1,394 Topics

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Security researchers announced a new vulnerability for users of the Firefox 1.0.6 browsers on a Unix or Linux platform. The problem revolves around a security bug that could allow hackers to execute arbitrary shell commands if they can trick the user into accepting a malicious link on a website. The …

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Symantec released a report comparing Mozilla Firefox vs. Windows Explorer, and found that Firefox had more security flaws, but Explorer's were more severe. The report also disclosed statistics on a number of other concerns involving Internet Security. Using data collected between January and June 2005, Mozilla's browsers suffered 25 vendor-confirmed …

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FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Association committed acts of browser discrimination by only allowing people with Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer 6.0 to file electronic claims in response to Hurricane Katrina. This means that if I was an affected citizen of the US, and had my Mac laptop with me …

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Member Avatar for Catweazle

A new virus has been found and it is targetting all you porn purveyors out there! The trojan named Yusufali-A seeks to help, not harm people by interrupting their depraved activity. On an infected system, window titles are scanned for keywords such as: sex teen xx Phallus jegger Priapus Phallic …

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The Mozilla Foundation ([url]www.mozilla.org[/url]) has announced that Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 is due on September 8. Firefox is an alternative web browser to IE developed by the Mozilla foundation, the group of people who brought us Netscape and other fine utilities. Firefox is available for Windows, Macintosh (both OS 9 …

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Webroot, the makers of Spy Sweeper, are claiming that 8 out of 10 corporate PCs are infected with Spyware. Wow! That's a significant amount of computers. Looking at my personal experience troubleshooting and repairing computers, I have to agree with them. Before we go to deeply, let's define Spyware. According …

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On August 17, CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) released information about Apple Mac products facing several security Vulnerabilities. Systems affected: Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.2 (both workstation and server) Apps affected: Apple Safari Web browser. Apple has addressed these issues in "Apple Security Update 2005-007" According to CERT's writeup, …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Attention Microsoft Users -- As of late Tuesday afternoon Chicago time, major news networks are reporting being affected by a new bug called Zotob. It affects Microsoft systems, as described in a Microsoft Bulliton MS05-039, a document that was released earlier this month. CERT sources say that they have seen …

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I love CNN – it’s a great network, and although all Cable News Networks slant their news, it’s still very entertaining to watch. But today, I lost a great deal of respect for the network. Wolf Blitzer’s, “Situation Room

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I never realized how much publicity a handful of software developers could create with the release of one application. But they sure have made waves. [url=http://www.spreadfirefox.com]SpreadFirefox.com[/url], the Mozilla Foundation’s official promotion site for its Firefox web browser, reported today that over 80 million downloads have been made of the browser. …

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The purpose of Marketing is simple: get your message to a customer, with as little cost as possible, and motivate them to purchase your product. As an engineer / scientist, I thought some of the gizmos such as free pens, the little footballs, the shirts and coffee cups were all …

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As I write this article, there’s no way to know the fate of the seven crew members aboard NASA’s STS-114 space ship, commonly known as Discovery. Will they return alive? Or will their heat-shield clad capsule disintegrate in the atmosphere like their predecessor did, Columbia. The crew is currently planned …

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There’s a lot happening in the offices of Microsoft, the world’s most popular, and universally loved software company. [url=http://www.microsoft.com]Microsoft[/url] said Thursday on its TechNet website, that it will be releasing six new security bulletins that affect its Microsoft Windows operating system – one of which is rated critical. The software …

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According to Information Week (July 25, 2005), Firefox is facing a release delay. The article mentions that the Mozilla foundation has delayed the release of the next major version of Firefox until September. The current version of Firefox is 1.0.6 Firefox is a major alternative to Internet Explorer, the default …

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The End.