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Apple kicked off its annual [URL="http://developer.apple.com/WWDC/"]World Wide Developer's Conference[/URL] on Monday, and it proved something very important; it could generate plenty of excitement without [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs"]Steve Jobs[/URL] on stage. I know that I along with many others watch with anticipation as live bloggers on the scene gave us the blow by …

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Yesterday, [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090609/bs_nm/us_apple1"]announced[/URL] significant price drops on many of its consumer products including the iPhone and Mac Air. This is an unusual move by Apple since it carefully controls its pricing--so much so that rarely, if ever, do its products go "on sale." So what's up with this big price …

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I have to confess my initial reaction was the same as that of Daniweb colleague [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4429.html"]Bill Andad[/URL]; the lack of a coherent upgrade path for the new iPhone 3G S is some sort of idiocy by UK operator 02. But then I got to thinking. And it's not. It's unfortunate …

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UK iPhone 3G users hoping that the network operator with the exclusive contract on the new iPhone 3GS might see sense and let them upgrade have been dealt a body blow as O2 confirms they can go and swivel on Twitter. The iPhone 3GS will be upon us in a …

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As usual Apple put on quite a show at the [URL="http://developer.apple.com/WWDC/"]WWDC 09 Keynote[/URL] on Monday, but what struck me was the undercurrent of derision for its exclusive carrier AT&T. Tucked in among the [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/iphone/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=217800153"]big announcements[/URL] of faster, cheaper Mac Books, $29 Snow Leopard upgrades, the long rumored $99 iPhone and …

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Have you bought a [URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Kindle[/URL] or Kindle 2 yet? Don't--at least not until you check out the [URL="http://www.coolreaders.com"]COOL-ER[/URL] ebook reader. It's about the same size and weight of a Kindle--so what makes it so much [I]cooler[/I] than the Kindle? It could be your choice of eight cool colors, its magical …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Here we go again, it is silly season at Apple as an iPhone application feeding news from a civil liberties organisation is banned and Hitler gets the blame. Just two days ago I posted a news story entitled '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4408.html"]You don't have to be easily offended to be an iPhone app …

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Someone at Apple really does need to take a closer look at how they choose the people who work as iPhone application approvers, either that or take a chainsaw to the approval process guidelines and start again but when sober this time. Look, much has been written about the madness …

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The iPhone faces a critical test this month with several factors coming together to threaten the dominance of the popular smart phone. First of all there's the Pre, a shiny new comer that threatens to overtake Apple's cool factor when it's released by Sprint this month (as I wrote about …

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According to multiple sources, the Palm Pre is set to launch on June 6th, which happens to be the 65th anniversary of [URL="http://www.army.mil/d-day/"]D-Day invasion[/URL]. I guess we can call this the Pre-Day invasion. Instead of storming the beaches of Normandy to take on Nazi Germany, Palm will be taking on …

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You really couldn't make this up if your tried very hard indeed. The ongoing saga which is best summed up as 'what will Apple ban today' has just got stranger than ever. Apparently all BitTorrent iPhone apps are toxic, as is the notion of superimposing your own face upon that …

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According to the latest report from The NPD Group, US consumer sales of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4076.html"]BlackBerry[/URL] Curve have outstripped those of the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/24653/1231/"]Apple iPhone[/URL] in the first quarter of 2009. It says that an aggressive buy-one-get-one-free promotion from Verizon Wireless has helped in no little part to push the Curve into …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So I get up to work first day after a hard time relaxing over the public holiday weekend and guess what - the web's full of rumours that [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] is about to swoop and buy [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL]. The value being put on the deal by anyone wanting to tout the story …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The App Store is a beautiful idea that is [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4149.html"]wildly successfu[/URL]l, but Apple has a big App Store problem. They are trying to control the content in the Apps and they really, really need to just get out of the way and let the market judge the quality of an …

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File under strange but true, it would appear that 24 year old musician Gary Baker, better known as singer and songwriter Gary Go, is to play Wembley Stadium with his iPhone as musical accompaniment. As the supporting act on the Take That tour, Gary Go will be on stage on …

