1,394 Topics

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Member Avatar for pallen

I am adding a page to my site that allows doctors to send me referrals. Some of the data will be highly sensitive, so I need to be sure that it is handled as securely as possible. The data doesn't get stored in a database. It is simply emailed directly …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for ppotter3

Hello! I am working on a networking project and I had some questions.... I am in the process of building a network specifically for security penetration, & exploit testing, and I looking for some of the best methods for maintaining IP anonymity. I know of the good old fashion method …

Member Avatar for ppotter3
Member Avatar for Staric

What I have is a linksys wrt54gs(dd-wrt) router assigning private ip's to my workstations. I also have a Windows Server which i need accessible for Windows Remote Desktop Connection to my remote office in Costa Rica. I'd like to have the server have one of my 5 static public ip's(so …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22459[/ATTACH]Just how desperately are you looking for love? Unfortunately, for some the answer is all too often all too desperately; to the point where common sense leaps out of the window and is quickly followed by the bank balance. According to new research by the University of Leicester in the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for praveendasika

Hi I have recently been facing a difficut issue.I think some one is attacking my website. I have attached the jpg image of the failure and its happening on a daily basis .I upload the site and for some hrs its just cool but suddenly i get this error. I …

Member Avatar for albertindian200
Member Avatar for happygeek

It may win the prize for being the research with the most surreal title, but the 'My dog ate my iPad' report comes with a very serious message attached and one that business would do well to listen to. The full title of the independent research report, commissioned by SecureData, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

Using newly registered domains with a very short lifespan to host malware websites is so last year. It would appear that these days such things are far more likely to be hosted on much older compromised web sites instead. Could this be down to a decline in domain tasting? The …

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for davy_yg

contact_us.php [CODE] <form action="contact.php" method="POST"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td>Name : </td> <td><input name="nama" type="text" value="" size="30" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail: </td> <td><input name="email" type="text" value="" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Your message : </td> <td><textarea name="comments" cols=30 rows=6></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input name="send message" type="button" value="send message" /> </table> </form> …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for 650U

I'm currently working on a project where I need to Authenticate the Client using his/her certificate. I have created my own CA, Server and Client certificates and imported them into my browser. Then I wrote a JSP code just to read the certificate. That is the program returns the commonname, …

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

I have a theory about the design of a new site I am working on. If a user accounts table is in one database, and the site content tables in another database, then it would be impossible for a hacker to use SQL injections in a form unrelated to the …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for mementomori

Two applications, two different problems. Both of these applications worked perfectly in the test environment with SSL authentication turned off. Now that we've moved to a live environment, the applications can no longer connect to the client company's ActiveMQ messaging queue. using dlls from Spring.Net version 1.3.1. Connection string uses …

Member Avatar for mementomori
Member Avatar for itsols

I should be actually asking this via a Google+ post but I haven't joined yet and therefore cannot post it. I hope someone here can answer it. Before joining, Google indicates that we are responsible for the loss of our 'data'. Now, the only important data I have on google …

Member Avatar for Coloradojaguar
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I have DAL class and I have done Query Parametrization to avoid SQL injection. As you can see the weakpoing for Dynamic Query is table_name and column name. I have made small function to (hopefully) validate table variable before I can add to SQL command string. Now I was …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for happygeek

Anyone who uses Twitter, and has at some point posted a link to something interesting, will have almost certainly used a URL-shortening service such as bit.ly for example. Now the spammers are exploiting the popularity of such link-reduction services by establishing their own fake URL-shortening services in order to redirect …

Member Avatar for sufalamtech
Member Avatar for happygeek

The trouble with Kensington lock systems for laptops in the past was that they were fiddly to actually use, which is why the company took a step back and redesigned the process by introducing the new ClickSafe system. This still utilises the same Kensington lock slot that appears on everything …

