6,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for bhaskerlee

I want to show my custom control(eg: `monthcalendar`) as a drop-down (popup) window. One option is to use `ToolStripDropDown` and `ToolStripControlHost` as the second example in [msdn sample](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.toolstripdropdown(v=vs.110).aspx). Is it recommended to use ToolStripDropDown for controls other than the ToolStrip items ?

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Member Avatar for hwoarang69

Take a look at the attached image to see what I am trying to do. There will be two images. Images1 is what I want. Image 2 is what my code does. The issue is the stuff inside link are not center. ![problem.png](/attachments/small/3/9ee3554947e5bf1fae663ff6b38a61e5.png "align-left") Html code: <div id="table"> <table> <tr …

Member Avatar for Internetum01
Member Avatar for Avani Nimavat

I have used one dropdown and three panels. Three panels are inside the updatepanel and the dropdown list is outside the updatepanel. I have initially hide the panels. I want to make one of the panels visible as per the selected item in the dropdownlist. The problem is when I …

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for DocTech25

I was successfully able to move internal CSS code into an external .css file just fine. I realized that no matter what I tried, it just wouldn't work unless it was in the same directory as the file I wanted. This isn't really an issue in this case, but I …

Member Avatar for DocTech25
Member Avatar for DocTech25

I used some CSS code which worked internally on my website. When I went to convert the code to an external .css file but ran into some issues. I can use the internal version, but the external is more efficient and less restrictive. Here is the code for the internal …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for harinagarjuna

Hello, I have created a dropdown lists using javascript dynamically. But i am not able to get the selected option values of that dropdown lists. could anyone please help.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

I am using a responsive template to make a website. The problem I am having is with the css I need to have different images for a handful of pages. Not all pages need different images. I attempted this by adding another div and changing the name slightly orginally it …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for batoolhussain
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for tibor.marias

I would like to change the icon of a marker while hovering on a HTML element. My markers are generated in a PHP array, which looks like this: $map_flats[] = array( 'title' => $price, 'image' => $file_name, 'type' => '', 'price' => $address, 'address' => $address, 'bedrooms' => $bedrooms, 'bathrooms' …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Trabelsi

Hi, I tried to create four dropdown lists as main category and sub categories which depends on the above list I tried to run it on my local host and it works fine but when i want to insert the value of the second list in my database it doesn't …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for srikanth_2

https://jsfiddle.net/chintu/wmv1jkh9/ Here is the link of code in jsfiddle. I want to add dropdown menu to the furniture and fumehood section in this dropdown menu.

Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I have this navigation bar. I wonder why people have to "click" the portfolio tab in order for the dropdown navigation appears. Is there any way for others people enough just to "hover" the porfolio nav bar then the dropdown box automatically appears? nav.php <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/nav.css"> <div …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for praba_web

How to integrate login in ossn framework html page ? i designed separate page for login module. i have to integrate login in ossn framework index.html.. please give solution..

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Moin_3

[Click Here](http://dev.appcotech.com/pwrdup/static/become-postie.php)[1] UnderConstruction please go to upper link and click on SIGNUP TO DRIVE (Blue cruve Button) there will be a tab open type `london` (Not From Drop Down) only just type `london` and hit enter page will redirect to dev.appcotech.com/pwrdup/static/become-postie-vehicle.php page (This mean post keyword matched 100% with database) …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for pavithra madda

i have a doubt that is i have login form like user name and password and after that doing some selections the page show an body of email like this and my question is how to send that body of email to all users in a database using php and …

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I wanted this in chronoform, to select timezone and then check for the time. I hav eprovided calendar below, but now I need to show timezones there. I am not getting this on google even. Does any master have idea about this?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Nguyá»…n_6

Hi all, I'm taking the content of the page html kissanime.com. I use curl taken but no way to get. Everyone helped me get this way with

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Member Avatar for berserk

I am having no luck with this code but for some reason i can get this element to work but not the other one. here is my code. <td><a onclick="javascript:approve_account_function(<?php echo $row['id'];?>, <?php echo $rownumber;?>)" class="btn btn-success" name="yes_account" id="yes_account">Approve</a></td> <td><a onclick="javascript:decline_account_function(<?php echo $row['id'];?>, <?php echo $rownumber;?>)" class="btn btn-danger" name="no_account" id="no_account">Decline</a></td> …

