13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for yelolimo

Hello all, I've been struggling with this for the last 3 days and just can't seem to figure out where the breakdown is occurring. I have successfully extended an existing class and have added a new property to that class. However when I go to pass the value into the …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for naveenchander

Hi, I am new to ASP.Net. I would like to know if there is a way by which I can Call a Serverside script through a Javascript. Or else is there a way to Postback a page through a javascript function. Thanks in advance Thanks, NaveenChander

Member Avatar for chandrannew
Member Avatar for Spacelama

I am new to asp.net and need some help with this error below. Ofcourse it will be obvious like i didnt correctly used the right tag. But still need help with this... Thanks Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'ASP.lidworden_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'vNaam_TextChanged' and no extension method 'vNaam_TextChanged' …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for juliapattrick

I have explored this forum but not getting results to learn theory about asp.net.I would appreciate if someone could help me.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi We have two identical web servers in a farm and I need them to be able to share Session variables as I do not know which machine the user will be using at any given time i.e. if a user where to log in to a site on server1 …

Member Avatar for vikramrandhawa
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i am creatnig an windows desktop application. and in the main form i have a menu stript. what i want to do is attached one user control to eacn menu stript. each user control has a different design. how can i do this??? any tutorial

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I have a section of my site that allows users to upload and download files. For security issues, We use a com object to take the file as a binary stream and store it on our network off of the web server (under a different randomly generated file …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Morining All i have an asp.net hosted in IIS. that uses the Com library "Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library". I am using this to convert the word Document to PDF, on my machine it works. I have Office 2010 on my machine and on the server we have installed …

Member Avatar for yousafc#

Please tell me "I am Using c Sharp window form and crystal Report" I want Display the record User input windows form.i.e If user Input in textbox CustomerID 1.It should show the record in crystal Report only Customer Id 1.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner

Well i am using asp and VB.Net to make it to where people can check in and check out. I have gridview which has where it shows the data from my sql server that i put dummy data in. When i load my website the data shows up. I do …

Member Avatar for StevenSchaffner
Member Avatar for divin757

When I try to navigate to the service it shows me the methods like normal but when I try to see the wsdl I get a file not found error. I have created both the wsdl.aspx and the disco.aspx. They have been deployed into _vti_bin folder. I was able to …

Member Avatar for divin757
Member Avatar for Archades

So I am working on a small project. A video game uses a scripting engine called LUA so people can create their own UI modifications in game. Which is why I am also using LUA. I am trying to convert this LUA function into a VB.NET function and... [ICODE] local …

Member Avatar for Aties

i have one array [{"id":23,"name":"Video Clips"},{"id":15,"name":"Deleted Scenes"},{"id":9,"name":"Music Albums"},{"id":7,"name":"Trailers"},{"id":18,"name":"Short Films"},{"id":21,"name":"Movie Clips"},{"id":1,"name":"Movies "},{"id":4,"name":"Plays"},{"id":22,"name":"Scenes"},{"id":2,"name":"TV Show"},{"id":5,"name":"Kids"},{"id":16,"name":"Interviews"},{"id":11,"name":"Film Songs"},{"id":14,"name":"Making of Movie"}] after the split this array i get value== value== value=="id" value==23 value=="name" value=="Video Clips" value== value== value=="id" value==15 value=="name" value=="Deleted Scenes" value== value== value=="id" value==9 value=="name" value=="Music Albums" value== value== value=="id" value==7 value=="name" value=="Trailers" value== …

Member Avatar for Aties
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question with the address text box. i am coding in C#. at first user enters the counrty. and then he enters the zip code. the state should pop up. for eg: if 60333 comes the relevant state should come up in the textbox called state …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for greyhound

Hi, I'm really stuck on hooking into the clientside events of the validationsummary. It is showing correctly when form fields are invalid but I would like to do something fancy like fade the summary in on form submission and fade it out again after a few seconds. This should be …

