6,563 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonsan32

I want to list helpful instructions on my website for customers, specifically designed for them. I'd like for one of 16 images to appear below the 3 dropdown boxes, dependent on the values selected. The process can be instant or initiated with a submit button, but I'd like for the …

Member Avatar for gilgil2

[CODE] a:link { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; } a:visited { color: white; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } [/CODE] Could anyone tell me why this is not working? Everything else on the CSS sheet is working apart from this part. On Chrome the …

Member Avatar for gilgil2
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, The website has horizontal navigation menu, but without submenu. I want to those submenus, but I have no luck. I try using tutorial to make new menu, and after I will make it, I just edit the style so it look similar to an earlier menu. So I have …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for Ankur_tces

I have a project in which there are several static .html pages. My problem is that i am showing google map on the page by giving the reference of google API because of that it take lot's of time to load the page. What i want is that after loading …

Member Avatar for jhon786
Member Avatar for cgull

Hello, I have a line where the first words are 16px and the rest are 12px. How do I align to words to the bottom of the line? Right now, the smaller text appears in the middle of the line. I am attaching a screenshot, the first paragraph is the …

Member Avatar for cgull
Member Avatar for game4tress

I need to save a video as an image in silverlight, for my new webpage functionality, at [url]http://www.game4tress.com/ecardsender.aspx[/url]. Now, this would be easy in WPF, but seems that silverlight can't access the RenderTargetBitmap and BitmapEncoder. I was able to discover that RenderTargetBitmap can be replaced with WriteableBitmap, but i can't …

Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, I have seen a lot of people have been having a similar problem to this, but I have not found a solution and so daniweb is the best place to go! Basically, whenever I use: [CODE]<?php include_once "Filename.php"; ?>[/CODE] which I often do for the header, navigation and footer …

Member Avatar for ptemedia
Member Avatar for MayaPawar

i have one html page. I want display data from database. i have created one asp file that display data from database also i have created html file which contains all design of web page. when i combine this two . it displays table from database but images are not …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for peidoca

Hello, this is my first forum post ever so please be gentle. I have a hidden menu (div) which is revealed once you click a img button. The magic is done with js command like style.display='block'. Problem: The height of the page(stage) is 700px and the menu is 1000px, so …

Member Avatar for peidoca
Member Avatar for chowmein87

I am trying to make an application where i show a picture of the human body and i want to have clickable body parts e.g. arm, leg, head, torso and each of these opens up a form. I already got the picture of the body as a background to the …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hi, I am trying to create navigation bar, each word suppose to give a distance with other word. Ex.: Home About etc. yet, I am unable to create such things. At first, I am trying to create it with normal spacing inside a <p> yet, whenever I view it in …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for staticwave

Hi, I am very new to working with php and I need a little help getting the fields from my form divided into two rows and properly aligned when output to the user. [B]Function:[/B] This is a Client Profile type of program. A form is displayed to the user and …

Member Avatar for staticwave
Member Avatar for patrickm129

Hi all, I hope you're having a good day. I'm 15 and as a way to earn some money this this year I am thinking of starting a small web development business. I have knowledge in HTML (4 and 5), CSS (2 and 3), PHP 5, SQL, and some knowledge …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for george61

Ok I made hover effect for group of five images-appearing border. But when I'm hovering the image some other two images are moving few pixels downward. [CODE]<div class="rel"> <img src="images/4wheel2.jpg" height="85" id="on"/> <img src="images/4wheel2.jpg" height="85" id="on"/> <img src="images/4wheel2.jpg" height="85" id="on"/> <img src="images/4wheel2.jpg" height="85" id="on"/> <img src="images/4wheel2.jpg" height="85" id="on"/> </div> <div …

Member Avatar for mpb2053
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

I am having problem regarding fixing my php content page with some css. I have a page which is 980px with..I want to put an image with 70 in height and 141 in width. But i want this image to be right align...I currently have the following css but when …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for DILO3D

[CODE] function func1(str) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML='<Br>Graph type: <select id="sel" name="sel" onchange="func2(str)"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2"> 2</option></select>'; } function func2(x) { some codes.... } [/CODE] In Above coding, i want to pass the "str" variable to "func2" in onchange . but above code is not working. Can anyone Please help me..?

