49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for xtinab

Hello all, I'm having trouble writing a recursive algorithm to traverse a Huffman tree to encode a message. I'm sure you all know what they are. Here's my algorithm: string HuffmanCode(const char& symbol, const TreeNode<SymbolPriority>* huffman, string &code) { //Base case: you are in a leaf; if the leaf contains …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for poolet

Ok . I am writing a game that generate random 6 array numbers from 1 to 10 the program MUST be using by srand(time(NULL or 0)); Now, I want, because it's a little bit of difficult to generate series per second something that the program will generating the numbers auto.. …

Member Avatar for poolet
Member Avatar for motrcolt

Alright so my task was to make a program in C++ that when entering a year would output the date easter landed on and this is what we were given a=year MOD 19 b=year/100 c=year MOD 100 d=b/4 e=b MOD 4 f=(b+8)/25 g=(b-f+1)/3 h=(19a+b-d-g+15) MOD 30 i=c/4 k=c MOD 4 …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for ashboi

C++float assigned to unsigned long y I have to write separate C++ expression for: 1) extract the 8-bit exponent field to the low order bits of y, and subtract the 127 bias. 2) isolate the mantissa field in the lower order bits of y, and insert the implicit leading 1. …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for nuclear

It seems that i dont fully comprehend how rotation works. So leys say i have a cube and i do this: x = 90.0f; rotatef(x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Notice that my code here may be not all correct, its like that just to symbolize what i mean. So by doing …

Member Avatar for nuclear
Member Avatar for alanso

C++ Write a program TWO (2) groups of students at a private college university are enrolled in certain special courses during the special semester. The courses are taught by different lecturers. At the end of the semester, both groups are given the same tests for the same courses, and their …

Member Avatar for alanso
Member Avatar for benjamin tan

Hi all pros, can anybody teach me write this programme in c++??? Problem Statement Write a simple Mathematics quiz application which has six selections as below: 1) To register number of participants and name 2) To set level of difficulty (level: Beginner or Advanced) 3) To start the quiz (default: …

Member Avatar for asha11
Member Avatar for FelineHazard

Hi guys, I'm learning C++ from a book and I have a question about defining unary operators: In the book I'm working with there's an example, where they define a class called point, and define ++ operator for point *as friend*. here's the example: ~~~ c class point { int …

Member Avatar for FelineHazard
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hey guys, I am writing a program which uploads a text file into a linked list then displays a menu prompt to the user. All of my functions work fine except when I try to exit the menu/program. The program crashes and I don't see where it is coming from. …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for FraidaL

This code is supposed to output a hollow square (size and symbols to be determined by the user), but it doesn't do that. First of all, if I set the size of the square to be 5, it outputs 10-5 sets of both symbols. Also the right column is in …

Member Avatar for FraidaL
Member Avatar for Aneeque

My code is perfectly working on Borland compilers but its not working on MS VISUAL STUDIO ..... please help me that how can i run this code into visual studio ...... ~~~ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> void main () { char array[11]; int temp; array[2]='/'; array[5]='/'; cout<<"Enter Date: "; for (int …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for phummon

Hola code gurus, I’m wondering if there’s a way to use a string to access a specific item in a matrix of int[X]. I have a program which uses enums as iterators to reference a large amount of data. To select an item in the matrix, the user will enter …

Member Avatar for phummon
Member Avatar for dheredhere

Hey guys! I have an encryption project for school and i have to randomly generate a 3x3 matrix. I know how to assign the values to the 2d array but i am unsure how to return the array. I know it is possible to return a vector of a vector …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for 46agogo

Hi, I'm making a windows port of some tftp client / server code [from here](http://www.applied-mathematics.net/myself/myself.html) I've got the server working sucessfully with a diffrent client, however I have come to an impasse with the client code. As I keep getting a server unreachable error, having tried over my local network …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for jdh1231

This is a simple tictactoe game using Constructor member function I have a problem of outputing if someone won the game or tied. Everything seems working fine. Can anyone mind check for me? I tried to find the problem for so long. Thank you. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Marcusflint
Member Avatar for dinners

I want to read the contents of a file and input them as variables. I have written this code: while (!numbersList.eof()) { numbersList >> type >> num1 >> num2; Complex *object = new Complex(type,num1,num2); cout << "For line number " << n << ": " << endl; object->printAll(); cout << …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for Deepthikota

Dear group members i want a code to extrct the pixel information from the image in C++ send me da code asap..

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I have written this code to get the file in a directory, now i want to make it open the .txt & .ini & .docx and print this line: "=== THIS FILE HAS BEEN COMPRIMIZED ==="; in the file, need help with that code please. Here is my code to …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for longlostbro

Background Due to a decrease in advertising profit, your favorite (and previously free) social networking site has decided to charge a monthly fee to each member. Frustrated, you set out to make your own social networking site, VisageTome. For now, you will need to make a class to store each …

Member Avatar for longlostbro
Member Avatar for PuQimX

i have problem with my code to search node in link list. can anybody help me? sorry for my english.. node *temp1; // create a temporary node temp1 = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); // allocate space for node temp1 = head; // transfer the address of 'head' to 'temp1' bool find = false; …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Mosey Mo

When the score is greater than 100 points the program should ask me whether the score is correct The program should ask me whether the score is correct. The program should not add a score that is more than 100 points to the accumulator with out permission (if(score > 1000 …

Member Avatar for Zaqmjua
Member Avatar for Zaqmjua

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string s; for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) { s+=1; for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {s+=0;} } cout << s; } This is a code i wrote to make s=110100100010000... until 10 to the power of 10000. However in the line …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for arn2025

I have a list of about 500 names in a text file, i want to be able to get 5 random winners from this file. using C++ how do i do this

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

With what programming languages can you write OS in. I know that you can use C and C++ but are there any other, when i talk about OS i mean everything: from the BIOS & Boot & Kernel & all the rest that is neede to make an opersting system …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ItsAdZy

Pretty stumped on why I am getting so many errors trying to get this to work, the reason terminalArray is not declared is because this is a function, terminalArray was declared before main. Any help will be greatly appreciated! int histArray[10]; int i; int j; while (terminalArray >= 1 && …

Member Avatar for ItsAdZy
Member Avatar for ponnds

this is my server code i want to receive more than 1000000 bytes ,so the data should be splited into many packets so i use loop to receive all data ,if i use like this server always wait for client even client sent all data to server ,my messsage is …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for TheWind147

Hi! I made a program that accepts random numbers, create a binary tree from it, then traverse it using in-order, pre-order and post-order traversal. The program is working well but my instructor added something else, when the user input numbers, it should be arranged just like an actual tree. The …

Member Avatar for TheWind147
Member Avatar for jeanbarca

Hello guys i am writing a c++ code that should do the following: 1- Creating a stage group just like the champions league first round consisting of 4 teams each on has 4 attributes ( points, gf, ga, gd) 2- The user must be asked to enter each team name, …

Member Avatar for jeanbarca
Member Avatar for pce369

I wrote a linked list program in C++ which compiles and works well. But I have been told that a) I have to have two separate structs instead of one that contains both the info and the node; and, b) that I have to use two pointers instead of the …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for jigglymig

I think I am comparing something incorrectly since it does take in my input and tells me no shortest path.. here is example input and output... 5 7 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 3 6 1 4 4 2 3 5 2 4 7 3 4 3 you …

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The End.