Member Avatar for mk09

Hi friends, i have an html file access denied issue only at windows 7 and windows xp and exacpt IE 8 like IE 7 it's works fine and only have this error at IE 8 at windows 7 pc. function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) { …

Member Avatar for maitri123

Hi i have used multiple layer in my web application. my db of sql server 2008 is in other machine and stored procedure has defined there. I want to retrive data from 1 table from db and bind with gridview as well as if i select 1 row that row …

Member Avatar for Moss ali
Member Avatar for cocoll

hello. i write comments(documentation) with the code behind in asp.net or web application using visual studio 2010,so i need now to generate the xsd file of these comments. for clarifying what i mean with comments or documentation this is what i mean: [CODE]/// <summary> /// Daniweb /// /// </summary> /// …

Member Avatar for xdg996678

Hi there I am writing/revising an asp.net (vb) website the main function of the site is to fetch data from a SQL server and present it to users based on 'filters' that they apply (It for football statistics) currently a session variable is used to store the unique match_id's, and …

Member Avatar for doncustard

Hi folks, I'm looking for examples on MVC where I can compare table/records/fields side by side A sort of database explorer. I could do this in web forms using the 'old' style post backs and click events but I'm unsure how to approach this from an MVC starting point. So …

Member Avatar for butz17

guys, i need some help here regarding on the appearance of my background image for my table. i tried to place the image already inside the folder "WebApplication1" where my project is located but the image still is not visible in my table. im using the Mozilla Firefox as my …

Member Avatar for butz17
Member Avatar for vinaysrk919

i have the coding as below given... and i getting error [CODE]TimeSpan date1 = TimeSpan.Parse(TextBox1.Text); TimeSpan date2 = TimeSpan.Parse(TextBox2.Text); TimeSpan ts = date1 - date2; Textbox3.Text=ts;[/CODE] Textbox1 show the current date, Textbox2 show the previous date, and Textbox3 show the difference of textbox1 and textbox2 as the above given code.. …

Member Avatar for vinaysrk919
Member Avatar for becool007

Hello DaniWeb :) For very long I've wanted to develop and venture into the Win32 API and make programs like I find on the internet. Show the world my creativity. I made a simple calculator with a GUI and Menu bar from scratch. I was proud but I was shattered …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

hai , I used LINQ in application. I want to perform batch update. For that i used the code as: [CODE] int[] istudentId = new int[]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GrdStudent.Rows.Count; i++) { if ((GrdStudent.Rows[i].FindControl("chkSelect") as CheckBox).Checked) { istudentId[j] = ObjStudent.Student_Id; j++; } …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Sheffy Kalra

is anybody knows how to pass array through sessions in asp.net using csharp????

Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I am attempting to put a list box in to my program, so that when the page loads, a list of files from my FTP site appear. I also want it so that a file can be selected on the screen and downloaded. Is there a way to do …

Member Avatar for codereflex
Member Avatar for Moss ali

[code]if (row.Cells[2].Text.ToString() == "&nbsp;") { txtstreet.Text = string.Empty; } [/code] Help me out pls. I want to check row.cell[2].Text for null

Member Avatar for Moss ali
Member Avatar for speak2ab

I am trying to connect to crystal report from Visual Studio 2010 but i realised my SQL database should have SQL authentication instead of windows. I have tried several approaches to achieve this without luck. Will appreciate some help.

Member Avatar for speak2ab
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi i am using C#.net to code. I am using windows desktop application. I have a main form with a menu stript. and in that i have add details update details and some other menus too. i want to know how can i design a interface for each menu stript. …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

hi all, i am generating crystal report. i am using sql server 2008 and VS 2008. problem is that data isn't printing in report. [code] ReportDocument rptdoc = new ReportDocument(); private void bindreport() { con.Open(); string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/")+"Reports/SampleCrystalReport.rpt"; rptdoc.Load(filepath); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select …


The End.