49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for sleepytoast

first time here so I'm sorry if I didn't do something correctly. I need to find the total number of floors, rooms on each floor, how many empty rooms there are, occupied rooms on each floor, find occupancy rate, and the "Heartbreak Floor". Which has to display the floor with …

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Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi, I'm taking a programming class at my school. My teacher gave us a pdf that said "..You will be writing a program that can read a bitmap and insert a secret message into the bytes of the picture in a retrievable way using the picture as a cipher and …

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Member Avatar for mrrko

Hi guys! Well they gave me this work, that says as follows: Write a program to score the paper-rock-scissor game. Each of two users types either P, R, or S. The prgram then announces the winner as well as the basis for determining the winner: Paper covers rock, Rock break …

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Member Avatar for kudusan

i have a problem creating games with C++, if anyone has a source code in C++, please share with me, i need help, simple game is okay e.g: snake, arkanoid i just need a source code for a simple game, without open GL or something like that (because i can't …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for siddhant3s

Hi, and here i am throwing a "not the exact version" of my problem, but if this is been solved, my problem is done. Lets suppose i am building a application in c++ that will simply display the content of a text file. I absolutely can make the app take …

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Member Avatar for Traicey

Can anyon help me with the code to delete from file using the delete method or function void delete() { } Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for unbeatable0
Member Avatar for sunveer

How can i print the lower and upper triangles of matrix Please guide me in writing the code. i don't know even how to start writing the code. Please help.

Member Avatar for n1337
Member Avatar for nehansh

I would like to work with the MFC classes. As far as I Know these are not included with the Visual C++ express edition but only with the standard edition . can i get these classes for free elsewhere or do I have anyother option? please help.

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for stockton

I have some C code that, when compiled under Linux, works perfectly as a CGI. This same source compiles perfectly with Visual C++ producing an exe. My question is how do I use this as a CGI in a Windows, Apache environment. Can I just place the exe in the …

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Member Avatar for kux

ok, long story make it short I have a quite large project, a makefile and gnu make. All runs fine. Trying to port the project to windows, and building with mingw32-make I come accross some problems... One of it is that i can't use sed for automatic dependeny generation as …

Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Hiii I just made a small [B]Memory game[/B] with the help of many of the members of [I]daniweb[/I].... Now I have a screen clearing problem... The program is simple...The compiler shows random numbers,then the user inputs the number within a time limit... there is a scoring key.... but I want …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for AutoC

Hi, Thanks to everyone I was able to submit my huffman coding assignment successfully.Now I've got to do arithmetic coding and it seems really confusing.I've looked at arturo campos's page [URL="http://www.arturocampos.com/ac_arithmetic.html"]http://www.arturocampos.com/ac_arithmetic.html[/URL] and havent understood using the range 0000h to ffffh instead of [0,1) and adjusting probabilities to be limited to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Geard2

I was wondering if anyone happens to know any good c++ books to learn linked list (single, double, and/or circular)? Something that has explains with code to show how to do it and explanations to the code if possible.

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for Kamal_Java

HI, I am new to C++ and i need help on this topic . Overloading streams . I feel this very difficult to learn after i have learnt java. I have a Base class Called BX [CODE]class BX { public: BX( ); BX( string X, string Y ); // 2 …

Member Avatar for justinlake888

I am working on a code and I want it to ask if I want it to enter another number... when I hit "y OR Y" it repeats but the code. I don't know how to make it output "bye" when I type "N or n". Can someone please help …

Member Avatar for stilllearning
Member Avatar for launic

I'm trying to go through a directory and put all of the files into a vector of strings. My problem is that the name of the file is stored, but not its location. Because of this, when I go to open the file later in another function, it doesn't recognize …

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Member Avatar for StainlessSteelR

I am having a hard time with my homework and I was wondering if someone could help. I have to create a program that uses a while loop to ask questions about a hotel. It first ask the number of the top floor then asks How many rooms are on …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Ellisande

How do I write it so if I have ifstream file("file.txt") that has rows of characters like 60 REGULAR NONE GREEN BEGIN REGULAR NONE REGULAR NONE GREEN END that I can read one line at a time and do whatever I need with it.

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for anbuninja

so im working on my assignment and it says Percentage of ticket revenue which goes to administrative costs. This input will be entered in percent format (see sample runs below); your program must convert this to a decimal fraction. For example, the user enters 25% as 25, not .25; you …

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Member Avatar for slayman89

Thank you in advance, i have starred at this for a couple hours now and i have come to no conclusions. First off, this is an assignment to teach us how to use header files, this is the header that we were provided with: Complex.h [code=syntax] #ifndef Complex_H #define Complex_h …

Member Avatar for slayman89
Member Avatar for BINDERJ2

[code]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { char name[40]; double date1; double date2; double date3; double h1; double h2; double h3; // Name of pole vaulter cout << "What is the name of the pole vaulter? "; cin.getline(name,40); // Month1, Vault1 cout << "What was …

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Member Avatar for #include<DAN.h>

I was just wondering if there was another way to out put text besides cout? I know this probablt sounds weird because cout works perfectly fine and stuff, but I just want to know if all of the input/output has to be done in a cprompt window? Dose anyone know …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Dr_Pepper

Hello, my question is how can I read decimal from txt file? For Example expression "2.0 1.3 +" - postfix to calculate it. The one that I have right now work for integers but when it starts reading it chops of the decimal part. I can figure out what i …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Gary_nel

Hi , As posted on a previous tread , i am very new to this whole programming thing...(just starting out) I am trying to write a small program to copy folders and every thing in it to a different location? The Platform is Wince .net (4.2 embedded). I can create …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cperepelitsa

I'm making minor adjustments to a sample program called [b]pdemo[/b] that comes with Dekang Lin's [b]minipar[/b] parser, but I'm having trouble compiling the darned thing without seeing a royal mess of "undefined reference" variables. I'm not particularly well-versed in C++ (I'm far better with higher-level languages), though, so I'm sorry …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Sky Diploma

[code=cplusplus] string countx(string sky) { int count=0; for(int x=0;x<=sky.size();x++) { if(sky[x]=='x') { sky.erase(x); ++count; } } stringstream ins; string bang; // Declare an input string stream. cout<<"count " <<count; ins << count; bang = ins.str(); sky=sky+"x^"+ bang; cout<<"Sky == "<<sky<<"\n"; return sky; } [/code] Writing a function that will take …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

When reading a txt file I am using .seekg to set the startpoint in the file to read from. linepos has a value: 1002106 First I wonder what this value stands for excatly. As I have understand this is how many characters forward in the file that will be the …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for chococrack

[code] void myClass<temp_Type>::myFunction(myClass<temp_Type>* &firstClass, myClass<temp_Type>* secondClass) { } [call] myFunction(*this, &secondClass); [/code] I think I am fundamentally challenged on the "this" qualifier. I want to pass a pointer to the current object(ie the object I am calling the function from), but am stuck trying to pass the "this". Are there …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Hiii I m just a beginner in C++...Was using turbo c++v3.0... Now just installed Visual c++ 2008 express edition.... Anyone please let me know the main differences between TC++ and VC++?.... how can i make a simple programme written in tc++ run in vc++..which are the modifications?... ".H" could be …

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Member Avatar for ShadowOfBlood

As a homework assignment, I was asked to write a program in C++ that calculates the sum of the even and odd integers in a list of integers given by the user. I think I'm on the right track, but I can't seem to get my loop right. Here's what …

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The End.