49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for em-kay

[I]<<[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread6542.html"]split[/URL]>>[/I] very intersting tutorial , thank u for it but i have one problem , how can i compare a string1 from a file with string2 from another file??

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for sidra 100

plz chk[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a; int b; cin >>a; cin >>b; int i; for(i=1; int<=b;i=i+1) { cout <<a<<"*"<<i<<"="<<a*i; } } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Chichiro

Hi all , i recently has read about some posts related to the above title , but i'm really confused about it,sadly :( What is the real difference between programming and software engineering? Which one should i go for ? If i took software engineering , could i be a …

Member Avatar for Chichiro
Member Avatar for cs_stud

Hi! I'm a BSCS student and currently working on an assignment about queues. We were tasked to solve a bank simulation problem. I got the header files for the teller and customer and both compiled successfully. Here are the header files: Customer header file: [CODE] //Header file cust.h #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for cs_stud
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

hello,i am trying to send a file from client to server and my send() function its working,its sending teh data,but the recv() doesnt work and it gives me the error : Transport endpoint is not connected Tell me if you need the code...thanx

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for ashishchoure

Hi, I am using CArchive class to transfer file in my chat application . The problem is that when i send data through CArchive write and flush, the CArchive Read gets hang in last transmission. I've gone through msdn [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/192704"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/192704[/URL]. it is telling that it requires one more flush or …

Member Avatar for data4use

Hi everyone, I wrote a dll which is export char* like; [CODE] extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char* Test(void) { char* cts = "hi"; return cts; } [/CODE] and import the dll on vb.net like; [CODE] Declare Ansi Function Test Lib "[Path]" Alias "Test" () As String [/CODE] and call like; [CODE] …

Member Avatar for data4use
Member Avatar for wolfkrug

Hi I use visual studio to make my programs. I know that to copy the output of the program, you have to right click, mark, highlight, and then copy. But almost all the time when I try to paste nothing happens, and by that time the output box disappreared so …

Member Avatar for wolfkrug
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I am writing a program and stuck on a part of my coding. This part of the instructions say the following... 11 - User can only withdrawl $300 amount per day I guess my problem is I am not sure how to set this up where it is linked to …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for chinnaedu

Helo all... i am working on LIVE555,on RTSPClient and RTSPserver......i need little help in compiling OpenRTSP using visual Studio..i tried compiling but there 6 link errors in it..... So anyone who worked on it please do assist me.....I even tried in LIVE555 Forums also/....There's nothing much help from that forums....and …

Member Avatar for nola_Coder

I've finally got my game scrolling sideways, but... 1) There's a really bad flicker to the whole screen. 2) Also, how do I get the background to loop? 3) The whole thing seems to run quite a bit slower than before I added the background. Why is that? How do …

Member Avatar for nola_Coder
Member Avatar for nsjoe

This is probably a simple fix but I can't quite figure it out. How can I find an escaped character in in a string? E.g. string str = "abcde\tfghi"; [CODE] while (str [counter] != '\t') { counter++; } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for mmgoicochea

This program will calculate commision based on the value of sales made... im getting three errors so far... 1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'third' used 1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'second' used 1>h:\cs110\assignment6\assignment6.cpp(22) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'first' used. I was reading some books …

Member Avatar for mmgoicochea
Member Avatar for thedoodler

Design and implement an algorithm to solve this problem; your solution should use user – defined functions. Do not access global variables. Use parameters! (Suggestions: int function to determine lowest of two numbers, void function to print the message) Use function prototypes; the source code for functions should follow the …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Khazidhea

Hello, First of all, excuse my English =) Warning: wall of text\code. I must say I have some experience in Java and long forgotten C++, so right now I have some problems implementing the Huffman coding. The algorithm goes like this: I create an array of 255 elements to represent …

