11 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]18613[/ATTACH]The term Net Neutrality has been the subject of heavy discussion for the past several years. The freedom to go where and when we want to on the internet is about to slip away. Big telecoms and internet giants like AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Time Warner and even Google have met …

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The big mystery of what exactly Verizon and Google were talking about behind closed doors was solved this afternoon when about 1:45 p.m. ET, the two telecom companies issued a joint policy proposal, announcing a compromise on net neutrality. Their [URL="http://www.scribd.com/doc/35599242/Verizon-Google-Legislative-Framework-Proposal"]suggestions[/URL] are legislative framework for policymakers, they said. "Google and …

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]16516[/ATTACH]On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission chair [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Genachowski"]Julius Genachowski[/URL] said the he found the idea of Internet service providers offering faster speeds for users willing to pay extra fees "unacceptable." His statement was in reaction to rumors earlier this week that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302325.html"]Google and Verizon were working on an agreement[/URL] that would …

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In a new development to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302325.html"]news earlier today[/URL] that Verizon and Google were nearing an agreement that might end net neutrality, both companies have now released statements to the contrary. In Google's case, the statement came as a [URL="http://twitter.com/googlepubpolicy/statuses/20393606477"]Tweet[/URL] around mid-day Thursday. "@NYTimes is wrong. We've not had any convos …

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Rumors surfaced today saying Verizon and Google are reportedly close to making a deal that could end net neutrality. The [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100805/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_google_verizon"]Associated Press[/URL] reported that the two companies, which have been in talks for close to a year, may reach an agreement in the coming days. If such an agreement were …

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One might have titled this story "Beware of government bearing gifts." We should be exceedingly wary whenever law makers begin dabbling with something that's been working exceedingly well for decades. Today that thing is the Internet, perhaps the least-regulated industry in the U.S. today. This week the U.S. Federal Communications …

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In response to criticism of the way it was testing broadband Internet speeds, the Federal Communications Commission, following up a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story267741.html"]promise [/URL]it made last month, [URL="http://blog.broadband.gov/?entryId=359987"]announced [/URL]it had hired a vendor to help it perform more accurate tests. "In a couple of weeks, we will be asking for consumers from …

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In preparation for releasing its national broadband plan tomorrow (which is already coming under [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/business/media/13fcc.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1268658134-LNz+NNwd7fnSKyovP4YlZw"]criticism[/URL]), the Federal Communications Commission has started collecting data from users on their broadband [URL="http://broadband.gov/qualitytest/"]performance [/URL]-- a test that is also coming under criticism. Like [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story219530.html"]similar [/URL]testing a couple of years ago, the broadband.gov testing suffers …

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It certainly has been a roller coast ride of a month for Apple, and it continued this week with news they had allowed an iTunes competitor, [URL="http://spotify.com/"]Spotify[/URL], to place an app in the App Store surprising many industry pundits who believed they would reject it. Meanwhile, earlier this week Apple …

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The good old Federal Communications Commission has finally decided, and about time to, that download speeds of up to 200Kbps cannot be sold as broadband. While those people still struggling on dial-up connections would probably disagree, the truth is that such slow connectivity really does not justify being labeled as …

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It looks like internet access prices will remain steady, and could even rise, in the near future. The [url=http://www.fcc.gov]Federal Communications Commission[/url] ruled in favor of corporate America today, saying that phone companies no longer need to share high speed data lines with independent internet service providers at discounted rates. The …

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The End.