49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for KrossFaith

i need help in adding the c++ code for the average mark, highest mark, lowest mark, number of students passing, using array #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int gradeRange [4]= {0,0,0,0}; int mark = 0; int counter = 0; while (mark < 101) { cin >> mark; if …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hi guys, I'm trying to read data from an excel "csv" file and save it in a list. the problem is that I want to have a copy of this list named "list1" that will not change during the manipulations and claculations, because when I copied the contents of "list1" …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for triumphost

void DLL_EXPORT Replace(LPCTSTR OriginalFile, LPCTSTR FileToReplace, LPCTSTR BackupOfFileToReplace) { HGLOBAL LoadResource(HMODULE hModule, HRSRC hResInfo); try { BOOL WINAPI ReplaceFile(OriginalFile, FileToReplace, BackupOfFileToReplace); MessageBox(NULL, "Done", "Alert", 0); } catch (...){} } The above is my code and it gives me errors like: In function 'void Replace(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR)':| warning: '__stdcall__' attribute only …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Tommeh

Hey, this is the task I have to do http://faculty.winthrop.edu/olsena/CSCI%20207/c207p6CalcAveClasses-s12.pdf I'm trying to read each part..I have to read in the ID, exam, test grades, program grades, and lab test/quiz grades. In the insructions, it says I have to set methods for each one which I did. Now i'm having …

Member Avatar for Tommeh
Member Avatar for Eagles36

I have the program working up to the point where at the end of every test it fails and get. where do I need to look to start fixing the failed tests.(files are attached at the bottom) This is my output: START OF TEST 1: Testing insert, attach, and the …

Member Avatar for uzairrahim
Member Avatar for triumphost

Hey all, Back with another Win32 question. When I paint to my window (create a background image), what happens is that everything is fine until I draw the window off the screen causing it to invalidate everything.. When dragged back onscreen, my background is redrawn but my controls are all …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for jnewman3

So I've been working on a Hash Table that uses nodes to store data. I'm having issues figuring out the copy constructor and assignment operator overloader. In my main I instantiate 3 hash tables. 1 default(size 10), 1 size 7 and another one that copies hashtable size 7 to it. …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hi gueys, I have spent weeks in searching to know how to Explore hard disk files using c++ driver developping?. I'm developing anti-virus program, only I want is: when the user choose custom scan from scan options the program load a driver and send the path to the driver and …

Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed
Member Avatar for compsci91

How can two classes uses each other without violating declaration before use? Can you give me an example?

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dkXIII

I wrote a selling ticket program for a concern into a text file name "Sales.txt" to show the TotalValue with the following format: 21 30 40 24 87 44 51 29 58 20 Totally, I have 10 values. However, my new assignment asks me to make a new program that …

Member Avatar for Tommeh
Member Avatar for Sabrachick

By background, I am a database person. I am trying really hard to wrap my head around C++ for a class I am taking. The following is an assignment that I just received. I don't want the answers but I would like if possible, to start a discussion. My class …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for nuclear

Just wanted to know if we need to texture map the texture on the model with code or is it better to just import a model with textures already on him? (considering its even possible)

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for triumphost

case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) { RECT WindowRect; POINT CursorPos; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &WindowRect); GetCursorPos(&CursorPos); SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, WindowRect.left - CursorPos.x, WindowRect.top - CursorPos.y, 291, 157, 0); } break; Hey Guys The above code isn't working for me. I'm trying to have the user Drag my borderless window but the thing just …

Member Avatar for pendo826

Hey i want to know how to make my single linked list a double can anyone help? #include "MyLinkedList.h" #include <iostream> int main() { SListNode<int>* list = new SListNode<int>; //Set 3 LinkedList nodes to contain 3 int variables. list->m_data = 10;//(1). list->m_next = new SListNode<int>; list->m_next->m_data = 20;//(2). list->m_next->m_next = …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hello everybody, I need a way to practice the basics of c++ that i learned.I can use classes, objects, pointers and the very basics. What can i do to practice them in a useful way. I dont want to make a useless program. Please give me ideas and thanks !!