Member Avatar for DILO3D
Member Avatar for maizer1

Hi, on our webpage, we display text taken from the DB, that includes html character codes like &lt;br/&gt;. Obviously, this display as <br/> on the page, but we'd like to actually see the newline. Its probably stored like this in the DB because we did an escape on the text …

Member Avatar for maizer1
Member Avatar for rayden150

Im trying to make a drop down menu bar purely using HTML & CSS, but one thing that is really bothering me is that it doesnt change to the backgroung color when I hover over the links I dont know why..? Heres the HTML, I used uls, div and li …

Member Avatar for jsmall26
Member Avatar for rakwel10

can someone tell me how to do this... I have a page that contains reports and information. For this reason, I thought of putting an rtf generator that converts HTML to RTF. I've googled it, found some codes, but I cant understand... Any one here know how to do it? …

Member Avatar for rakwel10
Member Avatar for Mahendra Jadhav

Hi All, I am new in perl, can anyone tell me how to read HTML template in PERL? Regards, Mahendra Jadhav

Member Avatar for insertable
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi. I'm new here and I'm new into coding so i have question. Where i can get Simple Php website with login and singup function. I was search in google.com but i don't find nothing what would be good enought.And i don't whant build it my self, becous i can …

Member Avatar for G&G Designing
Member Avatar for Graycode

Hi, I am just in the mix of transferring a design that I had created for my client over to their domain. I had someone transform my design into a wordpress but they made such a mess of it, not completing many elements and now it is 2 days til …

Member Avatar for G&G Designing
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

hi, i want to use first column of html table to hold key values which when a cell is clicked, a certain event is triggered say fetch data from database using the selected key.the following code can select any code but i want to specify the first column of the …

Member Avatar for Buppy
Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, I have an elements: [CODE] <div id="mydiv" class="mydivclass"> </div> [/CODE] In CSS i have like: [CODE] div#mydiv { width: 100px; } div.mydivclass { width: 200px; } [/CODE] What i want is to the second CSS (class) setting override the first (id) one. The thing is that the class is …

Member Avatar for Buppy
Member Avatar for Graycode

At [url]http://sodesigns.co.uk/roots/[/url] Depending on the browser, depends on whether the font inside the posts displays correctly. It's all meant to be Arial and the Header font H1-H2 and the body text is also Arial at 13pt. How can I do this as a mass change? There is 3000+ posts so …

Member Avatar for Buppy
Member Avatar for ceopz

[url]http://i.stack.imgur.com/pv7Ho.png[/url] this is the menu im trying to build now im confused and cant figure out how to make it. one div (blue arrow) needs negative margin to get outside the box, another div for blue button background and inside the button two another divs or spans for the text …

Member Avatar for webdesignersnl
Member Avatar for inplainsite

Hello all, I am currently developing a new website in asp.net, C#. I first designed the master page in Photoshop. I used a really cool pattern that I imported into Photoshop. I want to be able to put this on my website as a repeated image. My question is; How …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for Mona Ali

Hi to all i have done validation on my HTML page but the problem is that when i press the submit button it show the alert message that name field is not specified but when i OK that message then data enter into the data base without specifying the name …

Member Avatar for ansaripk
Member Avatar for aiaustria

Guys, i need your help! :) I have an assignment for HTML, i need to create an HTML calendar containing a 12 months but divided into 3 rows so 4 months per row. All i can do is 1 month in a row and the other month is placed under …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for dreadrocksean

Hi all. I have a dynamically generated HTML page using PHP. I create my PHP variables and then have them in line with my HTML like so: [CODE] <tr> <td align="right">Restaurant Subtotal</td> <td align="right"><strong><? $subTotal = getSubTotal(); echo money($subTotal);?></strong></td> </tr> [/CODE] I have a need to send the generated HTML …

Member Avatar for ddymacek

The End.