15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for kalodakilla

Hi, I'm doing an assignment which throws an error when meeting division-by-zero error using Signals in C library signal.h and let user input another 2 numbers, if no error just continue letting user input 2 numbers and print out quotient of them. Here is my attempt: [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for samli88
Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for iPKu

Hello! I'm having an problem.. while compiling one of the sources. ERROR = Error 5 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __stdcall WSPConnect(unsigned int,struct sockaddr const *,int,struct _WSABUF *,struct _WSABUF *,struct _QualityOfService *,struct _QualityOfService *,int *)" (?WSPConnect@@YGHIPBUsockaddr@@HPAU_WSABUF@@1PAU_QualityOfService@@2PAH@Z) referenced in function _WSPStartup@76 spi.obj ifslsp Thank You for your help. [CODE=c]int WSPAPI …

Member Avatar for bbinesh
Member Avatar for waqarafridi

Can some body tell me how to take SHA-1 of a given string in C. I am using ubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.30.

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for shou2009

Hello everybody, I need your help for my C project..... The details of the program is given below :---- 1) [B] The input of the program will be another C program, and that is from a file.....( Please note this carefully)[/B] 2) [B] You have to check the syntax of …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for yasaswyg

Im stuck with my project. I have no idea how to begin this project. I need to write a function that shuffles say for example a deck of cards. which is represented by an array of 52 elements. Every element in the array is a structure for one card like …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey all, I'm new to C and trying to pick up good habits before I get too routed in my ways. Essentially, I have a code which runs a mathematical test on an array, and depending on the percent error, it decides to continue iterating or stop. Essentially, I have …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for gcah

Can anyone help with this program. Both the functions work fine separately but when for example, I tried to use "if" for simplicity the islower came out as 0 when all the characters were printed out, because it's second in the flow of control. It would also help if I …

Member Avatar for gcah
Member Avatar for nicenaidu

Hi All, Can somebody post me the logic to find all the occurences of a "substring" in a big string. The function strstr() gives the only first match. Thanks Mahesh

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for gurdeep kaur

The function signature in C is as follows: void MaxMinAvg(int arr[], int * max, int * min, int * avg); Write a main function to test your code with different input valuesto demonstrate that your function is robust.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for alberton

Hi! I' m looking for this header source "msp430x26x.h "... could someone help me? If you have the header source, could you send me an email? I'm [email snipped] thanks albert

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for reggaehista

i dont know if this is wright so help me please...thnks for advance inside my inventory.ini 000001,hamburger,30.50 000002,cheeseburger,21.00 100001,frenchfries,21.00 200001,icedtea,17.00 try to run it.. [code] #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #define ERROR -1 #define OK 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* error codes */ #define ERR_INVALID 1 #define …

Member Avatar for reggaehista
Member Avatar for karpaklu

hai dani. can u pls help me how to create piechart in c. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for StMatX

Hy. I'm new in this programming and i wish to work with some device like cd-rom. So i wish to know how to open device. I know that i must work with socketfd but i just need some guidnes. Tnx

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I am about to do a c project for my college term. My main aim is to spend my time and make a really useful software not just another project. I would like the community to give their ideas on something which I can make and develop and spend …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for jahmassive

This is the code that i have, my project is to do this exact code, but with structs. I'm obviously very shaky on the structs concepts, however, i really need to get this assignment done. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated! [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for anuizath2007

does anyone know how todisplay the following using a for loop in my program question:if n=5 where n is the ht of the pattern [code] ********* **** **** *** *** ** ** * *[/code] if n=4 [code] ******* *** *** ** ** * *[/code] SOLUTION I TRIED OUT IS [code=c]#include<stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for vijayalakshmisn

a.h ------------------ this is one file This contains the following information inside the .h file /*add/root/temp/private/addsolutions.c/*/ int vehicle(int a,int b); int car(int a,int b); My request: I need to read the a.h file uearch for the addsolutions.c which is a header file search in the whole project directory and open …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for ashish2234

Wt happened is just i have made a very simple menu driven programme and in that programme wen i use character not matching wid d switch cases , it runs twice...i want it to run once only..i know its becoz getchar(); but y??? [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void even_odd(); int n; …

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Member Avatar for catboytm

Right, so I'm fairly new to C and have worked in several high-level languages for a few years. Now I've been able to google and work with what I could find, but I have a few questions now. I'm working on a DLL that outputs information. Now I can store …

Member Avatar for shric
Member Avatar for nagarayan

Need help guys! my problem is i cannot store file data into an array of structures. I can already read the file data and also tokenized it so as to separate data. here is content of the file that i am reading: 200001, hamburger, 30.50 100000, cheeseburger, 21.00 the name …

Member Avatar for nagarayan
Member Avatar for rcbhat

I thought that the function parameters were pushed onto stack from right to left. [code=C] #include <stdio.h> main() { int i=0; printf("%d %d\n",scanf(" %d",&i),i); } [/code] But this code prints out the keyboard entered value instead of 0. Why is it so?

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for RobBrown

Hello, I am new to c and up until now i have understood it pretty well. I am having a difficulty writing a program that lists the characters in a phrase entered into the program. I think my problem is with the loops and maybe some variable declarations. None of …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for rcbhat

I have the following code, [code=C] main() { char *p="abc"; int x; x=++*p++; printf("%d",x); } [/code] My question is, when I try to do x=++*p++, the program crashes. If my associativity rules are right, first the address pointed to by p should be incremented by the postfix (p++) and then …

Member Avatar for Alibeg
Member Avatar for |\|asrin

Hi I want to have a n*n matrix is there sombody to help me?? how i can write it??

Member Avatar for |\|asrin
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hello i m given a question in book i m reading that i copy element but using ptr to copy and other choice will be using normal integers to copy i did normal integer but copy i think i got a problem with it [code] #include <stdio.h> int copyarr(const int …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for bubblellicious

Hi there! I was just wondering how could I modify the strstr function in order to calculate the distance between the two strings. Supposing that we have the following code: [code=c]char * str_find (buf, sub) register char *buf; register char *sub; { register char *bp; register char *sp; if (!*sub) …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for StephNicolaou

Hi everyone, I'm new to C and have been given a C program to complete but found it includes many versions of the titled error for each class file. Can anyone please explain why it occurs and how I could get rid of them? Thanks, Cleo [code] q2.c:5: error: expected …

Member Avatar for Leo71
Member Avatar for steel dr@gon

hy guyz... since i'm new to this forum i just want to say hello to you all... anyway, back to business. my teacher in my CS class gave me and my group an activity to work on. and since i'm the leader of the group, i was tasked to evaluate …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for tatyakadam

Simple1.c ------------------------------------ #include<stdio.h> int f1(int x, int y) { printf("%d %d", x, y); return x+y; } ----------------------------------- Simple2.c ------------------------------------ #include<stdio.h> extern int f1(int x,int y); void main() { printf(" %d\n", f1(5,6)); } ----------------------------------- I was trying complie Simple1.c file then Simple2.c on Turbo C/C++ Compiler (Windows Xp). It showing following …

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The End.