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for mstashev

So I have an assignment where I am supposed to create an oop that will run on a provided Unix server. I have a Mac so when I run the makefile in Terminal, I don't get any errors. But when I try to run the makefile in the provided Unix …

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Member Avatar for nekoleon64

Let me try again my name is Leonard Norwood Jr. I'm doing my homework where I have to write a program that outputs the users's weight on different planets. Should sound familiar With classes, I need to have one default constuctor that will create an object representing earth. The class …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for TheFearful

Hey everyone, I am working on this project and do not know where to start. Can anyone lead me in the right direction? I am very poor in this background and could use all the help I can get. So, any help would be very much appreciated. Here are the …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for tedtdu

Dear All I really realy could not find by searching.. Please give your attention for this one. 1st of all, i need to deal with multiple files, but NOT inputting file name each time. Two questions. 1) How to send more than one file to command line arguments. 2) Can …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for qwerty__

Write a simple Mathematics quiz application which has six selections as below: 1) To register number of participants and name 2) To set level of difficulty (level: Beginner or Advanced) 3) To start the quiz (default: Beginner level) 4) To display the scores 5) To show ranking 6) To quit …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for garu525

Hello, I'm working on an assignment right now and I need some feedback. My project is to implement a graph that uses an adjacency list like an Edge list. I'm fairly new with these and I would apprecite if anyone can see my code if I'm on the right track. …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for wazzanee

hi all , i need help with a c++ program here is the qustion Question # Write a program that contains a function named "remove_duplicates" that takes an array of integers in random order, and then eliminates all the duplicate integers in the array. The function should take three arguments: …

Member Avatar for wazzanee
Member Avatar for BryantFury

I have the following simple code. It consists of an array with 4 items. It first displays the items, then asks the user to delete as many as they want.(with an option to continue without deleting anything). After the user has removed or not removed items, the program will display …

Member Avatar for BryantFury
Member Avatar for Vasthor

[Link Anchor Text](http://s7.postimage.org/wdzzqzst7/weird_error.png) I click yes, thought so, this never popup when I'm compile any file before. [Link Anchor Text](http://s14.postimage.org/6bhslq23l/weird_error2.png) can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here, I mean, I just copied all the code given in the book (Accelerated C++), then try to compile, but fail. help? =(.

Member Avatar for Vasthor
Member Avatar for Sunshine2011

Hello, the following code doesn't work. The compiler gives the message: crosses initialization of 'std::ofstream filestream Maybe someone could explain the reason for this. switch(x) { case '7': ofstream filestream("Test.txt",ios::out|ios::app); //... break; case '8': cout<<This is a test."; break; }

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for BryantFury

Hi ive made a program where it displays 10 products from a website. The customer then chooses a certain amount of those products. When the customer is finished choosing, the program will display all products the customer has chosen. Here is the full program. it works. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> …

Member Avatar for BryantFury
Member Avatar for naresh4230

Hii friends, In my QT code am using style sheet for radio button as below "QRadioButton::indicator:checked {image: url(" + strCheckedRadioButtonImagePath + ");}"\ It works fine and image is loaded but the problem is when i select the radio button a rectangle shaped dotted lines are appearing around radio button.Its the …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Sonia kh

I have mentioned the code for checker board made on visual studio .I dont know whats the problem with this code .. it just draw only one row of checker board on the drawing window :( help me [code] //#include <windows.h> // use as needed for your system //#include <gl/Gl.h> …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for inspire_all

[CODE] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define NULL 0 class node { public: int dt; node *lt,*rt; node(int x) { dt=x; lt=rt=NULL; } }; class tree { public: node *create(); int height(node*); node *mirror(node *); }; node* tree::create() { int x; cout<<"enter data(-1 for no data)"; cin>>x; if(x==-1) return NULL; node *t=new node(x); …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for Nawaf15

It seems like the website has some changes made on it. I can't post codes anymore and if I do they look messed up. Can someone help me please? One more thing, how do I sort items saved to disk alphabitcally?

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo

The End.