49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for WesFox13

Hey, I need a little bit of help figuring out how to find the minimum and maximum of a particular data in a file. Should I treat the file I'm opening as an Array in order to find it or is there a certian function that can do this?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for rockiecool129

hi, Please tell me what the below mentined code is doing? If i pass String s as `my name is "xyz. and " i am writing `. what should be the output. Thanks in advance void parse(Block<String>& f, String s) { int inquote = 0; int nf = 0; int …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for roniswar

Hello, as an exercise in c++, I should make a parking lot, the classes are: Transport( with local protected variables color and max_velocity), Car, inherites from Transport(with extra variable model), Truck, inherites from Car(with extra variable model weight), Bike inherites from Transport(with extra variable model gear), and Parking which is …

Member Avatar for Ravenn

mm.., hello. First, i'm kinda new to this... kinda, anyway, i'm supposed to write a prog that handles large numbers, like 200 digits long, by storing them in a string of characters. it's supposed to have a class with functions for all the mathematical operations, reading, and writing, maybe into …

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Member Avatar for savinki
Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for savinki

how can I do this?? can someone help me [code] char * abc = "as,df,ert:we,rt,yu:ee,rr,tt"; Class x { char * a,*b,*c; } vector<x> vtr; I want to extract data from abc like, while(there is a ":") { x.a= as; x.b=df; x.c=ert; vtr.push_back(x); }[/code]

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for ulquiorra

Hello all, I'm new to hash tables etc. and for some schoolwork I need to make one. The hash table and hashfunction itself aren't the problem. The "problem " I wish to solve lies in the display function of my code. I like to write a function so that it …

Member Avatar for ulquiorra
Member Avatar for linux0id

Hello everyone! I am learning sound programming on Linux. In my app I am using ffmpeg to decode the audio, and then ALSA to pass it on to speakers. So far everything is fine - the packets are retrieved, stored in a queue. After that, the packets are read from …

Member Avatar for linux0id
Member Avatar for monkey_slap

I ran into a roadblock developing my code for an assignment to sort a linked list as it is entered (insertion sort). We've had sketchy classes lately so the idea of linked lists is really rough for me at the moment because it's a little hard to understand. This assignment …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for lahom

hi i have an application where the user need to save his information. the first time he saves...a save dialog appears and the process goes as normal . but here is my question.. if he add any modification to his info and press the save button again ...i dont want …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Aldayne

Hello, everyone. I need help with a bank account class. I was supposed to create a class called Account which houses an attribute called balance that is protected and returns a double data type. There are some other things required of me which have been completed in the coded below. …

Member Avatar for Aldayne
Member Avatar for wellibedamned

Okay, so i have an idea...that looks like it should work. I'm supposed to be able to multiply for example: 1234567812345678912345678*1234562345673456. My idea was to put each number into a string, and then make a matrix to store the values of each digit multiplied by each digit... i'll put an …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for TeCNoYoTTa

Hello all I am beginner in C++ and i have some questions In many languages there are included libraries for many uses such as libraries for downloading files / uploading files using ftp connection ...etc but in C++ i cant find these libraries my question ....... must I use libraries …

Member Avatar for TeCNoYoTTa
Member Avatar for Grub

Hi, I have the following class and main method: [code=cplusplus] class Employee { vector<string> v; string name; int i; public: Employee(){} Employee(string &n): name(n), i(0){} void read(vector<string *> &vec) { string n; for(int i = 0; i !=3; i++) { cin>>n; Employee e(n); vec.push_back(&n); } } }; int main() { …

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Member Avatar for QuantNeeds

Help - I am having the following errors repeatedly so I know it is a consistent mistake I am making but I just can’t see what it is. I already fixed many other errors and now it’s just this.....so close...... :confused: My errors are the following. I did not put …

Member Avatar for QuantNeeds
Member Avatar for Anita Jennifer

What are the major differences between C and C++ programming languages??

Member Avatar for Anita Jennifer
Member Avatar for ice661666

I am working on code to calculate the factorial using below function: int factorial (int num) { if (num==1) return 1; return factorial(num-1)*num; // recursive call } And I need to calculate the numbers from 1 to 255… The problem occurs when it reaches number 35 and above, it starts …

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Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have a code like below that when pressing a button, panel1 and labelText1 should be seen. Then I will put the process to "Sleep". After this, labelText1 should be emty ("") and labelText2 should write "TextMessage2": Then I wil put the process to "Sleep" again. And last put panel1 …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for jrkeller27

First time posting, this seems like a wonderful community. Okay, so I'm new to C++ (mostly worked with java) and I'm trying to write a program that will read in a plain text file (a short paragraph) and take and place each word in the text file and place it …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for people123

Hello, I have recently installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, and right off the bat when trying to make a new project I find myself unable to make a Win32 Windows Application, when I go to check the bullet that says "Windows Application", the option is grayed out. I …

Member Avatar for ismetteren
Member Avatar for savinki

How can I type cast char* to a long value? e.g. char * abc ; long xyz; xyz = abc????

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for jonbyrd

Know of any good ebooks? : I have recently purchased the resell rights to about 600 ebooks so that I can post them on my website for my registered members only. I've purchased all of these ebooks for under $20. I'm just wondering if there is any ebook out there …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Driklyn

I'm trying to create a class inside a header file so that all my files can access that 1 class and only use that one. This is what I have so far. ---------- Window.h: [ICODE] class Window { public: Window(); ~Window(); /* FUNCTIONS */ HWND OpenWindow(LPCTSTR, int, int); /* VARIABLES …

Member Avatar for Driklyn
Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi, I recently watched the movie Iron Man. While making his first suit, Tony Stark apparently is using C++ on the laptop in the background. Is this C++ and if not what is it?

Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi, Why the program skip 'read value' in second time? First time reading value is ok, but the problem will get after pressing 'Enter key' for the next time read. [CODE] //array of pointers to person objects #include<iostream.h> class Person { protected: char name[40]; public: void getname() { cout << …

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Member Avatar for hazmatt

I have been searching for days to find an Http Client in C++ that I can use. I am assisting in a research group involving camera recording based on sensor detection and am responsible for making the interface with the cameras. I have some work that was done before I …

Member Avatar for hazmatt
Member Avatar for wellibedamned

could someone please check this code and tell me where i went wrong... it always gives the result 1.00000 but as you can see in the for loop it shouldn't be like that. [CODE]#include <cstdio> int main(void) { int n; float s = 0; scanf("%d", &n); for(int i = 1; …

Member Avatar for wellibedamned
Member Avatar for cobaltbass

Whenever I start my program from the command line, it works perfectly. When I try to use the icon on the desktop, it gets to the last cin statement and terminates. I have no idea why this would happen. Any insight?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for nlsna17

:!: Write a program that reads in an m by n matrix row by row, then reads in an n by p matrix row by row, and then computes the product matrix and displays the two matrices, as well as their product matrix on the screen. Use integer values for …

Member Avatar for Bitto11
Member Avatar for AqAbAwE

lets say I have a class named MyClass, and a variable named val, what does the following statement mean? i know its dynamic allocation, but what does the ** indicate? MyClass **p1 = new MyClass*[val]; thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for AqAbAwE

The End.