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On Friday, a 13 year old named Connor Mulcahey from Weston, Connecticut had the distinct honor of [URL="http://www.apple.com/itunes/billion-app-countdown/"]downloading the one billionth app[/URL] from the iPhone App Store. In order to honor this occasion, I decided to list my five favorite iPhone apps. Just a word before I do: I'm not …

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The quarterly numbers are in the books for Google, Apple and Microsoft , and while Apple and Google made money, Microsoft failed to report a profit for the first time in 23 years as a public company. [B]Crazy Times, Crazy Results[/B] It seems unfathomable that Apple continued to do well …

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The Street is still buzzing about Apple and its amazing quarterly performance numbers, boosted by solid iPod and iPhone sales, especially in the month of March. Apple’s stock is selling at $125 per share right now, but there is no shortage of analysts who believe that stock price is a …

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Apple came out with its earnings report yesterday, and while all wasn't rosy for the Cupertino technology company, bottom line is they made money as earnings increased an impressive an impressive 8.7 percent in year over year earnings with net profits up 15 percent (as reported in [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/apr/22/apple-quarter-results"]the Guardian[/URL]). All …

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The iPhone is many different things to many different people. I have heard some refer to it as their cellphone, while others describe it as a smartphone, a pocket computer and even the Jesus Phone. One thing I have not heard people call it is a weapon though. Until now …

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I've been fascinated by the recent series of Microsoft ads that go after Apple. On one hand I commended Microsoft for having a unified message in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4186.html"]Microsoft Gives Apple the Full Court Press[/URL]. On the other, I think the message is off kilter as I wrote in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4212.html"]Apple's Value is …

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I opened up Google Reader this morning and found major rumors from our favorite corporate rivals Apple and Microsoft. For Apple it is the oft cited iTablet. For Microsoft, it's a supposed iPod Touch clone. I try not to give too much credence to rumors (as I wrote in [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]It's …

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Apple is reportedly coming out with a new iPhone that will be so popular to consumers that it will drive the price of Apple’s stock up to over $140 per share. That’s the view of Barclays Capital analyst Ben Reitzes, who upped his target price this morning on Apple from …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes someone you'd written off surprises you. Take Palm, for example. My first ever hand-held computer was a Palm - or PalmPilot as they were called then. So was my second, and my third. I really, really liked them. Then things moved on a little, or indeed a lot. Compaq …

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Love your Mac? Love Lego? Love Batman? Oh boy have I got good news for you. Yes, it would seem that a date has been fixed for the arrival of Lego Batman on the Mac. That date is April 9th according to [URL="http://www.feralinteractive.com/game/legobatman"]Feral Interactive[/URL] which has already had moderate success …

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I was a bit surprised to open my [URL="http://www.paidcontent.org/entry/419-ballmer-apple-is-too-expensive-for-this-economy-and-thats-why-msft-will/"]PaidContent.org newsletter[/URL] this morning and find that Steve Ballmer was taking direct aim at Apple in pointed comments at the McGraw Hill Summit yesterday. Ballmer went straight for the jugular calling Apple too expensive for today's economy, perhaps because Apple's computer sales …

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For the better part of this decade Apple has created some amazing products from the Mac Book to the iPod to the iPhone. They've had an enormous technological and cultural impact, but even with all of these accomplishments, the meteoric rise of the App store is simply astonishing. They went …

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For once, it seems, Apple has managed to keep a pretty tight lid on what is actually happening at a big launch do. But as we countdown the hours until tonight's long awaited iPhone 3.0 event, it is possible to make a couple of educated guesses. For start there is …

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CNBC has a list of big name U.S. companies that could slide into default – meaning they won’t be able to meet their financial obligations, including paying their employees. There are a few technology companies on CNBC’s liability list, and it makes for an interesting slideshow – but only if …

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Lots of news from Apple this week. There is of course [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/12/technology/personaltech/12pogue-email.html?em"]the new Shuffle[/URL] which has the web abuzz with chatter because the controls are on the headphones and not the device (stupid design doomed to fail) and there is the standard [URL="http://feeds.arstechnica.com/~r/arstechnica/index/~3/G-8Z2A_yWvk/another-patent-hints-at-mac-tablet.ars"]Mac Tablet[/URL] rumor (Yawn; call me when they …

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The End.