this to me please. $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; echo "<pre> -- quantity -- "; print_r($quantity); echo "</pre>"; This returns: -- quantity --Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => 2 [4] => [5] => [6] => ) $selectitem = $_POST['selectitem']; echo "<pre> -- selectitem … Web Development php |
Hi! I need a web application for my business. Should I hire an agency or a freelancer? What's the better value? Thank you. | |
I have created a form using HTML, now I won't save the input data into my browser's local storage DB. I want to same multiple inputs, not just one. how do I do it I believe I need to use javascript but I'm not strong with it and am still … Web Development javascript mysql | |
I am parsing xml data generated by backup software for SMS and phone logs. Most of the data appears like this: ``` <sms protocol="0" address="##########" date="1495903715000" body="Ok. See you then.;-)" subject="none" ... /> ``` For most bodies of a text message, the data follows the same pattern above: Keyword `body="<string>"`. … |
The End.