4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for rohitashpal

//I am creating a table in MS word using the foll code, but I am not able to move my cursor out of the table due to which my other components are getting created inside the table, what should I do to get cursor below the table. private void Drawtable_Click(object …

Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty

How can i extract data from a table of a specific website ? I googled it a lot and found " HtmlAgilityPack" but didn't understand it any kind of hep wil be appreciated if possible Provide some code; Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hi, I have a C# project which I want to make into a Windows installer (either .msi or .exe if possible) so that it can be deployed for e.g. in the C:\Program Files\myproject folder on any PC running Windows (and if possible limit it as from Vista onwards with a …

Member Avatar for Muhammad_71
Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty

I want to create a windows form application that extracts data from a website. I tried using HtmlAgilityPack but i couldn't understand it . These are the codes that I have written. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); HtmlWeb hw = new HtmlWeb(); doc …

Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hi, I'm facing an issue where my code is working inside Visual Studio, but failing when I build the application and run it. I have tried Googling for code alternatives to where I've tracked the bug down to, and I can't find anything that works the way I need it …

Member Avatar for srentrop

The code below is a working program, but I just can't figure out how to correct the loop. I need it to loop back at the complection of case A, B, C and to end with case X. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace AtmProject { class …

Member Avatar for necrovore
Member Avatar for srentrop

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace DiceRollTwo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Declare and initialize variables. Int32 intDiceOne = 0; Int32 intDiceTwo = 0; Random rnd = new Random(); String sResponse = String.Empty; // Greet the user. Console.WriteLine("\n\tWelcome to Vegas Dice Roller!"); …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jeripotula

Hello. as I am new to coding , I couldnt understand how to create a login page without registration and without a database in ASP.NET & C#.net. i would like to write the code for only 1 user and the username and password must be in the code not in …

Member Avatar for glennferrie
Member Avatar for notgreatatcode

Hi, I know the reply with this is that there is loads of threads on here with similar problems, but I have looked at them and still can not get this to work... Could someone please help me with this problem.. I am converting a Fractal from another langauge into …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Muzaffer_Ali

`use the button click event ` then type the following codes opendialog dp= new opendialog.show(); dp.location=dp.flielocation

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for fabregas42

<item> <HaberKodu </HaberKodu> <Kategori</Kategori> <Sehir</Sehir> <title</title> <description></description> <pubDate></pubDate> <images> <image> 1 </image> <image> >2 </image> <image> 3 </image> <image> 4 </image> <image> 5 </image> <image> 6 </image> </images> <small_images> <small_image>1 </small_image> <small_image> 2 </small_image> <small_image> 2 </small_image> </small_images> <Aciklamalar> <Aciklamala>1 </Aciklamala> <Aciklamala> 2 </Aciklamala> <Aciklamala> 3 </Aciklamala> </Aciklamalar> <link> </link> …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Muzaffer_Ali

for(int i=0;I<20; i++) { `Inline Code Example Here` messagebox.show("the values is " '"+i+"'); } else { messageBox.show("ooops vlues is greater then 20"); }

Member Avatar for alex.alekan

Hello, I'm trying to import xlsx to datagrid using oledb. but i'm geting this: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression.I've read other related posts but didn't helped this is the code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(); conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\alm1.xlsx" + @";Extended …

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Member Avatar for dternity

I'm not entirely sure if this is the right section because I'm kind of new here, so I'm sorry if it is. I've been programming for 4-5 years now and i still se myself as a beginner. My skillset is large but the skill of the individual skills are beginner …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Louis4christ

Hi guys please I need your help. I created application in window application of C# with sql server database(.mdf) and when I installed it to the target computer, it is complaining of: unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.Synchronization Version be installed in …

Member Avatar for javed.iqbal.3979
Member Avatar for notBADrian

Dear Developers, We run a little offine/online hat shop and we've installed a Cisco IP camera in the show-window. I want to manage the video surveillance from code. I've found an IP camera NuGet package for building an [Onvif viewer](http://www.camera-sdk.com/p_235-c-onvif-ip-camera-viewer-onvif.html) in C#, but I need more: I have to count …

Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty

Hello, I am trying to make a snake game in c#. Until now i have got a 'Red pictureBox' which moves according to the keys pressed and a Score Label. Now i want to add the score when the "red PictureBox" collides with another pictureBox. ---------------------------------------- I tried something like …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for igalbk

Hi I'm using C# to work with AD (Win 2012R2). We are syncing AD users,groups and their relationship to SQL database. Full sync works well. But when using synchronization cookie, the relationship changes does not detected. What may be the reason? Thanks. Here is my code: public void DirSyncChanges(DirectoryEntry de, …

Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty

Hello, I am making a checkList program in c# and it's almost complete. I used the "StreamWriter" and "StreamReader" class to read and write the texts. But after closing it once when i reopen the application and add a new task in the CheckList the prrvious one gets erased from …

Member Avatar for BibhutiAlmighty
Member Avatar for VasquezPL

Hi all, I have no Idea how to implement spell checking in newly generated email. Outlook.MailItem newMail = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(Template_eng); I want to use word inspector to check newMail.HTMLBody; - but I really dont know how to do that - and I couldnt find any example :( I used sth like …

Member Avatar for RikTelner

So I've been working with C# for 2 weeks. That's not long at all, and probably and relatively to you, I have no knowledge at all. None the less, when I'm using Microsoft Word, Skype, Mozilla Firefox. I can't imagine how this works. Apparently to get MySQL to work through …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for owenransen

Is anybody already hosting WEB app written in C#? Are they satisfied with their hoster? Tips? I'm looking for something which will have some sort of help with 1. Simple customer database 2. Membership login and password handling 3. Payment handling (maybe) I'm hoping some company has already put together …

Member Avatar for whlookup
Member Avatar for curt.copeland

Hi there, I couple of weeks ago we have installed a new security IP camera (EasyN 187V). In addition to the basic functionalities, it supports Onvif and it has some special features (PTZ, built-in microphone, night vision, motion detection, alarm notification, etc.). The long and short of it, this is …

Member Avatar for RikTelner

Hey, is there a magical way to shorten variables in Visual C# as in PHP? For example in place of `$user_nickname`, `$user_email`, `$user_rank`. They could use `$user["nickname"]`, `$user["email"];`, `$user["rank"]`. Now if you ask me, I think the second row looks much more organized. Is such thing possible in C#? I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for javed.iqbal.3979

Hi all, I am here for a serious suggestions!!! I am new to web applicatons using C#.I want to clarify a few things please. 1). I'm using VS 2013 .Does it contains SQL Server built-in .if Yes,which version? 2).Should i head to Web Applications using MVC etc. or simply? 3). …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kegs88

I am very new to programming and im trying to create a simple stick figure that walks across the screen. I cant seem to figure out how to make him walk across. Any help would be great. THanks guys using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for jjones0150

Create a form that accepts scores from the user, displays the total, count, and average of the scores, and displays a dialog box that lists the scores.This application should check the number entered by the user to make sure it is a valid integer from 0 to 100. If a …

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Member Avatar for BobBob123

im recieving no erors but when im running it im also unable to see the mandelbrot it just displays the grey box, i understand there are other threads on this and i have attempted to use them but im currently stuck at this one point thanks for any help. using …

Member Avatar for swengineer2015

Please provide code to create Web browser in C# without using web browser control and perform Sending HTTP request messages  and Receiving HTTP response messages,History and fav

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Reapt

Newbie programmer here. I want to really learn C#. Other than VS what other IDE's are there?

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

The End.