49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for gregorynoob

given two arrays of n numbers, a[] and b[], and a number c, find the largest sum of elements from a[] so the sum of same-indexed elements from b[] don't go over c... i really have no idea... only recursion works but too slow :( heeeeelp!

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Member Avatar for nizbit

I've been banging my head on this errors and can't seem to find where I went wrong. For any of the "set_" errors, set_ (as well as print) refers to a member function of another class . Please, any help would be great. [CODE] test.cpp: In member function `void CDCollection::get(int, …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for mauro21pl

Hi Does anybody knows what is wrong with taht code? Why it says it is empty link list? It should fill with the numbers I enter. Could anybody help to answer the question? Thanks [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct Node { int number; struct Node *link; }; typedef struct Node* NodePtr; void …

Member Avatar for mauro21pl
Member Avatar for Moschops

With much pleasure I've started using a TR1 imlpementation. I'm a bit wobbly with it, but I'd dearly like to replace some code involving old-school pointers with some shared_ptr The original code is as follows below. It creates an array int* of size rows, each of which points to an …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for balakrishnan.kb

hi what is the purpose of virtual function, please give me idea thanks bala

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for shamila08

hello, dear all i'm try to find determinant . there is error with ' pow': [code=cplusplus] sum = sum + b[0][p]*pow(-1,p)*determinant(c,m-1); return sum; [/code] after run, the argument was appear as follows: 1>c:\documents and settings\user\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\deter4\deter4\deter4.cpp(78) : error C2668: 'pow' : ambiguous call to overloaded function 1> c:\program …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for jadedman

hello there! im creating a program with both stdio.h and iostream.h in the include header. Can the program run with them both? or others?

Member Avatar for Jawahar prabhu
Member Avatar for meabed

[font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1]How do you make a class accessible from a dynamic link library? It is a commonly asked question with a solution that is surprisingly simple. In this article I will show you how to do it in Visual C++. [/size][/font] [font=VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA, SANS-SERIF][size=1]First, you need to …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for helixneu

Hi I want to read a two huge integer input from user & wanted to display output on the screen can any one help me ? eg : int a=8132123781237; int b=1237829789; result = a *b ; print(result); ????

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for F_Rock

Hi all, whaz up poeple i have a little problem! if anybody could help me, i would be grateful i have made an application in borland c++ about credit cards there are 2 fields, and between them are 2 buttons (import and status) when i press the import button, i …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for efarook

Hello, I am new in the world of snmp++. Recently I have downloaded the latest version of snmp++ for Linux and tried to compile the sample (specifically Qt example). While I try to "make" the sample, at one stage it shows the following message and exit the make utility: /usr/bin/ld: …

Member Avatar for efarook
Member Avatar for superdave421

Hey, Long time reader, first time poster. I'm working on a project, and think that I have the logic correct, but I think that my code may have some memory errors. I'm not asking for you to give me any asnwers, but a little help in the right direction would …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I have a couple of easy questions, but I'm not that good at C++ yet, so I need your assistance... I'm using an array to store for: 1) Test grades 2) Project grades 3) Lab grades I want it to print out like this: Test Scores: 92 73 81 My …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for JackDurden

My output looks like this "T h i s m y o u t p u t" and I want it to look like this "This is my output". Any suggestions? I guess what Im asking is how do you take words from a file and put it into an …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for erabyss

I am pretty new to programming. I am writing a fairly small and simple trivia program. It will be my 5th program to date. My biggest problem is how to add a list of Q/A. The program has 2 functions that handle the trivia part of the game. The 1st …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for brent.lozano001

im trying to learn how to make a if/then statement that will take a number, possibly with a decimal and round it to the nearest integer. Like so.. if 3.4 is the number, then the final would be 3 not 3.4 how would i do so?

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for AlSal

I've been trying to find a complete list of the c/c++ libraries and all of their functions, but everywhere I look, I only find a part, never the whole thing. Is there a website where I can find such detailed list?

Member Avatar for BeyondTheEye
Member Avatar for bones10925

Hi guys I am new here and I need some assitance with my Merge Sort. I have it written but its not working correctly. It just gives me -1, 1. The way my program works is that the sorts are handled inside the Class Sort so there is no need …

Member Avatar for kylcrow
Member Avatar for brodster89

I have to write a code where I tell the user to enter a sentence that has at least three commas. Then i have to print out each of the three words that appear after each of the first three commas. I am so lost and it is just introductory …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Cindy_

Hello! First of all, sorry if my english sucks, it's not my first language >_< I want some help of you guys. I got a vector of dates named ListDate[i], and I want to do a search on it, to find the last days the user defines, for example: The …

Member Avatar for Cindy_
Member Avatar for BeyondTheEye

Using a windows forms application, most appropriate thing to use seems a listbox. Been searching around a bit, but I never found anything which seemed to explain it thoroughly. The idea is to load data from an XML file, and then display it in a list, presumably a listbox. Basically …

Member Avatar for Extreme

I need to make a program to check if the entered number is palindrome or not i.e. if u take a number and reverse it it will be the same old number for example if u take 121..then if u reverse the number it will be 121 and so 121 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nizbit

I have a class named SString, which is a user defined c style string class. The constructor for SString dynamically allocates a char array. Then I have a CD class which contains data about a specific CD, like artist, title, year, etc. They are defined as SString instances. I want …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for sirbriggs

This is a stripped down version of an error I'm getting in a different program, but this is simpler. The problem comes from if I try to set something that isn't an int in MyClass [code=c++]#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T> class MyClass { private: T data; public: …

Member Avatar for sirbriggs
Member Avatar for brent.lozano001

I am trying to develop a code that will take a number similar to 8.23 or any number with a decimal and convert it to a whole number like 8. I would like to do this in an if/then statement but i dont know which process to call it from.

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I think I have a convertingproblem when using stringstream. I multiply 0.995 * 19.99 wich is: 19.89005 The first messageBox do show because 19.89 < 19.89005. Then I convert Total to string and back to double again and do the same check if: 19.89 < NewNumber But here the MessageBox …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for unbeatable0

Hey there, I'm trying to use the SetSuspendState() function to hibernate the computer, but I have no idea what parameters I should send to it. The prototype is "BOOLEAN WINAPI SetSuspendState(BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN);" Since I'm a somewhat beginner in c++ programming, I don't really have an idea what BOOLEAN means …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for kux

This may sound silly. I have a class that contains a vector of pointers to instantiated objects. I want to return a refrence to that vector, but I don't want to be able to modify the vector through that refrence. Now, if i return a const reference, the vector is …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for kazek

I've been struggling with this program for few several days now.. It's an implementation of Data structures. I'm trying to use Linked Lists, Sorting and Searching concepts. [CODE=cplusplus]#include<iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; class videoShopSystem{ public: bool empty() const; void displayMainMenu(); void menuChoice(int key); void addNewRecord(); …

Member Avatar for miepmuts
Member Avatar for zoner7

So I am using Dev C++ to compile this program; however, whenever I attempt to compile, I recieve a linker error that states, "[Linker error] undefined reference to '_cpu_features_init' ld returned 1 exit status" I googled the question, and people suggested that it may have something to do with the …

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The End.