15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for jose385

I just hit a brick wall. I'm writing a code that will ask a user the height of a pyramid an output the corresponding pyramid with * characters. I got that part working but now I need to turn it into a half pyramid like so: * ** *** **** …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for phil750

Say i just do a simple printf statement [code] printf("i want this text to be different color > %s", thisbit); [/code] i want whatever i print out at the %s (the string) to be different color. Im sure it only something little that why i ask.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for goodeye28

how can i code this player1=rock player2= paper player two wins please help me

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for emmanuel107

its been a week already since ive been trying to answer our project in programming but it seemed that i found no answer to it.....it wont run!!!!so i decided to ask for your help!!!this might be simple to you but if you can give me a code,,,id really appreciate it!!!.............i …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sam_dev

[QUOTE=ramesh vankayal;1154302]i want to mini project c and dbms[/QUOTE] hiiii.....can you help me in blowfish algorithm...i want to know about the secret keys which are used in encryption of password,...please help me !!!!!

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for donelliewhyte

Thanks for your help so far that i have achieved my goal. My other problem is updating a particular record using fseek() [CODE]void updaterecord(void) { system("color 2"); struct custinfo info; FILE *customer1; customer1=fopen("customer1.txt","r"); if (customer1==NULL) printf("\n\n\t\t\t FILE WAS NOT FOUND "); else { char choice4; char Target[50]; int Found=0; if((customer1=fopen("customer1.txt","r"))==NULL) …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *reading; FILE *writing; int condition,condition2; char input[100]; char save[100]; printf("Type a name to open for reading : "); scanf("%s",input); reading = fopen(input,"r"); /* OPENS the file name we typed above for reading */ if(reading != NULL) { do { condition = fgets(save,30,reading); printf("\n%s",save); }while(condition …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for cyberguy007

My input file contain: 1 2 3 4 5 6 why is it not reading properly, i tried implementing fget and fread but failed even after reading dani web and other tutorials. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> typedef struct{ char lname[20]; char fname[20]; int salary; }employee; const int max …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for whoamineo89

so far the address book is compiling and takes in entries and runs all the other functions but the search and delete methods don't work even though I have the entry entered in a file and the code should use that very same file to display the names etc if …

Member Avatar for donelliewhyte
Member Avatar for IwanRyoma

[CODE]#include <mega8535.h> #include <delay.h> #define clk DDRA.0 #define dio DDRA.1 #define cs DDRA.2 #define diopin PINA.1 #define clkx PORTA.0 #define diox PORTA.1 #define csx PORTA.2 #define OUTPUT 1 #define INPUT 0 #define LOW 0 #define HIGH 1 // Standard Input/Output functions #include <stdio.h> // Alphanumeric LCD Module functions #asm .equ …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for chinmayi

Hi Friends, I have a small doubt about pointers, One of the Advantage of the Pointers is "FAST ACCESS" comparitively to variables My doubt is How can it be? a Pointer stores a variables address, whenever it accessed it goes to that particular address and retrives the value... Similarly,a variable …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for Idontknowc

hi I'm having a problem with my addressbook recognizing the data I've inputted into it (displaying and deleting) It stores the data into a txt file and should use that file to pick up any similarities when the user inputs a similar name. So far it compiles and displays options …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for DCvonB

Hello, I am trying to write a function such as: [CODE] printValues(int nInts, int nFloats) ; [/CODE] nInts describes the variable number of int values passed, and nFloats describes the variable number of float values passed. Normally I would think of doing something like: [CODE] printValues(int num1, int num2, float …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ramesh vankayal
Member Avatar for Unidennn

Hi, i know its probably the easiest thing ever, but im a noobie in c, and in need of some help with fmax function, i just dont really get it. im trying to compare 3 floats heres what im trying float fmaxf (float int1, float int2, float int3) im not …

Member Avatar for Unidennn
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> #define CR 13 #define LF 10 int main() { FILE *tg; FILE *th; FILE *printer; int i,a; char input[20]; char file[100]; char input2[20]; char file2[100]; printf("Enter the file name for reading : "); scanf("%s",input); th = fopen(input,"r"); printer = fopen("PRN","w"); do { i=fgets(file,100,th); putc(i,printer); printf("\n\n%s",file); }while(i != EOF); printf("Enter …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for romariejhoanna

i need the help of a [B]turbo C master[/B]!!!!...one of my final exam problem in my subject has this problem: [B]The Department of mathematics has asked you to develop a program to help elementary students check their addition and subtraction computations. The program to be developed will ask the user …

Member Avatar for romariejhoanna
Member Avatar for unbrknchane

so im working on a mid-term exam average program of a class of 10 students. would my code start as follows?[CODE]void getnames(char stuname[10][20]) { int ctr; for(ctr1=0;ctr1<10;ctr1++) { printf("Enter Name %d ", ctr); scanf("%s",stuname[ctr]); } void printnames(char stuname[10][20]) { int ctr2; for(ctr2=0;ctr2<10;ctr2++) { printf("%s\n", stuname[ctr2]); } [/CODE] and have getNAME …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for donelliewhyte

Is there any way to make the compiler remember the last integer value it wrote to a file. i declared the value as a static but after i write to the file ,the value goes back.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for crimsonwave

Hi I need help regarding the above question, ive tried to type: "DWORD file;" but the compiler says its undeclared. WHy? isnt DWord 32 bits? thks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
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Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for kendricktamis

A five-digit number is entered through the keyboard. Write a program which will re order the digits of the number from smallest to highest. Like, if you enter 54231 the program will show output as 12345. help me.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Iam3R

Hi , i have read that new line character gets converted to \r\n when writing characters to a file and converted to new line again when reading. but i observed one thing here. i have written contents hello followed by return key . and i have written a program to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for phil750

Im mid way through writting my own c shell and having trouble with my redirecting, i use strtok to spilt the input into 2 parts, argv0 being command and argv1 being cmd i have this for redirecting so far [code] if(strcmp(cmd,">")==0) { strcpy(filename, command); filein = open(filename, O_RDONLY); dup2(filein,0); close(filein); …

Member Avatar for phil750
Member Avatar for puhazholivin

please give the program in turbo c language for first in first out page replacement and least recently used page replacement ?

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for infrapt

//Trying to read double values from each line of a file..and try to store them in arrays //when i debugged,it doesnt do the parsing for the alldoubles e.g txt file consists 2.3,4.5,6.2,4.5 2.8,2.4,4.6,1.2,3.5 3.6,3.8,5.9,4.9,12.6,112.8 trying to put them in separate arrays [code] //CODE?? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> FILE …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

" fscanf " plzz help me the format of this function and brief explanation?????? plzzzzz help ...... needed......

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for habib_parisa

Dear All, I am a C code to calculate prices in stock market. I pass a two dimensional array to a function as [CODE] #define DIM 3000 void grid(double tree[][DIM]); int main(){ double tree[DIM][DIM]; grid(tree ); return 0; } void grid(double tree[DIM][DIM]){ /* and do sutff on tree * } …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Silent_Friend

Hiz.... Can anyone help me in getting a code for reading a file in C language and counting different characters in it and then make a histogram based on the obtained results....................................plz help :)

Member Avatar for abhimanipal

The End.