6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm working on my own CMS. I want to use Bootbox.js which is a small JavaScript library which allows us to create programmatic dialog boxes using Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers. [And this …

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Member Avatar for GagaCode

Hi all it's been a while scince i posted in DANIWEB, but i'm back ;) i've been learning and practcing HTML and CSS for a while and i was wondering if there was a website or a fourm that have like a contest's for HTML&CSS or if there is any …

Member Avatar for Avnish_1
Member Avatar for sing1006

I having a problem with the cloneNode tag problem. NodeList movielist = doc.getElementsByTagName("movie"); Element child = (Element)movielist.item(6); Element newNode = (Element)child.cloneNode(true); child.appendChild(newNode); newNode.setAttribute("id", "this is newnode"); code above will clone the whole set of thing. but the problem is it colne in wrong tag. i want some thing like this …

Member Avatar for sing1006
Member Avatar for mahbub.cse06

how to create a dropdown menu relatate with php. that means select a division and then a district and a thana

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for Amogha
Member Avatar for ribrahim

Hello, I have two mysql tables, the first one for salutation (salutationId, SalutationTitle) and the second one for clients (Id, FirstName, LastName, salutationId) . I can do the dropdown list from salutation which contais (Mr., Ms. ...etc) in a regitration form and insert the data to mysql without problem. Here …

Member Avatar for blueshiftdani
Member Avatar for bijutoha

Yes I'm too worry about this Update. Because my website still not responsive. Could anyone say something please, This **21st April Google Algorithm update** will penalize non-mobile friendly websites? I'm waiting for your valuable response.

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for daino

Hi I'm not even sure what you call this kind of thing but I believe 'InDesign' by adobe does this to some extent. I'm looking for a HTML/CSS/Javascript editor all in one. Basically I want to be able to type my HTML/CSS/Javascript code in one screen and see the results …

Member Avatar for Tangerinejoe
Member Avatar for MartyWooly

Hi!! I recently started a fund on Indie gogo, but the text looks quite unimpressive. I've forgotten my HTML and CSS but IIRC, an image can be made larger on roll over, yes? What help I'm looking for exactly: 1) Incorporating a better font into the body. 2) Making the …

Member Avatar for Tangerinejoe
Member Avatar for shashigowda

this is my shash.html page <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> </head> <body> <form action="shash.php" method="post"> Name:<input type="text" name="username" id="username"> <span class="error">*<?php echo "$nameError" ; ?></span> Password:<input type="password" name="password" id="password"><br> Email:<input type="text" name="email" id="email"><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> </body> </html> this is my shash.php page <?php $nameError=""; $name=""; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if (empty($_POST["username"])) …

Member Avatar for edbr
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I have created a select product using a different way like frst we select product from dropdown and click on next button on next page the dropdown have to show the company names i.e only that companies which belongs to the selected product but i am bit confused how …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for Mohamed Hakkim

Hai, Am try to create a autocomplete in my project it was not fix it in particular place so many struggle to make it,Hope you people might give any idea to do it on right way.I need a code in this format like when user enter a value it take …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hello. I am currently attempting to convert my inline-css for text boxes into classes for my external style sheet; I thought of using class selectors but do not fully understand some aspects of them. An example I found online: ` <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .center { text-align: center; color: …

Member Avatar for Bensirpent07
Member Avatar for Dipanjana

Hi , i hv created 2 tables : a Department table with fields Deptname , Deptid and Employee table with Empid , Empname, Salary . I have created a datagrid with fields empname , address , Salary , Deptname and edit and delete command columns . By clicking on edit …

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi I am not familiar in how to create HTML Embeded emeil. Currently I am using below code, It is work fine and send email with plain text. It is not look nice. I need to formated embeded email with logo and below information together to the email. I have …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for chichi9

so i am trying to output course information when the course number is selected and the button is clicked. here is the html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Course Info</title> </head> <body> <h1>Course Information Search</h1> <form action="" method="post"> <select name="course" id="course"> <option value="420-121">420-121</option> <option value="420-122">420-122</option> <option value="420-123">420-123</option> <option …

