49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Will67

Hello i am a bit new in C++. i started to take C++ 4 days ago hehe and honestly i love it. now im trying to do is a 3x3 determinant and it is giving me a small problem i tried to find this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 …

Member Avatar for Will67
Member Avatar for stormtr00per

I'm trying to write a program that will simply move a file from "FILENAME.TXT" to "CURRENTDATE-CURRENTTIME-FILENAME.txt" and am having problems. The error I'm getting is cannot convert from char to char[] Here is my simple code: [code] private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { time_t now; char the_date[12]; the_date[0] = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for monkey_king

Hi I'm doing a templated matrix class, and I'd like to be able to pass a function pointer to a function that uses the rows. [CODE=c++] template<typename T> T sum(Array<T> &a){ // a simple function that return the sum of an Array T res=0; for(int i=0;i<a.length();i++) res+=a(i); return res; } …

Member Avatar for monkey_king
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hi all, I have a class which contains a struct that holds some variables, string, int's. Now, one of the variables (string) in the struct is used to compare it with a name, if the name is in the struct, it has to be [COLOR="Red"]returned from my function [/COLOR]with it's …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for melissajohn718

Write, compile and run a C++ program named that reads in one integer that represents a total number of hours and then displays the equivalent number of weeks, days and hours, all properly labeled. Have your program only do the calculation if the user enters a number less than 30,000 …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for cam875

I have recently begun working on 3d mathematics and I am pretty decent with matrices but I still dont see how having a 4x4 matrix can represent something for 3d graphics programming for a C++ program, could anyone explain this or give an example please. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for moshe12007

sorry about my english i make a game and i need to use on interrupt i/o(input), someone can to help me?? the code is : [ICODE] cout<<"Enter num : "; for(i=1; i<=100000000; i++){//its loop time // here the interrupt // when the user click some key its //stop the loop …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

For the code below I Select an area in a textBox that I will Mark Red. I will also change the Fontsize to [B]16 [/B]and make the selected text [B]Bold[/B] but are not sure what calls that is used for this. [code] this->richTextBox1->Select( 0, 10 ); this->richTextBox1->SelectionColor = Color::Red; [/code]

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Adrian99420

Hi, I am developing a GUI using visual C++ 2005 express edition. I created a window forms (form1.h) with some buttons and codes. Next I added another new window forms (form2.h)with a single button. I wish to link the form2.h to form1.h with a single button click. I searched and …

Member Avatar for Naisan_Yazdani
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

How do you draw on an image in visual studio 2005 and get it to stay? Ive can get it to draw, but it flickers on resize and disappears when the resize is done. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I am loading a txt File into a textBox with the code below. For each Line I am checking : if( LoadTopic2.substr(0, 2) == "Ex" ) If that is True I want to select that Row and mark that Line Blue. I have started some code out below but dont …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for juma denice

i am required to write a C++ program code that generates random numbers for a dice and it should have 1000 observations please assist a fellow geek

Member Avatar for BeyondTheEye
Member Avatar for balena

HElp.. Friday 09.19 I must present a little program for my C++ university test. I remain just a little bug. I use this code to write my file .DAT [code=C++] ofstream fileScritturaPartita(nomeFile,ios::binary | ios::out | ios::app); fileScritturaPartita.write(reinterpret_cast < const char * >(&sfidaDaSalvare),sizeof(Partita)); [/code] It works very well but in the …

Member Avatar for balena
Member Avatar for Run.[it]

Hi, just a query about versions of Microsoft Visual Studio. I last year created my C++ programs using Visual Studio .Net 2003 and have noticed that my new uni course uses 2005. Will I be unable to run my old programs in the 2005 version? Ive had compatibility issues before …

Member Avatar for Run.[it]
Member Avatar for srs_grp

Hi!! We are planning to do r project in c++. Is there any good library available for creating GUI in c++?

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for shamila08

Hello, dear all! Below is heap algorithm. the problem is the output is not appear. How to fix it? [code=cplusplus] #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int *Value; int N; void read (int N) { int i; for (i = 0; i< N; i++) { cout << Value[i] << …

Member Avatar for stilllearning
Member Avatar for juma denice

i require a program that generates random numbers for a dice and should have 1000 observations

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I followed Ancient Dragon's advice and used vectors to store roughly 1000 objects in a program I have written. Unfortunately, the vector library is not one I am familiar with. I read through the information at [URL="http://www.cppreference.com/cppvector/index.html"]http://www.cppreference.com/cppvector/index.html[/URL]. It seems getting a reference to each element of the vector is the …

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Member Avatar for henpecked1

I'm doing a lab where I must use three sorting methods, then merge sort the three arrays. While separating the larger array, I'm getting a "run time check error #2 stack around the variable x was corrupted: It does this for y and z as well. I think it is …

Member Avatar for henpecked1
Member Avatar for shirishbhosale

I am studing SE computer engg,i have a problem in above code execution plz some help me

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for shamila08

hello, dear all, i have a slightly problem with my assigment algorithm as follows: [code=cplusplus] void write( int *x, int n) { if (x != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%4d", x[i] ); } printf("\n"); } } // print void swap(int *x, int …

Member Avatar for shamila08
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Can anyone spot the error in my code? The program will enter the last while loop but continue in an infinite loop... I figured fresh eyes may help spot the flaw! [CODE] int xlist[1500], ylist[1500], counter = 0, tempx, tempy, tempcounter; bool assign = false; while(counter < 1500) { xlist[counter] …

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for mauro21pl

Hi I wrote that peace of code but it is not doing what is suppose to do. It should saved my numbers into linked lists in incresing order. It doesn't. What am I missing. Thanks [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct Node { int number; struct Node *link; }; typedef struct Node* NodePtr; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dmanw100

I have a program that has a custom class that I would like to create many of and access them like an array. Example: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Thing { public: Thing(int value) { a = value; } int doStuff(int diffValue) { a = diffValue + a; } …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for monkey_king

I'm doing my own array template version of an array. I'm having some problems overloading a method. I'm doing a specifik version of a "print()" if the type of array is <char>,(i'm saving bools as char). this works without problems. I just needed to add a templete<> infront of my …

Member Avatar for monkey_king
Member Avatar for arfte

Hi, Anybody knows how to expose an interface from unmanaged MFC C++ to managed c++ within the same application ? I have a managed c++ class and an unmanaged MFC c++ class, and am trying to create an object of managed class with keeping the application's compile option as unmanaged.

Member Avatar for jadedman

do you know whats a cout? what are its function and in what library can it be found?

Member Avatar for x3mario
Member Avatar for shamila08

Hello, dear all. My algorithm as follows. my input is in Code2D.h file. actually i have to put in file 'Code2D.in'. but i dont know have to create it. By the way, my algorithm have no problem with N <= 4. but when i change N = 5, 6 , …

Member Avatar for shamila08
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I want to create a "Help" in an application that I do. I have attached a file for what kind of solution I am after. The solution is the same type as in VC++ 2008 under "Help" /Index? How it is constructed is with a listBox on the left side …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for swbuko

I'm writing a program that opens a file then sorts it a couple different ways then closes it. Someone in my class said something about using a getline function but I can't figure out how that works. I can't find a way to take a specific line in a text …

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The End.