49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for B.S

pleas halp. Sory for my English, i coudn't find where the problem is, program jast dasn't do it. I wrot program for desktop hot keys. Whan user pres a key the curent program will start. For this i used ListView in first colomun is writen program placement in second key …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen

A small function which reverses a c-string by just swapping the elements :) ... Usage:: [CODE=C++] char[] str = "hello"; reverse(str); // str now contains "olleh" [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Madzts

Hi. . can any one help me in converting infix to postfix. . i do not know what is wrong in my code. . help!!!plz [code] #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; void main() { char stack[10]; char input[10]; char output[10]; char plusminus,multdiv; int a; cout<<"\tInput an infix expression:"; …

Member Avatar for Afaq Haider
Member Avatar for psolanki

Hi Need help with multiple forms. I have application with 3 forms and the concept is on startup open Form1 on clicking button on Form1 opens Form2 and then Form2 open Form3. Now after processing on Form3 I need to make the property of Form1 visible, so we start the …

Member Avatar for neithan

I'm new to C++, i'm learning with the help of Stroustrup Principles of C++ book, with this forum etc I'm doing console apps that treats and operates with numbers and so on, as i see you do the same, at least that's what i see people asks in the forum. …

Member Avatar for neithan
Member Avatar for kekz0r

Having some problems creating an encoder for class. I have the decoder, but I can't seem to make my encoder work properly. I have attached the decoder to the post as a file. Encryption example: "Hello" would be "xxxxx!H#xxxxxxx#e¤xxx¤l&xxxxxxxxx&l$xxxxxxxxxxx$o", where x is randomly generated letters, and ! is the first …

Member Avatar for kekz0r
Member Avatar for noi80

Hello. I am currently working on a school project. I need to implement 4x4 matrix multiplication with multi-threads (pthread) doing each multiplication. By studying the assignment description and other codes found online, I was able to get a general idea of what I need to do. However, I am having …

Member Avatar for noi80
Member Avatar for rufusD

Hi there! In my lab I'm running a measuring program. It loops over taking data and writing it to disk. While the measuring is quite fast (1 kHz), the saving takes too long, especially since the file gets opened and closed every time before and after writing. So I thought …

Member Avatar for lyshao

I keep getting the error above. I am trying to calculate percentage, sales tax on items to make profit on items sold. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { //Declare variables double price; double percentage; double taxRate; double salesTax; double sellingPrice; double finalPrice; char ch; string str; …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for nicholasamh

Hi, I am using visual studio 2008, C++ MFC for window xp. I have a program that will create some files in my directory (like in C:/) which i created earlier and it will read/write data into the files. As the date is quite big, it take quite a while …

Member Avatar for rdrast
Member Avatar for invinci

Hi all i am facing problem with combobox events, here is what i need: Combobox1 Choice: Metal, Plastic Combobox2 Choice: if Metal in Combobox1: 2,3,4,5,6 Choice: if Plastic in Combobox1: 8,10,15 I am unable to write code for the event, can any one help me out with the hints or …

Member Avatar for amirun
Member Avatar for rdrast
Member Avatar for lawsmlt

Hi all, I'm currently doing my final year dissertation, being on wireless transmission in a client-server model. Can anyone suggest any dense literature about technical detailed c++ programming such as enabling communication between server and additional programs (such as ffmpeg), excessing USB devices (such as webcam, mic, video capture card) …

Member Avatar for chyssa
Member Avatar for hustler#27
Member Avatar for akshay25088

Hey guys Me and my friends are doing project on " text summarization". I want ur help in developing following modules. If anyone knows abt it plz help me as soon as possible. Here r the modules. 1. text pre-processor ( convert .doc to .txt) 2. Sentence separator 3. Word …

Member Avatar for akshay25088
Member Avatar for ragnarok511

I am trying to learn how to design a gui for a linux kernal. Is there any tutorials on how a gui works on an operating system? I am not completely sure where to start. The only other thing is that I can think of doing is getting the source …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for robgeek

I am trying to do some arithmetic operation on a stack but I am little confused on how would I implement it. For instance I have a statement: add(multiply(2,3),4) which is equal to 2x3 = 6 + 4 = 10. If I place this on the stack, it would look …

Member Avatar for osgiedeprof

guys can anyone out there tell me if it's actually possible to innitialise a 2D array by having it loaded from the keyboard (i.e entered by the user)? i have search everywhere to see if there's a code of such; all i can see is loading it (2D array) from …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

hiii all.... i want to learn C++ GUI based programming.... i want to know how to make Text field,buttons,label,etc... in c++ is there any web resources????? pls help me out.....

