1,394 Topics
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This year's version of the Cybersecurity Act was approved by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs after amending it to limit the president's authority in the event of a cyber emergency, [URL="http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/105377-senate-homeland-security-committee-approves-cybersecurity-bill-"]reported [/URL][I]The Hill[/I]. The [URL="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:S.3480:"]bill[/URL], sponsored by Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Tom … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]17035[/ATTACH]While security professionals constantly fear the big bad hacker breaking into their enterprise and wreaking havoc, the biggest threat to security is sitting inside the company and drawing a paycheck. Cloud and e-mail security specialist [URL="http://www.proofpoint.com/"]Proofpoint[/url] notes in its seventh annual study of data loss prevention (DLP) issues that e-mail … | |
I will admit that I didn't stumble upon Steven Levy's classic tale of how the IT west was won, for want of a better phrase, until 1993 when it was republished some 10 years after the original book but with the addition of a handful of new pages to celebrate … | |
I have a website running xcart ([url]http://www.mysite.com[/url]) and want to run it as a secure website ([url]https://www.mysite.com[/url]). The following are the solutions I have done: 1. I have tried to enforce SSL through htaccess but it gives me INTERNAL SERVER PROBLEM Error. 2. I have created a self-signed cert through … | |
Warnings have been issued today not to complete a customer satisfaction survey that appears to come from McDonald's and promises cash for your answers. A bit like fast food itself, something that looks appetising and promises a quick fix is often not actually that good for you. [attach]17019[/attach]IT security and … | |
[ATTACH=right]16930[/ATTACH]Just weeks after Research in Motion [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story303272.html"]installed servers in Saudi Arabia[/URL] to allow authorities there to monitor Blackberry messaging traffic and avoid being shut down in the Kingdom, an encore of the drama is playing out in India. The Indian government has [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/operatingsystems/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=226700187"]pledged to shut down RIM's encrypted services[/URL] in … | |
The nonprofit think tank for which I spent the last seven years working on climate and energy policy has gone bankrupt. It is no more. The server is returned to the company that rented it to us, and the offices are closed and have new tenants. As part of the … | |
It's not the first time that Johnny Depp has died according to the Internet, but this time he is not alone. According to an ongoing online campaign, celebrities including Beyonce, Bon Jovi, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and David Beckham have all been killed in tragic circumstances. Perhaps surprisingly [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/thread306364.html"]Lady Gaga … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16788[/ATTACH]If you’re a petty thief, an iPhone must look like a mobile Mona Lisa. Their sleek design, variety of features, portability, coveted ownership, and lofty price make for an appealing and readily available target. But scum of the earth pay heed: Apple filed for a patent yesterday (August 19th) to … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16752[/ATTACH]Intel announced on Thursday their agreement to purchase all of McAfee’s common stocks at $48 a share, a deal approximately worth $7.68 billion. McAfee will act as a wholly-owned subsidiary and report to Intel’s Software and Services Group. The endeavor marks what is sure to be a harmonious relationship for … | |
Not only is there a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story304425.html"]debate [/URL]about the constitutionality of using Global Positioning System units to help fight crime – now there’s concern about using Google Earth as well. The Associated Press [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100814/ap_on_hi_te/us_eyes_in_the_sky"]reported [/URL]a few days ago that government officials in regions ranging from the Riverhead, N.Y., to the country … | |
Geolocation features in cameras are giving thieves new information when someone proudly posts a picture of their new acquisition, whether it's a boat, a flat-screen TV, or a new car, according to an [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/12/technology/personaltech/12basics.html?_r=1"]article [/URL]last week in the [I]New York Times[/I]. Some cameras and smart phones embed location-specific information, such … | |
[ATTACH=right]16573[/ATTACH]Just as it seemed one Google Street View debacle in a foreign country came to a resolution today, another was just beginning thousands of miles away. The problems first began for Google in Germany in May, when the company's Street View vehicles collected private data that was sent across unencrypted … | |
[ATTACH=right]16534[/ATTACH]Alcohol remains off limits, but it looks like Saudis will still be allowed to feed their Crackberry addiction after all. The Saudi government had said that it would begin blocking Blackberry's instant messaging services on Friday - claiming that by not being allowed to monitor messages, the popular devices and … | |
Mac OS X is not, on the whole, known as an OS which attracts too many problems when it comes to malware. However, in the last few days there has been something of a scare involving the Immunizator Trojan. [URL="http://www.sophos.com/news/2008/03/imunizator.html"]According to IT security specialists Sophos[/URL] this may well just be … | |