Member Avatar for bnmng
Member Avatar for vivek.vivek

Hello, I have a file like below that contains datewise value for every hour for 2 locations. I need to add the value for the same hours for ServerA and ServerB. Using Hashes, I am able to add the server value per hour. But cannot pass it to a table. …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for madmax9922

I would like to know how to create a custom link on any of my website page to launch directly this modal contact form. thanks in advance. [Click Here](http://www.elated.com/articles/slick-ajax-contact-form-jquery-php/)

Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for Irene26

Can somebody help me to convert markdown to html using python language. I'm not a programmer but i want to understand some basic things in programming, and now i'm trying to make this conversion. Can somebody show me for example how to convert this: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Irene26/6da8be01b46f07bf2a48/raw/6ef8e49a7c50e0aa1ae7465f6069f0a262b0ad84/gistfile1.txt to look like this: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Irene26/a05c52826fcd680cbd74/raw/22a44879753b137e28d25affefa21912dfdb6912/gistfile1.txt …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hi all, Been trying to do this for a while, I have a .js script which utilises node.js and socket.io. I'm trying to make it so that when I have the page localhost:3000 open and I type !follow in an IRC chat it will change the web page. **Index.html:** <!doctype …

Member Avatar for shankar.nstl

Good afternoon, I have a very little knowledge in php mysql. I want to make a periodical report of my company's strength of various departments. I have a html page like <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <body> <form action="" method="post"> Department : <select name="dept"><option>admin</option><option>finance</option><option>motor dept</option><option>logistics</option></select> Designations:<select name="design"><option>clerks</option><option>executives</option><option>helpers</option><option>drivers</option></select> No. of employees:<input type="text" …

Member Avatar for tobyITguy
Member Avatar for jamesrobb

I want to split a line into 2 lines. I built my line like this: method = "Email " + TitleOwnership.VehicleOwnership + " Title " + Environment.NewLine + "ORI " + TitleOwnership.VehicleOwnership + " Title in 10 days "; My View like this: <td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.SubmitMethod)</td> I've also used <br …

Member Avatar for tobyITguy
Member Avatar for grakovski

Hello, I search wysiwyg editor with fully support of HTML and PHP. I dont want extra <p> and <b> tags after <?php and before ?>. I prefer to work with PHP to get the content with $_POST. I dont want ajax methods. I test some editors all morning and cannot …

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for maxelcat

Hi I have a wordpress site. We want a video in the background. I have done this like so: <?php if(is_page('homepage')){ ?> <div id="video_background_video_0" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"> <iframe id="video_background_video_0_yt" style="position: absolute; top: -179px; left: 0px;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1" title="YouTube video …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for philjen

Hi Im a newbie in asp.net, im a php programmer though, and i've been working on a pop up div with a search engine on it, in php i have no problem working with json but in asp it took me already two days to find a similar problem, yet …

Member Avatar for philjen
Member Avatar for harinagarjuna

I have been trying to do this code from past two days. The problem is i have a select box which i have 4 options. And i have to create select boxes with 3 options each for all the options of main select box dynamically using javascript. But the problem …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for ribrahim

Hello, I hope that I can get an answer for this question. I have a MYSQL table for charges which contains the following fields: ChargesID, ChargesTitle, OfficialFees and ProfessionalFees. What I need is to make a dropdown list which contain ChargesTitle and upon selection to autofill the OfficialFees and ProfessionalFees. …

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Member Avatar for Simon_4

Hi There On this example page http://www.divepoint-samui.com/ I have an iframe: <h3>Our Happy Clients</h3> <div class="clients-wrapper"> <iframe src="http://www.divessi.com/extern/recent_certs.php/766494/2" frameborder="0" name="Our Recent Diver Certifications" id="recentDivers" ></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.divepoint-samui.com/ssi.php" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div> Is there a way, that I can format this iframe, and instead to having a vertical …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.