49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for klackey19

hi everyone, I'm working on a project for one of my classes that parses a given grammar. I'm pretty sure I have coded it correctly but I keep getting the following list of linker errors: [Linker error] undefined reference to `assign(char)' [Linker error] undefined reference to `integer(char)' [Linker error] undefined …

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Member Avatar for killerqb

When I declare a new Hashtable such as: String a = null; HashTable<string> = new HashTable(a, 100); It tells me HashTable is not a type. [CODE]#ifndef HASHTABLE_H #define HASHTABLE_H #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> using namespace std; template <typename HashedObj> class HashTable { public: explicit HashTable( const HashedObj & …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for osgiedeprof

can someone help me out with this: i've got a little snippet that supposedly should use vectors to read values from user, then display the data in assending and descending order in which they were entered, thereafter it should display the even and odd numbers among the date entered. i've …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for francis77

I use MySQL and Turbo C++. I can connect correctly to the server but when I try requests on the server (like INSERT INTO or DROP TABLE), it does not work although it returns that the command executed correctly. Does anyone have an idea why this may happen ?

Member Avatar for kustrle

Hello again everyone! Today I has a little bit complicated thing to do. I am trying to make a program which install few other programs. I have already composed 2 Window Forms Applications (see picture links below) Step 2: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12171&stc=1&d=1255853689[/url] Step 3: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12172&stc=1&d=1255853717[/url] As you can see on picture of …

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Member Avatar for grando

hi guys again! i want to read a bitmap in this way: please help me!! how can i read the pixels of a bitmap?? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; struct bitmap{ int pixel; int black; int white; }; int main(){ bitmap b[400]; ifstream a("a.bmp",ios::binary); int i=0; …

Member Avatar for Phil++

Ok, so I'm working on my school project and I have a class that stores the Customers information, in the main file it then asks for the customers ID number and then checks to see if the value is true or false from the criteria entered. However, it is just …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for ging ging

Heres an AVL TREE.... and my problem is.... help me include a function that delete nodes....... [CODE] # include<malloc.h> #include<stdio.h> # include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> # define F 0 # define T 1 struct NODE { int Info; int Flag; struct NODE *Left_Child; struct NODE *Right_Child; }; struct NODE *Binary_Tree (int …

Member Avatar for mayanktalwar

[CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); long j,x; long k=1; long y=0; cin>>x; for(;k!=x+1;) { for(;k%5==0;) y++; k++; } cout<<y; getch(); } [/CODE] in above code i am trying to find the total no of zeroes at the and of factorial of no..........in doing this i am finding out total …

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Member Avatar for CDWITH
Member Avatar for merse
Member Avatar for sebassn

[B]Hey guys, if someone can help me on this one, I'd be thankful. The thing is that this is a sample work. I gotta do the same thing but with 4 variables, organize them according to the correct order, from lowest to greatest or viceversa, it doesn't matter. And I …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

Now I use a C++ code where I save a color like this: [code] public: System::Drawing::Color ColorSaved1; ColorSaved1 = textBox1->BackColor; [/code] I wonder how I can convert this to C# ?

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ateeqbkr

Design a class hierarchy for the players in which you are required to find out the best player in each category according to their performance in a tournament

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ilovejeju
Member Avatar for bliya123
Member Avatar for bliya123
Member Avatar for brown_iris

this program imitates the capabilities and function of a 4GB(4096mb) flash disk. It must contain the ff.functions and declerations. void Format(void); int Copy(int size); int Delete(int size); int freeMem = 4096; *freeMem - holds the remaining space of the flash disk,initialize to 4096. Format() - erase all contents of the …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

[B][/B]I have a native code that I am trying to convert to managed code. I have a vector where I use a comparer to sort it in this code: [code] struct Sorting1 { bool operator () ( const std::string& a, const std::string& b ) { std::stringstream as( a ); std::stringstream …

Member Avatar for killerqb

My compiler is throwing me this error when I try to make a new one. I am trying to make it with this [CODE]string a = "five"; HashTable<string> *hashy = new HashTable<string>(a,100);[/CODE] This is the compiler error (.text+0x1d3): undefined reference to `HashTable<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >::HashTable(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for grando

hi guys! i want to read a black & white bitmap with c++ and show it as 0 & 1 in console! do you know how can i do that? bye the way i want to build a simulated robot that follow a black line that had been drawn in …

Member Avatar for grando
Member Avatar for sumantbang
Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for syedsalmanali

Q#1: Write a program that recognized whether input character is an uppercase, a digit and special character. Q#2: Write a program that takes an integer number up till 5 digits and then calculate the sum of integer numbers. For example: 1234, its output will be: 10. Q#3: Write a program …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for ross42111

[QUOTE]Been all through books and tutorials trying to learn how to code the while loop, char, switch and bool. in one program Loop is stuck. If wrong letter is entered, should ask user to reprompt, otherwise the function returns the number, but will not leave the loop. The problem may …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for program900

I am new to programming in DEV-C++ so I ran in to a few problems with my code, I am trying to create a number guessing game if you run my code its working well but I also need to have an option of "PLAY AGAIN" at the end which …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for NICEGUY123

I need some help, fairly new to C++ and I know a little about C. What i am trying to do is get a txt file that looks like this 4 //first number tells how many rows are coming next. 3 54 2 51 9 32 2 34 what i …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for FireSBurnsmuP

You see, I am writing a program that uses strings for input to determine things, and I don't want it to be case sensitive. So, I know you can go through a string and go char by char to store each char, [inlinecode]tolower()[/inlinecode]'d into another string while in a for …

Member Avatar for geinjo
Member Avatar for pman182001

I need help with IT210 week 7 programming problems 1 and 2 pseudocode can any one give some advice?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Phil++

Anyone know a decent one for Mac? I use Dev cpp atm at college but I'm a mac user at home and have no way of compiling the my projects. Any suggestions would be grateful, thanks

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sgour03

Hello, I am required to make an online airline reservation system using C++. What information do I need before starting with the project in terms of what I want to accomplish .

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jakethesnake86

I got the following code out of Carrano's Walls & Mirrors. I made a few changes but have tested it and it works. I'm really confused by line 19 in the .h file. Why is it structured like "void (*FunctionType)"? Why not (void*) FunctionType? or void* FunctionType? What is the …

Member Avatar for ross42111
Member Avatar for merse

In C++ we can define functions and their arguments can be not just variables, but functions also, for example: double Integral(double func(const double),const double a, const double b){...}; (without using any pointer) But can a function return with a function? like a differential operator?

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The End.