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Member Avatar for phpcake

I have website that enables user to select favourite websites, date of visiting the website, comments like how satisfied with the website they visited on that day. Initially there are four rows are hard coded and inserted into the mysql database. Then there is a add button enabling user to …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for jonlloydd

I currently have two tables in a database. One for products and one for product options. My product table allows a product to have 4 different option for example size and color etc. My options table gives each option an option ID. So for the option color - red, green, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anandatheerthan

I wanted to chain 3 selects and I got it working using this code. http://jsfiddle.net/FJFFJ/1/ The issue I now have is, how do I fetch the selected values from each dropdown in PHP? For example, the above creates 3 select boxes when the page is opened. When I click on …

Member Avatar for phpcake
Member Avatar for tiredoy

<table class="filetable" id="filetable"> <thead> <tr> <th width="25%">名称</th> <th width="6%">大小</th> <th width="10%">类型</th> <th width="19%">修改日期</th> <th width="40%"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="FileList" runat="server"> <tr> <td><img src="images/f01.png" />Adobe Dreamweaver CS5简体中文绿色</td> <td>2013/10/14 17:38</td> <td>文件夹</td> <td class="tdlast">0 KB</td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> this is a table, I want to get the value of each FileName when …

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Member Avatar for PsychicTide

Hey guys, this seems to be a thorn in my side. I've been working on scraping a website which uses aspx and has eventvalidation/viewstate inputs. Every other scraping experiment I've made was not this difficult. Maybe one of you geniuses here at Daniweb has an idea of how to solve …

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Member Avatar for stupid guy

hi All, I am new to wordpress and buddy press.I have to customize buddy press.I visited wordpress and buddypress websites and couple of blogs but there is lengthy info and quite advanced level.If some one could let me know in nutshell the anatomy of buddy press and wordpress and how …

Member Avatar for stupid guy
Member Avatar for riwakawd

On my controller I have a variable called 'name' => $child['name'], for my drop down menu. The problem I am having is that in the child dropdown menu it still shows parent name. I am trying to make it so if parent_id name is equal 0 then will not show …

Member Avatar for riwakawd
Member Avatar for Tcll

so I've got XP x64 edition, and apparently active desktop was removed, meaning my interactive html desktop background that told me a bunch of things from the internet is no longer usable. anyone know of a good free replacment software??

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for ikel

The following code produces the XML file that I am after. $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // pretty formatting $dom->formatOutput = true; // create root element $root = $dom->createElement('Poem'); $root->setAttribute('object_id', '542'); $dom->appendChild($root); // create title element $title = $dom->createElement('title'); $root->appendChild($title); // create a node for the title element $text = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I'm just redoing a very simple MVC app found on a book and I have created my model using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace MvcGuestbookRevised.Models { public class GuestbookEntry { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for samson.oba.77

I´m still new to javascript.For training purpose I have inserted part of a javascript(lines 23 to 31) code into my html file and it works the windows.alert and number 12 shows But when i uncomment parts of it (lines 26 to 28) that javascript code doesnt work well again,the windows.alert …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for patk570

Hello everyone, Have a code that works well but I need it to open to the right on hover. Right now its going below the element and making my page look bad. Here is the code i have: <style type="text/css"> .hide_img3 { display: none; } .hide_img3 { background: none repeat …

Member Avatar for sudhir869939
Member Avatar for Manoj_16

Using the below code i am getting the data from database(mysql) and displaying it in the textbox that is in the form of table(textbox inside the table data). Now I can edit the data(td) on browser(table) but the problem is updating it to database upon changing( onChange option ) data …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for uchejava

I need your suggestion on something. I want to display a 'message notification' on my menu bar. I want it to be like the Facebook message notification. When I have a new message, '1' should show close to the message menu e.g. 'Message 1' (I can use CSS to style …

Member Avatar for Eagle.Avik

The End.