I have become infected with the Security Tool virus/trojan/malware. In normal startup mode for Windows XP SP2. I am not able to run any .exe programs without getting a message from Security Tool that the program is infected with (insert virus/trojan/malware here) and is attempting to send my credit card … | |
Hi all, My site is on dedicated server by fasthosts.co.uk. i get email from host server that my site has been placed on the Spamhaus SBL. below is the content for that: [CODE] >> Web bot: port 80 >> IP address on fasthosts.co.uk/live-servers.net >> Canadian Pharmacy spammer[s] are using … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16335[/ATTACH]On August 1, [URL="http://www.tombom.co.uk/blog/?p=262"]Defcon attendee Chris Paget showcased the vulnerability of the AT&T network[/URL] by eavesdropping on cell phone calls in front of a live audience. Paget warned attendees ahead of time what he planned to do: [I]1. If you’re in an area where your cellphone calls might be intercepted, … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16331[/ATTACH]A [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383530439838568.html?"]Wall Street Journal report today[/URL] suggests that for Microsoft, customer concerns about privacy came a distant second behind ad revenue when designing browser software Internet Explorer. When Microsoft initially planned the Internet Explorer 8.0 browser, they intended to offer users functionality that would allow them to avoid being tracked … | |
Security company [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/"]Barracuda Networks[/URL] has named Google the "king of malware," in [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/downloads/BarracudaLabs2010MidyearSecurityReport.pdf"]a report released this month[/URL] that shows the popular search site linking to twice as many malware sites and files as its chief competitors, Bing, Twitter, and Yahoo combined. [ATTACH]16328[/ATTACH]Barracuda points to a growing need for online reputation … | |
[ATTACH=right]16305[/ATTACH]No more shortcuts for hackers - that's the word from Microsoft, which plans to release a patch today that the company says will fix a security loophole. The issue is tied to the way the Windows OS handles shortcuts, or .lnk files, or as Microsoft explains it in the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/2286198.mspx"]official … | |
[attach=right]14422[/attach]File under oops. The website of The Telegraph newspaper has been defaced by hackers, apparently upset at a cult British television show and the newspaper itself for mocking their country. The 'Romania National Security' hacking group has claimed responsibility for the attack which hit a couple of third party services … | |
[ATTACH=right]16252[/ATTACH][URL="http://mobile.venturebeat.com/2010/07/28/android-wallpaper-app-that-steals-your-data-was-downloaded-by-millions/"]Questions have been raised[/URL] about an Android wallpaper application that is collecting personal data and sending it to a site, [url]www.imnet.com[/url], in Shenzen, China. It's unclear why the data is being collected or what use might be made of it. The app Wallpaper, which originated from developer Jackeey, was uploaded … | |
Hello, here's the setup for the project. I have a WCF Service that is hosted on a net.tcp binding in buffered mode and ReliableSession enabled. The binding is configured to use TransportWithMessageCredential security. The certificate is a self signed certificate that I am identifying using the Thumbprint. The UserNameValidator is … | |
Netbooks remain hugely popular courtesy of their small form factor and low price, both achieved partly due to the relatively limited technical specs of the average device. Low computing power and Internet security suite software do not, it has to be said, traditionally make for good bed-fellows. Which leaves netbook … | |
At the [URL="http://www.blackhat.com/"]Black Hat[/URL] conference in Las Vegas, Barnaby Jack gave a demonstration of how he learned to crack the security of various stand alone ATM's. While they have long been at risk for physical theft (someone stealing or physically breaking into the internal safe of the ATM itself), this … | |
***RUNNING:windows xp sp 2 ok i ridded a computer of 1021 infected files 23 viruses and 3 droppers. after disinfection internet axcess was damaged , so i re-installed the TCP/IP to the LAN connection and deleted the WinSock and WinSock2 entries and rebooted, (automatically rewriting the entries correctly) and bam … | |
[ATTACH=right]16134[/ATTACH]At [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/introducing-google-apps-for-government.html"]today's press conference[/URL], Google announced a new version of its Google Apps productivity suite, [URL="http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/government/trust.html"]Google Apps For Government[/URL]. The software has been certified as meeting U.S. Government security requirements. Like the Premier version of their suite, the cost is a yearly charge of $50 per user, and includes applications … | |
The 48,727 [URL="http://twitter.com/nasa_astronauts"]followers of the NASA Astronaut account on Twitter[/URL] expect to hear about updates on astronaut activity and get some personal insight from the astronauts themselves. They probably were not expecting to be bombarded by spacemen offering to sell them plasma and LCD flat-screen TVs at bargain prices however. … | |
hi.. can anybody help me to list a few java security problems and its solution? i hope somebody will help me.. thanksss.. |
The End.