1,394 Topics
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guys i just read a vulnerability in the calculator of windows. vulnerability is like this: *) open calculator *) type 4 and then take its square *) then minus two from the result shocked.... answer should be 0 but it shows a different answer.. please help me on this. | |
hello guys. i am a student of B.Tech with Computer Science branch. i want to make my career in programming and security testing. I found this site very good. In it all the problems are solved easily and very fast. Guys help me if you any suggestions to give me … | |
Having a professional interest in security, and a personal distrust of politicians and their promises of providing the same, I was not at all surprised by the findings of a [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2007/03_march/23/keylogger.shtml"]BBC TV investigation[/URL] that has just been broadcast in the UK. Inside Out, a news reporting and investigative documentary series … | |
how to use messagedeigest class to bring security to a file...encode and decode a file... any suggestion ????? | |
Hi We have a lot of fan pages in facebook and Each page has its own subdomain for example: [url]http://page1.mysite.com/1.php[/url] [url]http://page2.mysite.com/2.php[/url] [url]http://page3.mysite.com/3.php[/url] "1 SSL will cover one domain and any sub-directories which you install;- but it will not cover sub-domains, each sub-domain would also require its own SSL" from october … | |
I am developing a desktop based software in Java using IDE Netbeans 7 and database MySQL. Now i want to distribute this software and protect it from piracy.I want to implement online licence verification.That means when user will install the software a number based on hardware configuration will be sent … ![]() | |
Has anyone dealt with this on their website. I am webmaster for an informational site but am becoming inadated with DDos attacks as many as 250,000 a day which I have never heard of before. Any suggestions on what to do? Please any and all help is needed! | |
Last week, Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#marissa"]Marissa Mayer [/URL]and [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#eric"]Eric Schmidt [/URL]appeared in separate interviews on the [URL="http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/10129"]Charlie Rose [/URL]show, and not surprisingly they spoke in one voice where privacy and trust were concerned. They both said that when we use online services, we give up privacy in the process. There it is … | |
Hello software developers :) I've decided to try and "crack" a (very simple) program I've written myself, just for the sake of it. Here's the code: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> const int serialCode = 255; int guess; int main() { printf("Please enter your serial code: "); scanf("%d", &guess); if(guess == serialCode) … | |
Hi all i am new to web service.I am getting this exception on my server which is RHEL 5.5 [B]error Failed to access the WSDL at: [url][/url]. It failed with: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. [/B] I have imported the … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21852[/ATTACH]The Sun is the biggest selling newspaper in the UK, and famous for some truly scything political headlines over the years. Today the Rupert Murdoch owned red top tabloid finds itself on the wrong side of the headline writing tracks after it admitted that reader data may be at risk … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21767[/ATTACH]An unnamed Asian company operating within what has been described as a 'high risk e-commerce industry' has been targeted by a botnet which launched a DDoS attack of unprecedented magnitude. According to Distributed Denial of Service mitigation experts Prolexic, which claims to have successfully combated the attack, the volume of … | |
[ATTACH=right]21447[/ATTACH]Penetration testing by the US Department of Homeland Security which involved dropping USB thumb drives and various data discs around the car parks of government agency buildings has revealed a not-so-shocking truth: just like most folk, government workers allow curiosity to trump security when faced with the opportunity to have … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21548[/ATTACH]Earlier this week a hacker group called Dev-Team launched a revamped website service that enables owners of the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 (amongst a myriad other iOS-powered devices) to jailbreak them in next to no time, for free, online. The [URL="http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/890709355/the-return-of-jailbreakme-com"]JailBreakMe site exploits a vulnerability[/URL] with the way that … | |
Hey everyone! Users of Microsoft Security Essentials know that the right-click menu item that says "Scan with Microsoft Security Essentials.." is just too long. How do I customize it? I figured out that the file shellext.dll that comes with MSE is responsible for the context menu. I opened it with … | |
hi all, i have developed a web service(https based) client which is running on my 4 servers.i am facing a issue on a server like this. javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target while client on all other 3 server is … | |
Hi All! I'm apparently doing something very wrong here... I can't get my soap client to send the security certificate which a valid .pem file and because of that the subsequent calls are failing. What do I have to do to get the soap client to send the pem file? … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]21680[/ATTACH]The British website for pop sensation Lady Gaga has been hacked, it's official. The website was targeted by the US SwagSec hacking group it would appear, a group which has a track record (if you'll excuse the pun) of hacking the official websites of pop stars having already hit Justin … | |
Hi, I'm becoming more paranoid of security issues (Not Insane anyway :)) and would like to ask you guys what do you do to prevent SQL injection apart from using parametrized query and data validation. Thanks | |
IT Week [URL="http://www.itweek.co.uk/itweek/news/2214006/firms-left-behind-criminals"]reports[/URL] that business is just too slow to respond to cyber-criminals, and as a result the hackers are simply worried about their ability to prevent them breaking in. The article quotes Dan Hubbard, the Vice President of Security Research at Websense as saying that from a purely technological … | |
Installed Wordpress Multisite on Windows server 2008R2 and seems to be working fine EXCEPT: the update feature in WP fails or anytime when it tries to install something for you. I set up a valid / working FTP account as it sometimes asks for this, but that does not work … | |
Not really certain if this is the proper forum for this but can anyone explain what URL Harvesting is? I am asking because while reviewing the google analytics/referring sites info for my company's website I saw referral traffic from a site called trafficfaker.com. Any insight would be welcome. Thank you. | |
HI friends, I am ken and i want to know something from your side. my friend copy images from orkut accountant of other user. Is this possible to copy image from facebook or orkut of other user a/c without login? | |
According to reports, the [URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8578704/CIA-website-hacked-by-Lulz-Security.html"]LulzSec hacking group has claimed responsibility[/URL] for a denial of service hack attack on the cia.gov website resulting in it being inaccessible for a while late yesterday. [attach]21307[/attach] LulzSec appears to have taken up the baton of high profile hacking from the Anonymous group in recent … | |
It's one of the more bizarre questions I have been asked during my twenty year involvement in the computer security business. Yet here I am, pondering whether something being called the Shrek virus could have enabled tens of thousands of butt ugly lonely people to bypass the attractiveness filtering of … | |
It's very interesting to read that the Playstation 3 [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8478764.stm"]might at last have been hacked[/URL] by the same man who 'jailbroke' the iPhone for the first time. Interesting but not all that much use. I mean, who wants a hacked PS3 anyway? The report to which I've linked says there … | |
Another day, another IE flaw! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Internet Explorer water (mainly as Microsoft told you it was after [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS10-002.mspx"]releasing[/URL] yet another [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/24364/1231/"]patch[/URL] to fix yet another vulnerability) comes the news that actually, would you believe it, but Internet Explorer still … | |
Hello Everybody, I thought it'd be a great idea to share my code with people who s*ck with the same problem, maybe it'll help... :) It still needs security improovements, but since I'm not a Java guru, I'm a little slow with the solution... :) Any help would be appreciated! … | |
Hi everyone. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself to this exclusive forum. I'm Ken Peterson and I have been in the Internet security company for 5 years. I am more than happy in sharing my knowledge with the Forum, and I hope that here you learn a lot. | |
Here's a little brain teaser for you all. A client wants a [B]secure[/B] members only area of thier website with username/password access control, however the sites web host does not support any form of server side scripting or htaccess and to complicate matters further the client will not or cannot … |
The End.