6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for maxelcat

Hi I have a wordpress site. We want a video in the background. I have done this like so: <?php if(is_page('homepage')){ ?> <div id="video_background_video_0" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"> <iframe id="video_background_video_0_yt" style="position: absolute; top: -179px; left: 0px;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1" title="YouTube video …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for philjen

Hi Im a newbie in asp.net, im a php programmer though, and i've been working on a pop up div with a search engine on it, in php i have no problem working with json but in asp it took me already two days to find a similar problem, yet …

Member Avatar for philjen
Member Avatar for harinagarjuna

I have been trying to do this code from past two days. The problem is i have a select box which i have 4 options. And i have to create select boxes with 3 options each for all the options of main select box dynamically using javascript. But the problem …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for ribrahim

Hello, I hope that I can get an answer for this question. I have a MYSQL table for charges which contains the following fields: ChargesID, ChargesTitle, OfficialFees and ProfessionalFees. What I need is to make a dropdown list which contain ChargesTitle and upon selection to autofill the OfficialFees and ProfessionalFees. …

Member Avatar for ribrahim
Member Avatar for Simon_4

Hi There On this example page http://www.divepoint-samui.com/ I have an iframe: <h3>Our Happy Clients</h3> <div class="clients-wrapper"> <iframe src="http://www.divessi.com/extern/recent_certs.php/766494/2" frameborder="0" name="Our Recent Diver Certifications" id="recentDivers" ></iframe> <iframe src="http://www.divepoint-samui.com/ssi.php" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div> Is there a way, that I can format this iframe, and instead to having a vertical …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jamesrobb

Do you know if it's possible to retrieve data from a dropdown list using bootbox? I'm at home so I don't have my code to post. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Tko_1

Right so as the title says im trying to show the selected option from my radio type to be highlighted. I know this can be done with css as it is done [here](http://jsfiddle.net/hekh8/) however i can not implement it within this script. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you. …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello danifriends. i'm developing my website with php and i want to make dynamic header, so i create i file header.php with logo and menu and the page had all html doctype and and head tag for link with css and js..., i include the header in my page using …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, For a dropdown , I display from one table, While Editing How to show the selected value in that dropdown. <select name="dropdown"> <option value="">--Select--</option> <?php $a=mysql_query("Select * from student whre status='0'")or die(mysql_error()); $b=mysql_num_rows($a); if($b >0) { while($row=mysql_fetch_array($a)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['st_id']?>"><?php echo $row['name'] ?></option> <?php } } …

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for Tko_1

This is not my code/script all hardwork came from Codelair Full script located [here](http://doheth.co.uk/codelair/php-mysql/scoreboard) I really hope i posted this in the correct section because im unsure which code will work best for this. As the name for the script gives this away it is a scoreboard. allows admin to …

Member Avatar for Elmar_2

Hi, is it possible to put vaariable inside HTML/XSL attribute (style attribute) *Percent is the variable sample: <div class='rating' style='width:$Percent%;'>

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for adrian.mcguinness

Hi, I have several image tags overlapping using css and am able to use hover to make the one selected move to the top of he pile. #gallery img{ float: left; width: 250px; height: 250px; position: relative; } #gallery img:nth-child(2) { left: -200px; } #gallery img:hover{ z-index: 10; } I …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

Hi there, I' ve got some data in my database and I' m using PHP to fetch it and would like to transport it to client side via JSON. The problem that I'm facing is the folowing: I have a timeline which was built in html and css and I …

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for phoenix254
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi, I have a menu strip with a dropdown in which the user can select (check/uncheck) from a list of 6 options. Slightly annoying feature is that after the user checks one item, the dropdown closes so they then have to click the menu to open the dropdown before they …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi. With using `file_get_contents()` I can get all html tags and text of a web page. But is there any way to get that web page's **css codes** too?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MtR_1

> while updating my form it retrieves all info from db in respective field but unable to display values in dropdowns > this is my controller for update function update($a_id) { $data['a_id'] = $a_id; $data['sector'] = $this->sf_model->get_sector(); $data['subsector'] = $this->sf_model->get_subsector(); $data['type'] = $this->sf_model->get_type(); $data['view'] = $this->sf_model->get_account_record($a_id); $this->form_validation->set_rules('a_name', 'Account Name', 'trim|required|xss_clean|callback_alpha_only_space'); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

Hi , i hv a website wherein there are many fields and at the end of the page , there is a cancel and save button .Whenever I minimize the browser window , all letters in the cancel button do not appear and only "cance" appear i want all letters …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mbarandao

I would like to create a series dropdown boxes, each containing the same listing content. However, when one option is selected from the preceeding dropdownbox, that element is removed from the remaining boxes. I would like this process to continue until all selection have been selected. 1 <select name="box1"> <option>value …

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Member Avatar for Simon180

Am having a awful time trying to get this to work I googled it and even asked few friends about it, but it seams it more difficult than I expected it to be. basicly what am trying to do is capture if or when a user clicks on a button …

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi I would like to ask. I have one dropdown list control. What are the different between this 3 in dropdown list. 1. Dropdownlist.SelectedValue 2. Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex 3. Dropdownlist.SelectedItem Thank you :)

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Member Avatar for jchimz

Hi is it possible to display database values in a .html form using php. This is my .html form and I want to display values from mysql in the form fields. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Bursary application</title> </head> <body> <form action="config.php" method="post"> <div> <p></p> <label for="surname">Surname:</label><input id="surname" type="text" name="surname" value="<?php …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for chineerat

I have a large MYSQL / PHP in a while loop report being run and in many cases the report times out due to the large amount of data being calculated. Is there a way to make have a div displaying "Processing" when the while loops is calculating and if …

Member Avatar for bugz313
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Hello everyone, I am trying to create html like this **html code** <div id="windwo"> <div id="windowhead"> </div> </div> And this is my try **Js cose ** var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'window'; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'windowhead'; document.body.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(div);

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I have written a json file using php. But i am unable to display the css style. can any please help me to fix the issue. **my json code** <?php require_once('config.php'); function jde_date_conv($jde_date) { $ct = substr($jde_date,0,1); $yr = substr($jde_date,1,2); $dy = substr($jde_date,3,3); if($ct == 0)$yr_pfx=19; if($ct == 1)$yr_pfx=20; …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for design_primo

I have made a project in Html5 canvas and this is responsive for all devices. The mouseClick, Drag and Rotate events in canvas are working fine on desktop pc and Laptop. But touch is not working in mobile and tablet devices. What should I do?

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Hi I need help here, please tellme why it snt working correctly Urgent ; THankss very much $('#windowhead').click(function(){ /*$("#fullwindow").css({ "height":20+"px" });*/ $("#fullwindow").slideToggle('css'({ "height":20+"px" })); });

Member Avatar for phoenix254
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

Hi. I have created two tables :Artist and Song .Artist table has fields Artistid and ArtistName and Song table has SongID, Lyrics,Description and Artistid as the secondary key.I have a web form to add new artist containing a textbox and submit button . The code is as below : <head …

Member Avatar for Dipanjana
Member Avatar for andreasbb

Hi to everyone. I am new in CSS and I want to make the layout of a website. I want under the navigation to the section, to put an aside element on the right. I want fixed 2 column layout but i have problem fixing it. Please anyone that can …

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The End.