Member Avatar for dw_user

Think about an antivirus software with an 1-pc license. After installation , while the user tries to upgrade it, the software recognizes that the pc rying to upgrade the antivirus is the one that bought the license so that the software when installed on another pc with the same serial …

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Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here is capital letter style caesar crypted message. We can simply try all possible shifts for first few words (ignoring punctuations, which is left as is). If both first words succeed we assume we cracked it. You could also use Vigenère encryption, but keeping non-letters is less simple, our Vigenère …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for aravind326

Hi, We are using AD 2003 server x64. Created new certificate, exported it into a file and using a simple LDAP Browser or a java code when we try to bind through SSL it fails and we are getting an error called SSL handshake failed: Simple bind failed. Please help …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22151[/ATTACH]It would appear that a Florida bank has been the victim of a $13 million ATM heist, but just how did the cyber-robbers pull it off? Although the security breach which led to the ATM fraud itself seems to have taken place in March, and was disclosed in the first …

Member Avatar for Lightninghawk
Member Avatar for happygeek

Facebook users have been making a lot of use of the new 'like' feature which allows users to link to webpages that they, well, like funnily enough. Not so funny when Facebook users are claiming to like a site called "101 Hottest Women in the World" which features an image …

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for tajendra

Working with dll i got into a situation where loading a dll can cause security threat. lets say for example when you load a DLL, it gets same access privilege as the calling process. So if calling process is running with Admin privilege the loaded dll gets the elevated privilege …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for java_sabin

hi, I'm the student of network and IT security and i need to have my final year major project that holds the double credit. can you help me getting the topics. these are the modules i have in final year: Wide Area Networks E-commerce Applications Fundamentals of Security Management Fundamentals …

Member Avatar for suley04
Member Avatar for megansims07

I'm attempting to create a program where the login and password will be verified on an SQL database of user information. I keep getting the error "SQL Execution was unhandled" I marked the code that was causing the error in red. I'm using Visual Studio 8. Keep in mind I …

Member Avatar for railrover

Hi all, I'm having problems getting my mobile device (Windows Mobile 6.1) to see my VB.NET application as genuine. Here are the steps I am taking - can anybody see why there is a problem? I use makecert.exe to create a new root certificate.... makecert -n "CN=McLernonsMARS" -r -sv McLernonsMARS.pvk …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Although Mozilla's Firefox and Google's Chrome browsers get a lot of attention in the media, Apple's Safari browser is not too shabby in comparison. The one thing it unfortunately lacks is robust security. Given that so much computer activity revolves around the browser these days, security is the last place …

Member Avatar for rockyrat12
Member Avatar for Tomashqooo

Hi everybody, can someone help me pls finding a goot RATing tutorial for a beginner??? I wanna code a rat in python but i have no sources.

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for MoZo1

This prints NULL: [CODE=Java]String sss = System.getSecurityManager() == null ? "NULL" : System.getSecurityManager().getClass().getName(); System.out.println(sss);[/CODE] And this throws exception: [CODE]ServerSocket serversocket = new ServerSocket(80);[/CODE] This one: [CODE]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: java.net.BindException: Permission denied at httpserver.HTTPServer.main(HTTPServer.java:68) Caused by: java.net.BindException: Permission denied at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:383) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:328) at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:194) at …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for slfisher

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) has finally been given permission to reveal that he was the recipient of an National Security Letter (NSL) from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) six years ago, demanding information about his clients. Nicholas Merrill, president of the New York ISP Calyx, still can’t say …

Member Avatar for glitchmind
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22256[/ATTACH]England just scraped to a hard fought win against a physical and enthusiastic Argentina side in their opening match of the 2011 Rugby World Cup campaign in New Zealand. But while sports fans the world over get excited about how their country is performing in the initial pool group matches, …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for happygeek

Last year saw the overall volume of email delivered spam drop for the first, which has to be good news. Or it would be were it not for the fact that spammers have not gone away, they have merely moved with the times and adapted their business so as to …

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The End.