Member Avatar for rtc1
Member Avatar for restrictment

Hey Everyone, in class we are learning about for loops, which are very easy. However the project the teacher gave us is very difficult. Here is the assignment: [quote]Write a program that prints the following patterns seperately one below the other. Use for loops to generate the patterns. All asterisks(*) …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for Cy137

I can never get this to work correctly for me, and I'm looking to you guys for help now. This program is going to eventually calculate the betweenness centrality for nodes on a graph, but I'm trying to get the file I/O to work properly. Any ideas? Code in tags …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jamdownian

I've written a C++ program that compiles successfully but is give me some logic error. It's giving me some negative numbers can someone please run the code and see what ive done wrong. Built with Visual Studio 2008 [CODE] #include"stdafx.h" #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; class vowels { public: vowels();void …

Member Avatar for jamdownian
Member Avatar for ninreznorgirl2

[CODE]class MyFloat { private: enum {MAX_DIGITS = 20}; char Number[MAX_DIGITS + 1]; char NumberOfDigits; public: void Write(); friend void AssignValue(MyFloat& X); }; void MyFloat::Write( ) { int i; if(!NumberOfDigits == 0) { cout << "0."; for(i=0; i<NumberOfDigits + 1; i++) cout << int (Number[i]); } else cout << "0.?"; }[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hello guys You rookie here. been trying to run a code but I am getting this weird error that I have not seen before. I have attached a copy of the error and the part of the code it refers to. Thanks for your help GCard 1>------ Build started: Project: …

Member Avatar for seraph03
Member Avatar for Duncans Ghola

This program is intended to determine if a fractions is valid (non-zero, non-negative denominator) and to convert an improper fraction into a whole/mixed number. While running the program I get the message "Floating point exception" after it reads the inputs just inside the for loop. Any insight into what is …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

Is there any functions that split a string? Such as this: [code=c++] string s1 = "lol-lol2-lol3"; string s2[3]; char spliter_char = '-'; split_strings(s1, s2, spliter_char); //s2 should now be: //{"lol","lol2","lol3"} [/code]

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for dangutdavid

#include <iostream> #include <string> Void main() { int p; A=0; int j; int R; int D; cout<<"enter cost of stereo purchase \n""; cin>>P; cout<<"enter Rate of interest per month \n "; Cin>>R; cout<<"enter period or Time \n"; cin>>T; cout<<"enter monthly payment\n"; cin>>D; do { I=(P*R*T)/100; A=I; A=A+I; M=P-I; P=P-M; j=j+1 …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for ge6a93

Hello, i have a problem which is displaying a bitmap into Visual C++ 6.0 SDI Application. I need a function that does displays it and i hope that someone can direct me how to do it. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for fza.h

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int high=0; int low=0; int number; cout<<"Enter in the number"<<endl; cin>>number; high=number; low=number; for (int count=0;count<4;count++) { cout<<"Enter in the number"<<endl; cin>>number; if(number>high) high=number; if(number<low) low=number; } cout<<"\nThe highest number is:"<<high; cout<<"\nThe lowest number is:"<<low; getch(); } i cant understand this code …

Member Avatar for kekz0r
Member Avatar for fza.h

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int high=0; int low=0; int number; cout<<"Enter in the number"<<endl; cin>>number; high=number; low=number; for (int count=0;count<4;count++) { cout<<"Enter in the number"<<endl; cin>>number; if(number>high) high=number; if(number<low) low=number; } cout<<"\nThe highest number is:"<<high; cout<<"\nThe lowest number is:"<<low; getch(); }

Member Avatar for csurfer

The End.