49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Preitykelz

Write a program to swap two values so that what is in Value1 would be interchanged with what is in value 2

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for ghazanfar abbas

draw a flow chart to discribe your logic to find out and disply to given charecter from lower case,uper case or number. asci table below. 65-95(A-Z),97-122(a-z) and 48-57(0-9).

Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

Here is what I try to do: The purpose of this program is to find the two smallest elements in several integer arrays, each containing 100 elements. The program will use functions with the prototypes: call the function Two_smallest to find the two smallest elements in the array and their …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Emma_3

Write a program that prompts the use for the number of assignments in a specific class. Then using a for loop, prompt for each score. Use an accumulator to store the sum of the assignments, and then calculate the average score for the assignments. HELP. I have no idea what's …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for apcxpc

Hi all I have been following a tutorial on creating win32 GUI applications. I'm having a problem getting a dialog box to pop up on top of my main window ...the CreateDialog() method returns a NULL for some reason. Would really appreciate some help with this. Here is a zip …

Member Avatar for Jens_2
Member Avatar for alexandru.caplescu

Hello everybody,can someone help me? i have to make a program who ilustrates Kirchhoff's first law.Thank You!

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for ganesh.naphade

I am using following gdiscreen() function which takes screenshot jpg image into buffer.I am sending this buffered image using sento() over UDP.I am unable to convert this char array data sent back into image .I appreciate any help you can provide void gdiscreen() { char buffer[61400]; using namespace Gdiplus; wchar_t …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for Charles_6

I am trying to modify a program so that it used 2 variables rather than one. I have tried to get help through the other discussions on this topic but they are all talking about passing by reference not value. My code is: #include < iostream > using std::cout; using …

Member Avatar for ann.mughal.5
Member Avatar for siskaj

Hello. I have problem with compiling this piece of code after "install" of Allegro (according to this http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/248782/help-installing-allegro-for-bloodshed): #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include “allegro.h” int main() { allegro_init(); printf("Allegro version = %s\n", allegro_id); printf("\nPress any key...\n"); getch(); return 0; } END_OF_MAIN(); Because I got these errors: 3:10 ..\GetInfo\main.cpp #include expects …

Member Avatar for siskaj
Member Avatar for ismet_1
Member Avatar for ali4084

some one tell me that if we want to terminate this program on -1 then which condition we use.. please help... #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> main() { int arr[10],i,sum=0; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter values:"; cin>>arr[i]; sum=sum+arr[i]; } cout<<"Sum is equal to="<<sum; getch(); }

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mandip.malla

question no 1 write a program to overload *= operator which should allow statement like l1*=l2; so plz send me source code

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for udaya.kiran.969
Member Avatar for mixelplik

I have no clue why this search isn't working. Two majors problems (1) As is it always returns false (2) It would recognize valid IDs if instead of setting found to true, I just returned true, but I don't want to do it like that, and if there was an …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ndrdesign

Hello. I have a source code written in c++. With this source code i should compile it and make with him a pdf viwer that will be embeeded into a webpage. Can anyone help me what program should i use? how can i compile it and embeed the result into …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ndrdesign

Hello. I have compiled a c++ program and i want it to be run into a webpage. I have tried the proc_open() command but it doesnt work. any help or suggestion?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for glamiex

Hi guys, my assignment is to create a program that sets up a menu for a user to choose from. The menu should consist of an addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problem. It seems to work well, but the only thing that's not working is the division problem. Whenever I …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Kartike

Write a function in C++ to write N number of record in binary files ‘hospital.dat’ and Search for a room number (room no) given by the user in an existing binary files ‘hospital.dat’.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kathija nafis
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bananacat

Hey there! I've been working on this code that uses linked list operations: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void displayRecords(); // done void searchRecord(string); // done void insertAtEnd(string, string, int); // done void insertAtBeginning(string, string, int); // done void insertAtSpecifiedLocation (string, string, int, int); // done void deleteAtEnd(); // somewhat …

Member Avatar for bananacat
Member Avatar for genecasaminiano

my assignment is to find the commission of each monthly sales,how can i get the right answer? monthly sales is 0-19,999(4%)/ 20,000-29,999(5%) /30,000-39,999(6%) / 40,000-49,999(7%) 50,000-above(9%) using if/else statement

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Neelam_1
Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Sanjeetjmp
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I am creating 30 random from last function and the last function have pass the information to this one. I am using the bubble sort because i want to make a mode. But mode is not idea here. Anyway, it run but it show some crazy output. Here is the …

Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto
Member Avatar for Wayniepooo

Hi basically i need help , i am not good with c++ but i am trying my very best. i am currently stuck with trying to do an infix to postfix conversion that reads from a textfile. The text file contains the infix notations and the code is suppose to …

Member Avatar for Wayniepooo
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have 1 class that have members dependents of the class pointers. when i do the Copy Construtor with assignment operator, how can i use the instance class this, instead copy from 1 instance to another? i don't want 1 instance member be pointed to another instance

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for lmuller89

Hi all, I am coming accross a problem that says "C4703: potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'data_list' used" and "C4703: potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'filter_list' used". I have tried initilizing the pointer like I have read while googling it but have not managed to get it to work as …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Damian_2

Okay so I have an `inventory` class that accesses a static vector from my base class `MainShop`. I also have a `SwordShop` class which inherits from `MainShop`. (Both Inventory and SwordShop are derived classes). //SwordShop class void SwordShop::Shop { //I have a setter function where it takes an integer and …

Member Avatar for Damian_2
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

Random Number: Whenever I run it show me an error. Here is an error "implicit conversion loses integer precision 'time_t' (aka 'long') to 'unsigned int'", so i put change to `srand( (unsigned int) time(NULL) );` it run but it seem the number is not change at all. void read_array (int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Elixir42

I have read tutorials using my google-fu on how to set up Pre-Compiled Headers, and now I wanted to clear up a few questions: If all the 'to be pre-compiled' headers go in one file - "stdafx.h" then how do you say you only want 1 of those files in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.