4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Rohith_1

Hello, I am currently doing my 8th sem project,my project is tracking of surgical instrument in hospital. what i am doing is i will be storing all the details of instrument which are used in operation, in local database. So after operation i will be sending all the instrument name …

Member Avatar for yoavip

Hi, I have a C++ code running OpenGL GUI (CEGUI), I need to wrap this window inside a C# Application. I guess I will compile the C++ as a dll, and add entry points for the C# app. What is the preffered way to do this? I thought of these …

Member Avatar for ddanbe

Is it possible to let an overridden method from a base class to return the type of the derived class? What I mean is: namespace test //with some "pseudo" code { class Base<T> { //fields ... //properties ... // ... public virtual Base<T> BaseMethod() { //return new Base<T>; } // …

Member Avatar for DaveAmour
Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for coder91

Hi, for the project I am working on I have four folders all which have 650 xml files in them, I need to write a program that will take the first file from each of the folders and send them to a database where the results from the xml will …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Reza_5

Hello everyone! I am trying to divide image into blocks of 8x8 pixels and applying DCT Transform in each blocks. But I don't know how to divide the image. Thanks for helping me. namespace DCTTransform { public partial class Form1 : Form { Image<Bgr, Byte> img; Image<Ycc, Byte> imgYcc; Bitmap …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for samkri

I have class within class public class List { public int RecordCount { get; set; } public IEnumerable<ServiceElementItem> ServiceElement { get; set; } } public class ServiceElementItem { public int ServiceElementId { get; set; } public string ServiceElementBusinessId { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public …

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for Jan Adi
Member Avatar for bobfink

I wrote an app for a customer which (among other things) takes a chart generated by an Excel workbook, and places it on the C# GUI. But the customer is not satisfied with the image which is a jpg. (The C# app currently saves the Excel chart as a jpg …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for tinstaafl

This is a very simple login form. I set it up so that the form won't close until it's cancelled or a valid username and password are entered. I chained the check for the username and the check for the password, so that if the username doesn't pass the password …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Scoobs37

I need to change this script to c# as i am writing an MVC 5 website or any suggestions on how I can write it in C# it basically takes the post data from a rfid reader and pushes it to a web url. Thanks if you can help at …

Member Avatar for Scoobs37
Member Avatar for dennis r

I want to develop a windows forms application with text boxes and labels and data grid view.Whatever data i enter in textboxes need to be saved in database and must display in data grid.The data grid should show the previous run data also.It should be done in local db of …

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for Spark_2

I'm making a fairly simple inventory program, and I'm stuck as to how I can add data to the original main form. On the main form, I have a button to add an item and it's details (additem). Once the user clicks the "Add" button, it should put the entered …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for mariam iqbal

. Write a code in C# to implement an enumeration of 12 months named YEAR. Also identify that the given expressions will result in True or False. YEAR.May.ToString()="June" YEAR.August.ToString()="August"

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for singh.ranjeet

I am new in Programming line please give me the code to connect Mysql Database with C# in windows Form. I made a program of login and i create a Mysql databse but when i goes to connect the form with database& written whole code i encounter a problem That …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for kamran815

hi guys, i have start working with C#, i m making a simple application for my office, i m using mysql database. my question is i want to make a record navigation button like: Next, Previous ..... kindly guide me how to make this. i m using mysql database with …

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for kamran815

hi guys, i have start working with C#, i m making a simple application for my office, i m using mysql database. my question is i want to make a record navigation button like: Next, Previous ..... kindly guide me how to make this. i m using mysql database with …

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Member Avatar for Computer Savy
Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for smartjugal

I want to learn C# using in windows forms from the begaining..... can anyone tell me some C# windows forms text book and the author's name? or pdf books link..????

Member Avatar for TekknoDraykko
Member Avatar for chimagreat

![Please I need a help on this. I am working on a C# bible projection application like easyworship (www.easyworship.com). I have a challenge, I want to be able to create a replica of their bible search textbox. It can search bible book, chapter and verse in a single textbox. When …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for dandrews517

Hi all, I'm beginner developer and I want to develop a software telephone in .NET. I prefer C#. After some googling, I started to code in C# using the prewritten VoIP components of [Ozeki's VoIP SIP SDK](http://www.voip-sip-sdk.com). Now I have a simple softphone that is able to make and receive …

Member Avatar for theophil1901
Member Avatar for Jasdeep11

i was wondering how i would get the total for the numbers of 5-25 and print it out; so it would print out 315; im blanking out for (int a = 5; a <= 25; a++) { int total = 0; total= a + a; Console.WriteLine("total= " + a); }

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for frisky

I'm using c# on vs2012. I wanna split to video file for a custom time arrange. For Example; my video file length 30 minutes and i want to watching just selection time arrange. (like between 10th second and 45th second.) I dont want to physical new file. My steps for …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Bonnie_2

**I want to make some Operating systems like dos in C# but how?** I have Cosmos, but i dont know how to use it. i make some program with C# (I'm already pro) , But with COSMOS i dont know how to do. ( sorry if my english bad :) …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jitendralenka

Hi, Thanks for DaniWeb for its contribution. I was looking for a understandable example to the problem "How marshalling happens when it comes C# from C++ specially for structure", And i am glad that i got a nice example in this forum. However, i am in problem when it comes …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Derorim

So can anyone tell me how to make this I was sick for a long time so Im far behind in school. So: First the customer NEEDS to fill in his first and last name. Then he needs to tell with how many people he comes. Then he has to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for iainiow

Hi I have some code to re-encode uniface text files in to ANSII for use by a 3rd party application. This code works fine if I create a new text file using notepad, save it as Unicode and run my script. I get a lovely output file in ANSII. When …

Member Avatar for Roshdy_1
Member Avatar for gangsta gama

I have an rpg game that I have been working on for a while, and I cannot seem to get lists set up. I had different classes for different equipment I wanted to use, and I found it hard to set up the lists in those classes, then call it …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for GGGraham

This tutorial is meant to be a helpful guide in order to successfully **create a tripwire application in C# which can be used for security purposes.** At the beginning you can find the background information to be fully familiar of the subject of this implementation. After this, we will put …

Member Avatar for jasonjr.hill

I'm working on a SIP softphone but I got the following problem and I have no idea how to solve it: During an audio call, PMCA codec is used primarily. How to setup codec priority to achieve PCMU will be used during the call? I use Windows 7, C# (Visual …


The End.