Member Avatar for Khazidhea
Member Avatar for fugnut

I would like the output of the following program to show the first integer without decimals and the rest will have 4 places..the way it is written now all outputs show as 1.0000 (or something similar) code is as follows [CODE]//Square root and cube root calculator #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for TheWolverine

Hi all, I am just getting into the world of OOP and I'm not totally sure in what situations it's better to use objects and when it's simpler to just revert to arrays. For example, I am currently re-writing a bit of scientific code written in C that simulates the …

Member Avatar for TheWolverine
Member Avatar for emma88

Hello everyone, I am a student in a beginners c++ class and I need some help on an assignment I need to write a code that will "Write a program that reads in two positive integers that are 15 digits in length and then outputs the addition and subtraction of …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for newcuser

I really want to write this program in c without c++ coding. Please help me convert my code to c only. Here is sample input from a text file: alex busted marries marries test teste tested smile smiled works worked indexed hello kkked holddd smexexed whitespaced and Here is output …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for dchunt

My text file contents are in the form "00101010111101101011". I want to read it from the file and send each digit to an array,unfortunately i'm only able to use char while reading a file.How do i send each digit onto an array?a [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Matt323

Hi, i'm newish to this website, (i've googled a lot for answers to my questions and often came accross very useful answers to my problems on this website) and i'm also in the middle of learning C++. As i learn new things i decide to make little programs that actually …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for BobbieJean

Hello, I have an assignment for class that I have been working on and am nearly there. First of all, here is the description of the assignment: "Employee and ProductionWorker Classes Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in member variables: Employee name Employee number …

Member Avatar for BobbieJean
Member Avatar for jameslat

Hey everyone! this is my first post at this forum:P Please go through and answer what question you can, i'm trying to make a software program which will auto type for me when ever i have a certain key down. something like this... (please not that i am uterly new …

Member Avatar for jameslat
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

Is there a way to use toUpper with a string, or do you have to loop it through an array of chars? Ive been googling everywhere, but havent really found any examples on how to properly use it. Thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dhpatil1

Hi all I have a heap corruption problem in getting STL containers data through OCCI methods . For instance if i do an assignment of this type [code] while(rs->next() ) { SRecord r; '' struct object r.PDM_APPLICATION_NO= rs->getString(1); r.PDM_FIRST_NAME=rs->getString(2);; //Error Heap Corruption r.PDM_LAST_NAME= rs->getString(3); r.PDM_F_FIRST_NAME= rs->getString(4); }[/code] I use Visual …

Member Avatar for hnd1122
Member Avatar for caramel

I am trying to write a program to add big numbers using char data. I need help getting this completed. [CODE] char k; int num1[26], num2[26], sum[26]; ifstream inData; inData.open("bignums.dat"); inData.get(k);[/CODE] I need to read in the first number: [CODE=text]7777777777[/CODE] I need to right justify the first number to the …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for mikabark

Hello .. I 'm doing sha1 program. I don't know why this source result show below errors. sha3.cpp:11: error: invalid conversion from ‘unsigned char*’ to ‘const char*’ sha3.cpp:11: error: initializing argument 1 of ‘size_t strlen(const char*)’ Thanks you. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <openssl/sha.h> int main() { int i; …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for tokomonster

I just self-taught myself C++. I've got all the basics down, but I'm still working out some of the nuances. Basically, I'm passing an array into a function, and I need the function to be able to pass the length of the array to an integer. I'm using [CODE]int len …

Member Avatar for tokomonster
Member Avatar for dinamit875

Hi, there, I have written a program here which shows plane to book a seat, and enter flight info(this part works fine)... but having some small problem here I am using gotoxy and it gives me an error, it says that gotoxy undeclared. Could anyone help me with this please, …

Member Avatar for dinamit875
Member Avatar for rom87

hi Im trying to make this code go though every possible string combination at said string length though alpha characters using random number generator to do so.The goal is to make this program tell me how many combinations there are at said circumstances set by user. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for nezachem

The End.