49,762 Topics
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Hi all, I am writing a program in which there is a part that computes all the possible values for two vectors of string patterns, one like 1XX78X9X32X (11 digit) the other like 26XX (4 digit), using digits from 0 to 9, and that passes all these possible strings to … | |
Hello there guys I have a noob question I just want to ask what is syntax declaration? Is it the program source code itself? help me please I'm a bit confused... | |
hello frndzz... just wrote a piece of code in c++....bt this didnt create any .DAT file as expected.....dun knw wats wrng.... #include<fstream> #include<iostream> using namespace std; class person { int age; char name[40]; public: void get() { cout<<"enter age:"; cin>>age; cout<<"enter name:"; cin>>name; } void show() { cout<<"age is:"<<age<<endl; cout<<"name … | |
// i dont know why the part below bunny class doesnt work properly help line: 223 i allocated a class array but i can figure out why it doesnt work [CODE=c++] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <string> int p[100]; // global varialbe int times=0,last=0; void ruleta() { for … | |
can any one help me by giving the complete program on airline[COLOR="Red"] reservation system in c++[/COLOR] language its for my project | |
okay i've got a problem with this code its going to be a apart of a word guessing game, the problem is that my code reads the file i want it too, but when i ttry to guess the letter it will only read the first letter, i know that … | |
Hello, I am having a problem when I am trying to create a new node. The problem is on line: [CODE] tnode->lc= new cttNode; [/CODE] Here is the template the problem resides in: [CODE] template <class B> int ctt<B> :: insertIfNew(const string &key, const B &index) { cttNode<B> *tnode= root; … | |
Hi Got a webBrowser control on a form displaying ads from a server, trying to load page in the default browser when user clicks on a banner within webBrowser control, by default the control always load pages within IE Browser which is not really what one wants. This is about … | |
Hi, I've got an assignment at school that I would really like help with. I'm a total newbie. [code=c]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char chr=(char)67; unsigned int offset = 1000; char * ptr=(char*)0; ptr+=offset; cout << ptr[0] << (char)43 << (char)(chr-24) << endl; } [/code] The questions … | |
I have a major concern about this. Recenlt i am doing a sequenclick game. in 16 boxes, when start, there are randomly 16 different numbers coming up. | |
Hello, im a noob with C++ at the moment and Im trying to create a BMP image from pixel data stored in a array. Everything seems to work except that when i look at the file generated in a hex editor i get an extra '00 00' in between the … | |
Hey everyone!! I am having trouble printing the whole of a multidimensional char array. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ char array [5][10] = {"---------", "| |", "| |", "---------"}; cout << array << endl; system ("pause"); return 0; } [/CODE] It just gives me random numbers and … | |
please any one give me the code of this program using nested for loop * ** *** **** ***** please see attachment for correct question | |
Hi all, I just want to ask about setprecision because I'm a bit confused. here's the code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double rate = x; cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << rate; }[/CODE] where x = to following: the left side of equation … | |
I was a C++ trainer for 3+ years and now am a developer with a software company. Last week, i had to undergo a C++ test on [url]www.brainbench.com[/url], as a part of my company's internal assessment. I scored 3.5 in the test (I'd gone unprepared at all). Can someone please … | |
im trying to get this function to show the numbers that are not on the list in the input file, i've written this and it doesnt work, i know theres sometihng wrong with it but im not sure what it is? or how i can fix it to make it … | |
OK! i have a problem. I'm making a game with a character you control and theres monsters that move when you do and when you run into a monster i have it so you lose 1 life. (iLife --; ) i set iLife equal to 4 at the start. if … | |
I know the how to fill a magic square but there is a problem in the code. The algorithm is like below: 1-Put number 1 at the second column of first row. 2-Put the next number one upper row and one behind column. 3-If the cell mentioned in the last … | |
Hi guys im trying to generate 5 random numbers that return a string so i can compare it to a file. so far i have this but i have no idea how to make it a string. Since i have to compare it to the file i mentioned earlier. This … | |
Hi! For the past few months I've been self-learning C++ with the book "C++ Primer Plus" by Stephen Prata. After having gotten through chapter 7, I decided to check my progress by writing a little program, Baztro. Baztro stands for Basic Astrology Tool. It asks you for birthdate(s) and will … | |
Hi, I'm new to programming and I'm doing a course in uni. I'm currently using "Dev-C++". I've been away on holidays and haven't been able to grasp the work we're doing now. I would really appreciate it if any of you C++ programming geniuses helped me with my work as … | |
I have to "re-write" the program that I wrote before. Here is the prompt of what to do: Overview For this assignment, re-write program 7 so that rather than using multiple arrays to hold the player information, it uses a single array of structures. The structure that will be used … | |
I'm getting a "IntelliSense no default constructor exists for class "Person" line 71." Also am getting error c2512: 'Person:' no appropriate default constructor available... There is a constructor there which confuses me on why I'm getting an error? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Bio { public: Bio(); … | |
Hi! Im finishing up a lottery number generator and the only part im kinda lost in is the binary search part. I have two strings = input[], random; I have to go through each subscript and check if it matches my already random generated number. Thanks in advance to those … | |
The program below crashes anytime I run it, can anyone tell what I have done wrong?. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Human { private: char *fname; char *srname; char *phone; public: char * getFirstName(); char * getLastName(); char * getPhone(); Human(char *fn, char *sn, char *ph); … | |
Program is suppose to convert binary to hex.. it says that i need a class/struct/union to the left of ".substr" but im pretty sure convert should be working.. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string convert [8]; string bin[16]= {"0000", "0001","0010","0011","0100","0101","0110","0111","1000","1001","1010","1011","1100","1101","1110","1111"}; string hex[16]= { "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"}; … | |
My professor gave us an assignment to Convert the following 2 numbers to binary, octal and hex. 3.567, 0.032432 which would be easy if the numbers given weren't in decimals. I'm using the % operator and that can't be used by float... I'm lost. Can someone give me an idea … | |
I am a 22 year old college gal currently enrolled in a c++ course, and we are on the topic of recursion. I understand how it works and have completed several other exercises on the professor has listed in the book, but this one has me stumped. Is there anyone … | |
Can someone help me out with this program. Programming problem – This program must meet the following criteria: 1. Character reading loop: i. Requests the user to enter a character at the keyboard 5 different times. ii. Reads in each character using getchar () within the loop. iii. Verifies that … | |
Hi, I have a program which needs to accept a date, it can only accept under 30 days, and the entry has to be over 0 My problem is that it accepts anything, it doesnt make sense because i have used the exact layout on other bits of code which … |
The End.